Mercury Retrogression,Rahu North Node Direct Motion In Dec. 2017 Early Jan 2018: What They Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

This is in continuation to my earlier articles mentioned on this page . The Paksha Kundali of the 3rd Dec. 2017 as mentioned earlier may add a feather in the cap of Narinder Modi it so seems , but there will be lot of Controversies as well , there are strong Rajyogas in this fortnight apart from other Untoward happenings as mentioned by me in the following 2 Articles 

  1. “Full Moon Chart of 3rd Dec. 2017: A Feature In the Cap Of Narinder Modi In Elections” link…odi-in-elections/
  2. “Celestial Drama Of Planets in Dec. 2017 Could Trigger Natural-Unnatural Manmade Disasters, Strong Earthquakes” link…rong-earthquakes/

Amazingly New Delhi and Gurgaon Experienced an Earthquake of 5.5 intensity and as usual the Epicentre was in the Uttrakhand 

 Talking about  the Present Scenario Square aspect of Mars on Ketu the South Node which prompted Kim to fire a missile after 70 days on the 28th Nov. 2017 when Mars was on the Brink to aspect Ketu. On the 1st Jan 2018 Mars will aspect South Node degree wise at 20 degrees . Mars then will be in the 7th Navamsha and in Aries and will also aspect Ketu in the Navamsha chart . On the 7th Dec to 12th Dec. 2017 Rahu North Node in Forward motion and Mercury went in Retrogression on the 3rd Dec. 2017 and will be attaining a Status of a Fallen Planet on the 10th Dec. 2017. The Following will be the effects.

Rahu has the capacity to turn the tables upside down and hence most Venomous , Stock Markets Reversals again and again

1. Strong Earthquakes near the Coastal Areas of the World.

2.Reversal in the Stock Market Trends as can be seen .

3. Political Tug of Wars.

4. Natural and Unnatural Calamities .

5.Mercury Significates Weather, Earthquakes, Stock Markets .

6.There can also be terrorism by ISIS. Hence the Periods from 7th to 12th Dec. 2017 and then from 3rd Jan. 2018 to 10th Jan. 2018 most Prone .

7.Kim can again fire a missile it so seems and this time a stronger one during these time frames. Read My Articles on my webpage .…-markets-in-2017/

I have been mentioning in all my articles relating to Financial Markets that Retrograde Planets are responsible for reversing the Markets and specially when ever North Node Rahu is in Forward Motion it changes the trends , Now amazingly Mercury went in retrogression on the 3rd Dec. 2017 at 12.52 hrs. and Rahu the prime factor for Stock Market went in Direct motion on the 7th Dec. 2017 and will be in this state till 12th Dec. 2017, Hence the following will be the trends

  1. Surge in the stock Market till 12th Dec. 2017 .
  2. Mercury is Retrograde till 23rd Dec. 2017 , hence volatility in the Stock Market
  3. Mercury will be fallen on the 11th Dec. 2017 at 04-18 hrs , Hence high risk of Earth Quake , specially when Rahu is adverse till 12th Dec. 2017 and till 6th Jan.2018 from the 3rd Jan. 2018
  4. Mercury will be fallen till 6th Jan. 2018. Variations in the weather , High Pollution , Risk of Earthquakes from the 3rd Jan 2018 till 10th Jan. 2018 around the coastal parts of the world
  5. Mercury is Fallen in Scorpio and is the Ascendant of North Korea and is the 8th and the 11th Lord , Hence risk of Earthquake, Kim in aggressive stance for Launching Missiles, Mercury is the 11th and the 8th Lord for Korea Foundation chart, Fallen can prove Venomous for N Korea , may be it is an Earthquake, Launching of Missiles
  6. Scorpio sign also governs New Delhi hence The Earthquake Prone and High Smog Prone time frame for New Delhi from the 10th Dec. 2017 till 10th Jan. 2018
  7. Please refer to my Article “Celestial Drama Of Planets in Dec. 2017 Could Trigger Natural-Unnatural Manmade Disasters, Strong Earthquakes” link…rong-earthquakes/ dated 17th Nov. 2017 . Please read this Para in this article ——-Adding another Parameter  Saturn and Mars will have return aspect till 30th Nov. 2017 and  Mars will join Libra and aspect Ketu in the sign Capricorn can Prove Most Venomous till Mars Reaches the Sign Capricorn. On the 31st Dec. 2017 and 1st Jan 2018 Mars will aspect Ketu Degree wise and Mercury will be Fallen are some Malefic Parameters  for Natural, Unnatural Disasters including Tsunamis and Earthquakes as mentioned above. Saturn and Mercury could also trigger events related to Financial Markets it so seems .Saturn will reach the 3.26 degrees point as in the case of 1929 Deep Depression on the 29th-30th Nov. 2017 and also cross the Retrogression point on the 2nd Dec. 2017 . The Dates 7,17,27 are most important Dates for Dec. 2017 along with 1st Jan. 2018 in the Present Scenario . These dates may also influence the Stock Markets , specially when Rahu is in adverse motion could reverse the Markets. Now as predicted the Stock Markets have taken a reversal on the 7th Dec. 2017. Now Read this link Nifty rebounds after drop on the 30th Nov. 2017 on the 7th Dec. 2017 and Crosses 200 points Nifty on the 7th -8th Dec. 2017. The Stock Market Predictions prove on dot. 

