Mercury Planet Messenger of Gods :What it Foretells for 2016

by astrodocanil

Mercury Planet Messenger of Gods :What it Foretells for 2016


In Greek mythology, Mercury as Hermes, Messenger of the Gods, has one foot in the physical world and another in the realm of the unseen. Likewise, Mercury crosses mental boundaries into the mysteries of the imagination and the memories of the past. In the fertile landscape of the mind, Mercury harvests and interprets personal experience of life.Knowing  Mercury sign can help one understand and maximize imaginative potential. It may reveal why one aren’t always on the same wavelength with others, and offer clues to sharing  unique gifts of expression. The aspects your Mercury makes with other planets may explain  manner of speaking, such as being defensive, chatty, eloquent, emotional, etc. Since the mind can be its own house of mirrors, this also can show a mind drawn to illusions or to playing games with others.

Mercury is elusive. As the innermost planet, it never strays far from the Sun from our point of view on Earth. So you can forget about ever seeing Mercury conveniently placed high in the sky because the Sun would also be nearby, overpowering Mercury. The planet Mercury rules our intelligence, mind, memory and, all types of communication ranging from talking and texting to writing. It also affects our self-expression, and communication style. In a more public sense, it rules commerce, computers, telephones, transportation , air travel.Stock Markets, Weather  to be specific in this article

Period of revolution or Sidereal period of Planets around the Sun

Mercury  87.96 days or 0.24 years. Mercury is Volatile when Retrograde.

Mercury retrogrades for 24 days and is stationary one day before and after.Mercury retrogrades at least three times a year

Retrograde Planets under affliction then Benefic cease to give the Benefic results and Malefic planets when under affliction give worst results

Planets in Retrogression when fall back in the Previous house are called Fallen planets and are worst and are most venemous like a snake Bite, Mercury will be in fallen state twice in 2016 and the most Critical Parameter as per the above dates  since it will Retrograde in the Earthy sign it signifies 

Why Mercury Retrograde is Extremely Unique

Each Mercury retrograde has a certain flavor and character based on the sign that Mercury is in when it goes retrograde and the sign that it ends up in when it goes direct. They are often different signs. This retrograde is unique in that Mercury will start out in the “air” sign of Aquarius and end up in Aquarius. In astrology there are four “elements”: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. This retrograde is even more unique because Mercury retrograde periods only occur in the same “element” (i.e. Fire, Earth, Air, Water) sign approximately every seven years, discussed for the present Transit below in Earthy sign

We can recall the period of  2008, the stock market were crashing and world economies came to their knees. Panic and fear occurred in all the financial markets. There was confusion and upset among politicians and our government as to what to do. As one would expect, since it was during the retrograde, many bad ideas were turned into poorly thought-out, expedient solutions. It’s taken us years to dig “partially” out of that economic hole and the turmoil created during those times.

One of the positive qualities of Mercury in the air sign of Aquarius is that people are likely to express their humanitarian side by being more empathetic than usual. Unfortunately, they will also have a tendency to stubbornly believe they are right. There is a mental arrogance often at work when Mercury is in this air sign. It becomes hard for people to admit when they’re wrong and have made a mistake. The present Transit at the time of writing the Article also Mercury is in Aquarius and in abnormal motion, hence a Caution is indicated

Mercury is never more than 28 degrees from the Sun; it takes about 88 days to complete its orbit of the Sun. It is neither masculine nor feminine energy and assumes the gender of the sign it is in. It rules both Gemini and Virgo, and the Third and Sixth Houses.

Mercury’s retro cycles are times of slowing down, gaining new perspective.

Mercury rules the zodiacal signs Virgo and Gemini. Friends of Mercury are the Sun, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are neutral to Mercury, and Mercury maintains enmity with the Moon.

Mercury Becoming Retrograde is a very important Parameter and triggers the mass physological Reactions and has a marked effect on the Physology .In the Present Scenerio Mercury is becoming Retrograde as per details given in this article

The result is that any action one takes or decision one makes during the retrograde don’t have the intended result. In fact, they often fail or seem sabotaged. As a result they will have to be re-done or restructured in some way when the Retrograde period ends and Mercury goes direct. Giving you the recent example as below.

