Mercury In Leo On 25th July Regains Normal Motion May Provide Relief From Topsy-Turvy Conditions

by astrodocanil
“Mercury In Leo On 25th July Regains Normal Motion May Provide Relief From Topsy-Turvy Conditions”

Mercury the Planet for Weather, Stock Markets, Logic was in Attichari motion in Gemini and Cancer regains normal motion from the 25th July 2023 as already mentioned in my earlier articles. It was in the watery sign  from the 8th July to 25th July 2023 and created havoc from rains and floods fury. It will be in the fiery sign from the 25th July 2023  04-31-40 hrs  to 2nd Oct 2023. It will go in retrogression in Leo on the 24th August 2023 at 27.37 degrees and come back again in normal motion on the 16th Sept. 2023 at 13.49 degrees . Till it is in normal motion in Leo will provide relief to the world from the 25th July to 24th August and then from the 16th Sept. to 2nd Oct. 2023 when it goes in exaltation.

 This parameter makes life easier brings good logic and proper thinking  and relieves from the topsy-turvy  conditions in the weather, rains and floods across the globe. It may also bring logic in the stock and the financial markets through Venus is retrograde there may be volatile conditions also.
Let us have a look at the chart below of the Gemini Lagna at the time of Mercury entry in Leo today at 4.31.40 hrs IST
 Lagna Lord Mercury, in the 3 house with Mars and Venus is very  powerful. Jupiter placed in the 11 house along with Rahu, aspects the 3rd house.  The aspect of Jupiter specially out if the grip of Rahu is very beneficial and indicates good results ahead.
Sun in the 2nd house Cancer  is related to the significations of the 2nd house and the Govt. may  pay attention to revenue collection and the Financial condition of the Country . There will also be increases revenue  for the Govt.
Mars in the 3rd house  Accidents of Rail and Air. Fire and Boarder clashes.
Mercury and Venus will have planetary War between the 27th to 28th July 2023. This is indicative of some happening in the Stock Markets normally  there is bearish trend and some stop and go  type happenings around the world. Number of Planets in the fiery sign Leo will be Mars, Venus and Mercury. This is indicative of change in the day temperatures which may rise all of a sudden.
Mercury will  Cross Venus by 29th July.
  Mercury afflicted  illness or death of noted writer  Afflicted Venus in the 3rd house  Death of Noted Artist and celebrities specially when there is planetary war.
Mercury will  Cross Venus by 29th July.
4th house has Moon as the 2nd Lord is very good. Growth in hotel industry and a change in the weather conditions.
Saturn placed in the 9th house also aspects 3rd house Leo sign.  Hence the sign Leo will get prominence and  this makes Leo very productive. The sign Leo is Royalty and the Govt.. Hence the Govt. may bring some good policies in the immediate future. Saturn having aspect of Mars communal and religious fundamentalism.
11th house has Jupiter and Rahu
Jupiter favourable for trade, Rahu in 11th  will behave more or less like Saturn and also having aspect of the 9th Lord and with Jupiter will get some good and a relief  since Jupiter is out of the grip of Rahu now. There can be some trouble to the members of the Parliament.

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

25th July 2023 04-00 hrs IST New Delhi

BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. 1971

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY By BVB New Delhi For Best Research In Astrology year 2012



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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects . 


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