Mercury Falling In Aquarius: Trump-Xi Push Agreement On Trade War In Hands Of Ketu Saturn Jupiter In Sagitarius Most Venomous

by astrodocanil

831 Articles and Predictions since April 2015

Saturn and Jupiter Conjunction in Sagitarius is most Venomous for the Stock and the Financial Markets in April and after Nov. 2019
Astrology has predicted Loud and Clear long back for this Recession in the global Market. Taking its aggressive stance after April and then Ugly shape after Nov. 2019. Go on the Home page and Write Stock and Financial Markets on the search Icon

This with Reference to the media news “China and U.S. to Push Back Trump-Xi Meeting to at Least April”
A meeting between President Donald Trump and President Xi Jinping to sign an agreement to end their trade war won’t occur this month and is more likely to happen in April at the earliest, three people familiar with the matter said.

Despite claims of progress in talks by both sides, a hoped-for summit at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort will now take place at the end of April if it happens at all, according to one of the people. China is pressing for a formal state visit, which traditionally takes place in Washington, rather than a lower-key appearance just to sign a trade deal, the person said.

Xi’s staff have scrapped planning for a potential flight to the U.S. following a trip to Europe later this month, a separate person said. The people asked not to be named as the details are private.

Now Please note this in the above Para “Despite claims of progress in talks by both sides, a hoped-for summit at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort will now take place at the end of April if it happens at all, according to one of the people.”
Let us us analyse what could emerge out of the Planetary combinations when this News comes and Mercury the Planet of Our Physocology and Stock market is about to fall in Aquarius as a fallen planet on the 15th March 2019 at 09-00 hrs
This News is updated on the 15th March 2019 at 07-04 am New Delhi
Mercury Fallen will be aspected by Saturn by 3rd aspect from the sign Sagitarius a Fiery sign and since Mercury is Retrograde the Markets may surge till 28th March 2019 in totality .
Jupiter will join Sagitarius and Ketu in Sagitarius on the 29th March 2019 and will become Retrograde on the 10th April 2019 at gandantha point and fall back in the sign Scorpio again as a Fallen Planet which is most Venomous . The Conjunction of Saturn, Ketu and Jupiter from the 29th March to 23rd April will be crucial for the Stock and the Financial markets.

At the time of the Great Recession in Oct. 1929 Jupiter was in the Taurus sign Retrograde and 6/8 axis with Saturn who was in Sagitarius. Venus and Mercury also with in 10 degrees in the sign Virgo a Bearish sign

At the time of the Recession in 1987 19th Oct. 1987 Jupiter was in the Fiery sign Aries and at 00.57 degrees and about to fall in the sign Pieces as a Fallen Planet and Saturn was approaching the Fiery sign Sagitarius. Venus and Mercury were with in 10 degrees which is crucail and when other parameters were not conducive for Stock market the recession took place.

Jupiter will be in Gandantha in the sign Sagitarius at 00.13 degrees and about to fall in Scorpio like the 1987 in Aries in Fiery sign at 00.57 degrees Retrograde and about to fall in Pieces. On the 10th April 2019 Jupiter will be stationary for 4 days before the 10th April and 4 days after this date and about to fall in the sign Scorpio and also in gandantha . At this time Saturn and Jupiter with Ketu will be in the fiery sign Sagitarius crucial for the Stock markets

In the Present Scenario Saturn will go in Retrogression on the 30th April 2019 at 26.24 degrees in the Sign Sagitarius and will also be stationary 5 days before and 5 days after it . This can play with the Stock Market

Mars will join the sign Taurus on the 22nd March to 7th May and aspect Saturn,Jupiter and Ketu by 8th Strong aspect from the 29th March to 10th April and then aslo aspect the fallen Jupiter in the sign Scorpio by 7th aspet till 7th May 2019 . This Transit will also be crucial for the Stock Markets
Hence Starting from the 22nd March 2019 to 7th May 2019 will be a period of Stock markets taking a hit .

The eclipses in the July and Dec. 2019 will add fuel to the fire and the Global Markets will be influenced in a big way specially after 26th Dec. 2019 when there are 6 Planets in the sign Sagitarius.

The Jupiter snd Saturn conjunction in Sagitarius is most crucial for the world events and the crack in the financial Markets will be visible first when they meet from the 29th March to 10th April 2019 and then after 5th Nov. 2019 again.
The Eclipse in the sign Sagitarius will prove most venomous for the Royal Kings and as per Jyotish Classics the Eclipse in this sign is most venonmous after 26th Dec. 2019

This Parameter is also acquires a special dimension and is also falling In April and Dec. 2019

The Trade war between the US-China may not settle it so seems when Saturn will be stationary on the 25th April and Jupiter also Stationary on the 25th April 2019. Jupiter will be a Fallen Planet on the 23rd April 2019. This Time frame will also be crucial

Mercury ingressed in Pieces on the 25th Feb. 2019 and went in Retrogression on the 5th March 2019 and Fell back in the Sign Aquarius on the 15th March 2019 and will join back Pieces sign on the 11th April after it becomes direct on the 28th March 2019

Hence from the above it we can conclude that the Time when the Planet are going in Retrogression and becoming Direct are crucial time frames for the Stock and the financial markets changing the Patterns
Mercury is also The significator of Stock and the Financial Markets and Jupiter is significator of wealth and going in Tripple affliction is like a mad elephant who has the capacity to ruin the jungle . This afflicted Jupiter will behave exactly like the 1987 Recession when it was about to fall in Pieces on the 19th Oct. 1987. In the Present Scenario on the 10th April 2019
I fear the Planetary positions are not conducive for the Stock and the Financial Markets starting from the 22nd March 2019 till the end of the Year and specially after the 26th Dec. 2019 eclipse which may cause a havoc specially for the US,Japan, China and even India, since this Eclipse will fall in the 8th house of India and the 6th house from Moon and the Dasha in operation then also be of Moon -Saturn which is not a conducive dasha for good growth.

From the 15th March to 28th March 2019 is also most venomous period for the Indo-Pak Dispute and Terrorism. Hence we can say this Mercury fallen in Aquarius may not bring good results in totality till it is fallen and crosses the 5 degree mark in Pieces on the 18th April 2019


Written on the 14th March 2019 at 8-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
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