Mercury ingressed in Virgo on the 23rd August 2015 when Rahu was in Forward motion and afflicted Mercury badly, hence in the Present Scenerio , when Even Rahu will be adverse there will be Bearish Trend and the Market will take many hits and Fall.  We all know what were the results of the same and as Predicted by me in advance the Stock market took a Biggest Hit then of almost 1600 points 

The Ingress and Special Condition of Mercury in 2016 as per the Following Dates  

  • 10th Jan 2016
  • January 14th 2016  First in Capricorn sign and then in Sagitarius  Fallen on this date 
  • 8th Feb. 2016 in Earthy sign Capricorn
  • Abnormal Mode since 12th Feb 2016 till 26th April 2016
  • 1st March 2016 in Aquarius
  • Mercury abnormal Behaviour from 20th Feb. to 25th April 2016 and Specially 4th March 2016 
  • 23rd March 2016 in conjunction with Sun
  • Mercury in Pieces on the 18th March 2016
  • 2nd April 2016 Aries
  • 18th April 2016
  • 26th April Stationary
  • 28th April Retrogression
  • 2nd May 2016
  • 9th May 2016 Conjunction 2nd to 9th May . 2016 
  • 20th May 2016
  • 8th June Taurus
  • 27th June Gemini
  • 7th July 2016
  • 16th August 2016
  • 19th August Ingress in Virgo
  • 30th August Retrograde in Virgo and Fallen on the 9th Sept. 2016
  • 12th Sept. 2016 conjunction , Direct in Leo on the 22nd Sept. 2016
  • Crosses Retrogression degrees of Virgo on the 7th Oct. 2016 
  • Virgo again on the 3rd Oct. 2016
  • 21st Oct. 2016 in Libra
  • 27th Oct. 2016
  • 8th Nov. 2016 Scorpio
  • 28th Nov. 2016 Sagitarius
  • 19th Dec. 2016 Retrogression December 19 2016 –

Mercury Behaves  Irractic: When Adverse Condition 

Mercury is the messenger, and in this time, the delivery is warped or the message gets lost en route. Some people find that their computers go on the fritz or phone lines go down. If you’re at all jittery about it, go ahead and back up your important files.

There can be delays, so give yourself plenty of time to get places. What happens in those down times? Mercury retro is known to be a time of ‘fated’ events — who will you meet? What will be revealed?

The Period from 12th Feb. to 25th April 2016 since Mercury is in Abnormal Mode will give unexpected Results in Stock market, but starting from 26th April 2016 there will be reversals in the Stock Exchange  specially after 28th April 2016 and again getting into negative abnormal mode would adversely inflence the Stock Market and there could be unexpected fall  and a Bubble Burst in Early May 2016, I am purposely ot mentioning the date , although the date has been put on my webpage in the articles on the Financial stagnation .

I have also mentioned the Name of the Bank with Letter Tand D where some Scandle type of Activity or some Losses would sprout after Mercury goes in Retrogression on the 28th April 2016

Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde:

A major cause of stress at Mercury retrograde is frustration from mishaps, things breaking down, computers going black. But if we know it’s cycle, this makes it feel less terminal. If things go pear-shaped, see what’s there to see. Take a break from the usual routine.

Significations of Retrograde Mercury  As per the Tatwa 

Retrogrades and Stationary Motions

Retrograde Planets can temporarily block the elements and create problems. The two most difficult retrogrades are Mercury and Saturn. Mercury as it happens so often and Saturn as it can transit over one point of the chart again and again; and create lots of problems. It is important to know retrogression of planets in a given year. The retrograde motion of your dasha ruler can change the direction of events. Retrogrades indicate a concentration of energy in the part of the zodiac where they are active. If you have planets in that area then they will have major impact. Retrogrades make life appear to be stuck in limbo, neither moving forward or backward. Saturn and Jupiter retrograde once a year and Mars and Venus one every two years.

