Mercury Goes In Retrogression On 5th August 2024 Fallen In Cancer 22nd August Precarious For Stock Markets

by astrodocanil

“Mercury Goes In Retrogression On 5th August 2024 Fallen In Cancer 22nd August Precarious For Stock Markets”

Retrograde Mercury on the 5th August 2024 at 10:26 Hrs. We have seen what Happened Yesterday in the Stock Market a Bloodbath it is all due to Mercury Retrogression as per Astrology and on the 5th August it was Stationary.
 Jyotish Shastra has unanimously condemned this motion for Mercury. Mercury which represents our Mind is a very important planet. Normally, when Mercury retrogrades there are phenomenal changes in the weather conditions  for a short duration. Also most of us individuals will experience mood swings and eccentricities. Financial markets and speculative conditions will sway rudderless. Very panicky situations and conditions will prevail amidst tensions and turmoil. This time, Mercury in retrogression will fall into Cancer sign  on the 22nd August 2024 indicating very uncertain atmosphere and temperamental behaviours. Mercury will remain in retrogression in Cancer till the 29th August 2024. It will ingress in Leo on the 4th Sept 2024. Mercury will also be in Gandantha around the 21st to 23rd August 2024 which is also a precarious state for Mercury .
At the time , it is Leo Sign raising. Lagna is having Sun and Venus with aspects of Retrograde Saturn and Mars . This makes the Lagna  strong.  Moon is placed in the 8th house with Rahu in close degrees and in nakshatra Lord Saturn is placed in the 7th house. Very precarious positions for both the planets Rahu and Moon. Venus and Jupiter are placed in the Kendra. This mutual aspects are also warning signals. However, Saturn and Venus are in their own sign and also have directional strength. Some solace and comfort. Sun  in Lagna and Mars in the 10th house digbali house is appreciable. Mars being the 9th Lord in the 10th house is strong. Mercury fallen in the 12th house as the 2nd Lord indicates violent movements in speculative and financial markets.
Be very careful and watchful while doing investments and speculations. Also be mindful of your actions and deeds. Patience and prevenance will always gain in the end.
 Last time  Mercury was fallen from the sign Sagittarius to Scorpio In Dec. 2023-Jan 2024 and we saw a Break and Panic in the Stock Markets.
The Lunation charts of the 4th and 19th August 2024 are precarious for Wars getting escalated specially between Israel and Iran. The world wide markets can take a beating specially between 9th to 13th and then from22nd to 27th august 2024

5th August 2024 10-00 hrs New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

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