Coming to the  Paksha Kundlai of the 18th Dec. 2017 Saturn and Sun Conjunction with Moon in Sagitarius a fiery sign and Venus and Fallen Mercury Conjunction in Scorpio with minimum Longitude  Difference may again change the trends after 23rd Dec. 2017 when Mercury becomes direct .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            In the New Moon  Kundali of the 18th Dec. 2017  12-00 hrs. with Aquarius Lagna the Saturn, Sun and Moon Placed in the sign Sagitarius in the 11th house the chart is below again shows a Surge  in the Financial Markets 


The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon and Placed in the 11th house with Sun and Saturn and ill placed from the 4th house 4th Lord and Venus who is with Fallen Mercury in the 10th house .The Day Lord Moon is placed in the yama of Gemini and the Lord is Fallen in the 10th house of the chart , the aspect on the Yama sign and the Yama Lord Strength depicts the happenings in the fortnight .

As Per the Yama chart Lagna Lord SATURN goes in the 4th house of the Throne and the 7th Lord Sun goes in the 8th house and hence Fall of the Opposition parties and pulling out old issues and controversy. The 8th and the 5th Lord Goes in the Lagna is the Most Venomous parameter in this fortnight . Please refer to my Article “Will Delhi Remain As ‘Gas Chamber’ With Thick Smog This Winter ?” link…smog-this-winter/  Read this ——-

Hence from the above we can conclude that the Pollution levels will be high till 16-17th Nov. 2017 and then  from 20th Dec. to 27th Dec. 2017 which will be alarming for the smog, Breathing and Pollution Levels reaching a new high and hence most alarming. The Pollution levels will be in general high on the other days as well

Those People Having Planets in Sarp Dreshkanne and specially Mercury have to doubly alert for Diseases related to Mercury .


In the Paksha Kundali the 10th House of the India Foundation chart is rising and the Lord Saturn  is Placed in the 11th house with Moon and Sun the Luminaries, The dispositor of the Luminaries  Jupiter and the Lagna Lord is well placed in the 9th house with 10th Lord Mars  Making a Rajyoga since there is an exchange of Mars and Venus . The Placement of the Yama Lord Mercury in Fallen and Retrogression state is not a good one  and significations of Mercury in a Malefic way may sprout in this fortnight  Pertaining to The Stock Markets, Weather, Earthquakes,  10th House is also the House of the Head of the Country , hence a Tuff time for the Prime Minister in this Fortnight inspite of the Success as can be seen from the Rajyogas repeated in Dec. 2017. 5th house, 9th house and the Role of the 10th house will be more prominent in this fortnight , Since the 9th house is rising and the Yama Lord is also connected to the 9th house of the chart , issues of the Temples, Religion, Embassies, Courts, Election results etc. may be more in focus. Moon is with a Sun-Saturn combination is a Bhandan yoga as well . Since all the Planets are in the visible half the Things will move fast in this fortnight and with strength .

Have a Look at the Navamsha the 4th house rising and the Lagna Lord in the house of Thrones as per Rashi Tula navamsha . Mars aspecting Ketu in the rashi Chart and Exhalted in the navamsha with Rahu aspecting Ketu and with the Yama Lord Mercury fallen opens the secret in this fortnight . Mars is Karka for Blood, Wars, Fires, and is Ammunition Dump . There will be War like situation in the Globe , May be it is Brawl related to  the North -Korea-US, Gulf -Countries , ISIS active during the Celebrations in the world around the 25th Dec. 2017 to 10th Jan 2018. The Opposition Party may try all odds against the Ruling Govt.  and specially related to Gujrat Election Results,

The Karna Lords are most malefic

The Month of Dec. 2017 is not good for the Globe may it be the Brawl Escalation between the Countries, Natural and Unnatural Calamities , Earthquakes 

All the Planets as mentioned by me after 20th Sept. 2017 are in the shadow of the Nodes , Mars and Saturn forming a Aroha Kalpa Sarp Yoga  and when The Nodes will be adverse they will sprout the most malefic events . Hence 7th to 12th Dec. 2017 and then after 23rd Dec. to 10th Jan. 2018 will be most Venomous  periods  in the Present Scenario it so seems .


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 8thDec. 2017  Time 19-10 hrs. Singapore 
  • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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