Aakash Ether Jupiter
Vayu Air Saturn, Rahu
Tejas Fire Mars, Sun, Ketu
Apas Water Venus, Moon
Prithvi Earth Mercury

Stationary Planets

Planets switching from direct motion to retrogression or from retrogression to direct motion become nearly stationary over a period of time during the transition. Such planets seem to become very powerful and seem to trigger events related to the natal planetary positions touched by them by conjunction or aspect. Stationary transits of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn seem to be particularly important. We will study the impact of such transits in this article.

A stationary planet in quadrants or trines from lagna of a natal rasi/divisional chart seems to trigger good results related to the natal positions in that chart that are conjoined or aspected by it. A stationary planet in dusthanas from Lagna of a natal rasi/divisional chart seems to trigger bad results related to the natal positions in that chart that are conjoined or aspected by it.

Since the Transit of Mars and Saturn will be in the 8th house of the natural Zodiac and those individuals and Countires having Scorpio  who have Scorpio in the Trik Bhavas  will be influenced most , Similarly those who have Leo sign in the Trik Bhavas will also suffer..

When a Stationary Planet is also influenced by a Malefic and who is also retrograde will be worst.

A Benefic Stationary influenced by Retrograde Malefic is worst. Benefic planet loses its shine to give Protection or benefic results

A Malefic Stationary influenced by malefic will also be worst, Both in Conjunction will be still more Explosive

A Benefic in Stationary motion aspected by Benefics will enhance the qualities  and give strong Benefic results and their significations of the Planet

A Benefic Stationary Planet is the best if not aspected by Malefics rather aspected by benefics will give the most wonderful results.

A Stationary Planet has the strength 3 times stronger than a normal Planet

When planets, especially Jupiter, Mars and Saturn, become stationary during transitions between direct motion and retrograde motion, they become focused and powerful to give results. The houses and natal planets touched by them by way of a conjunction or an aspect can be triggered and significant results can sprout.

In 2016  Mercury will be not be in favourable  element , since it goes in Retrogression in Earthy signs in Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo..One has to be  very practical about finding a solution, and strictly adhere to limits of time and  budget. Finance acquires a special dimension and should be invested Prudently, else there would be huge Losses . There are no blue days during these Transits, which probably could be at the time of Fiery Sign transit  

Experienced stock market analysts who use mathematical models predict stock market trends have observed that despite all calculations by computers etc. the short term trends in the stock market are difficult to determine as they are primarily dependent on the phycology of the investor. Human phychology is closely related to MOON and MERECURY in astrology. Moon is karka of mind and Mercury is for intelligence, nervous and emotional system .When ever Mercury becomes retrograde, there is tendency for the native to think irrationally and commit errors in the judgement for any thing . Thus Mercury holds the key for unraveling the mystery of short term trends in the stock market.. The Parameters Mercury, Venus and Moon getting afflicted in the Paksha Kundalis indicate a bearish trend in the stock markets from 23rd March 2016 and to be more specific as per the dates mentioned in this article the Bearish and Bullish trends

Saturn Retrogression Saturn will begin to retrograde on the 25th March 2016 at 22.19 degrees till 13th August 2016 at 15.41 degrees , hence from Capricorn navamsha to Scorpio Navamsha 

Saturn will be in Stationary motion from 20th March 2016 to 30th March 2016 and on the 20th March 2016 at 22.19 degrees and aspect Jupiter at 22.41 degrees. Hence Paksha Kundali of 23rd March 2016 attains a status of an Enigmatic one . Also it will be Stationary between 9th to 18th August 2016, on the 1st sept. 2016 at the time of Solar Eclipse saturn aspects Sun degreewise. Jupiter stationary Motion on the 5th May 2016 and Mercury at the highest elongation is a very critical date  for the trends of the Mercury and the Financial Trends in the Globe .

Mercury abnormal motion from 8th Feb 2016 to 30th April. 9th March Mercury is on the Disc of Sun totally Combusted and went in Retrogression on the 28th Feb 2016
evening. Mercury sets in the west on the 2nd May 2016, It has been observed in the passed that when ever Mercury gets into this Mode there is a Crash in the Stock Market.

On 9th of May 2016 on the Day of Akshaya Tritya , we will see the Transit of Mercury on the Disc of Sun which means a planet comes in between the Sun and the Earth,when observed from Earth It will be seen as if  a small black disc is moving gradually in front of the Sun. On an average,  Such Mercury transits the Sun about 13 times each century. This may happen and be visible at 16.42 hrs IST.Mercury will be in Retrogression till 22nd May 2016 and this Period will be a Colossal Wreck for the World 

Mercury is also a Planet which signifies Communication, weather , hence there will be abnormal conditions on account of this also and a Strong Earthquake cannot be ruled out when Mercury is behind Sun and has connection with Moon 

As mentioned by me in my article  “Astrology Speaks Planetary Cycle Repeat Behaviour :World Economy in Death Spiral”  dated  8th Feb. 2016  link…-in-death-spiral/. The Cycle of all the Planets will be activating the Sign Virgo of the natural Zodiac and the Results will sprout after Both Jupiter and Mercury are in this sign  and Mercury special Status after 4th Oct. 2016. I dont want to write the exact dates to encourage Speculation . This Article will only Prove that Hindu Vedic astrology is Supreme and can reach to all levels in life what ever it may be.

Mercury and Weather
According to Principles of Astro-Meteorology  the 28 nakshatras  Abhijit inclusive  are alloted certain spaces  and spread out in seven nadis in the Sapt-Nadi Chakra
The significations of the different nadis are as Follows
1. Prachand : Ruled by Saturn  and means Extreme heat  of Summer
2.Pawan : Ruled by Sun, means strong winds of Summer
3.Dahan : Ruled by Mars  depicts Fierce heat.
4.Soumaya : Ruled by Jupiter  , Strikes a balance , between intense heat  and soon to come   cool early monsoon Showers. This is also Called Madhya Nadi
5. Neer : Ruled by Venus . A watery Planet , represents the first showers, neer means water
6.Jal :  Ruled By Mercury , means water and Signifies Plenty of Rains  of Monsoon
7. Amrita : Ruled by Moon , Signifies abundane of Rains . Terrential Rains.
Mercury is in Abnormal motion till 1st April 2016, and since Karka for weather there will be abnormal weather during this time.
The other Critical Parameter is the Stationary Motion of the Planets Saturn, Mars and Jupiter  and when the malefics touch Jupiter in specific in Scorpio sign or leo sign those countries will have abnormal weather and Tornados, Cyclones , Dust stroms and Excessive Rains Floods and even Earthquakes
Read my Article 
1. Stationary Saturn, Jupiter,Mars and Solar Eclipses in 2016:What Stars Foretell…t-stars-foretell/ ‎ dated 8th March 2016 
2.Solar Eclipse of 9th March 2016  Blows of Normal life in UAE…rmal-life-in-uae/
dated 9th March 2016. My reasearch principles have Proved 100 %  which was written much before the event on the 9th March 2016
In a nut shell   The countries with  The Asd. is Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio or Planets in Scorpio or these signs at 15 , 20 or 24 degrees could be Crucial there could be untoward happenings as mentioned in my above articles in the coming  time specially first dates relating Water, then Earthquakes and Fire  accordingly  
My Prediction using these Principles have also proved  100% yesterday vide my article
Solar Eclipse of the 9th March 2016: What it Foretells For World Culture Festival dated 10th March 2016 written after the approval of the event by NGT…culture-festival/
I am also reminded  of my article Planets in Vayavya Mandal ( windy circle) Paksha Kundali 29th May 2014 : Untoward Happenings
link   . there were similair Weather conditions and there were snow balls  and unusual weather  conditions  and asper Mundane astrology and Shakun Astrology there may be strong Tornado, Cyclon, or Earthquake after 7 days In Delhi or Neighboring area or NCR around the 17th-18th-20th March 2016 
Jyotish acharaya anil aggarwala 12th March 2016 10-30 hrs New Delhi 


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer. The Predictions may turn out incorrect , hence the risk is of the reader and the Investor and not of the writer thereof. This is for the astrologer lovers only for Text purposes only . The Writer does not want to encourage Speculation also hence the Exact dates for Down fall or rise are not Pointed though  the dates may prove correct or not has to be seen. The Principles of Vedic Astrology have been employed


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