“Matching Of Charts For Marriage As Per Astrology”

by astrodocanil

“Matching Of Charts For Marriage As Per Astrology”

The institution of Marriage in Indian Urban society is facing crisis, which is being, unscrupulously exploited by Lawyers, Astrologers, and Psychologists.  Unhappiness in the home bring unhappiness to the mind, which prompts one to act unsocially, irrationally, impulsively and immorally. It is high time we adopt a slogan ‘SAVE MARRIAGE TO SAVE SOCIETY’ and start contributing towards it. In ancient times there were 8 type of Marriages namely Paishach, Rakshas, Gandharva, Asur, Prajapatya, Arsha, Daiva, Brahama. New developements ——– Live in relations, Gay marriage and some contract marriage as well in the todays scenario . Also the house —-Immediate  family  and also depends upon Desh ,Kal ,Patra.

HOUSES concerning MARRIAGE in the natal chart. First house —- Self, Sece , Kutumb.Fourth house —-Sukhbhav ,happiness. Fifth house—–Romance, Love, Children. Seventh house—–Marriage, Quality of married life, spouse. Eighth house Longevity of married life, Ayu sthan. Twelfth house —–Bed comforts. KARKA FOR MARRIAGE VENUS Upkarka Rahu. Pati Karka Jupiter Marriage giving Planets—– Venus, Moon, Rahu apart from the other parameters in the natal chart and divisional charts. In Indian culture Marriage is taken as a sacred institution, to this belief marriages are settled in heaven and performed on earth. To an astrologer Marriages are mainly governed by position of the planets in the horoscope.

The astrological arrangement in the horoscope are mainly based on 3 essential factors.

1. Physical ability 1,4,7, and 10th house

2. Mental ability 2,5,8 and 11th house

3. Spiritual ability 1,5,9,10 and 12th house . When a question of Marriage is considered various factors such as 1. Physical fitness 2.Mental qualities 3.Sexual compatibility

4. Social and Economic status attract our attention. Spirit, Mind and Materials are the 3 factors which control the human behaviours that are the result of the interaction of these factors. In astrology they can be grouped as under.

1. Spirit is controlled by 1st house and Karka is Sun.

2. Mind is controlled by 1st house and Karka is Moon.

3. Materials controlled by 1st house and Karka are Sun and Jupiter. Hence for proper assesment of the horoscopes and a happy wedlock the examination of the Lagna , Sun and Moon are the crucial parameters to be seen for marriage matching. Therefore these signs acquire a special dimension and should not be afflicted in each other horoscopes.

For Successful married life the following dictums should be given due importance.

1.There should be attraction between the Boy and the Girl if they are born in the Lagna sign which falls opposite to each other. Some exceptions and mentioned in this article.

2. Mars occupying the place of Venus in each other horoscope gives strong desire for Sex, the close association of such couples can prove dangerous unless some modifying factors are present in the 2 horoscopes.

3. Venus Placed in the place of Sun or Moon in each other horoscope gives strong attachment and affection, as a result the married life of the couple is happy and prosperous.. When Sun is placed in trine from Moon in each other horoscope and when Moon is also similarly placed then the friendship between the boy and the girl is a deep one and long lasting. As mentioned above Lagna , Sun and Moon sign afflicted in each other chart may bring disaster in the life of the couple and the mutual relations will not be good with each other.

The following points should be borne in mind while matching the horoscopes

1.Longevity of the Boy and Girl.

2.Longevity of the Boy and the Girl with respect to each other. The method of the same was explained by checking the Lord of the 8th house of the female the manglaya sthan not to be in the 6,8,12 house of the Boys chart and vice versa.

3.Analysing the Marriage houses Lagna, 2,4,7,8 and 12 house for malefics placement and matching with the malefics placement in the same houses in the Boys chart. This is called Dosha Samyam. The dosha in the girls chart should not be more than that of the boy, marginal difference is the best matching. Mars dosha is included. The Native having Mars in the 7th and 8th house should be matched properly and preferably with Mars only, rest of the houses can be matched for Mars  with Rahu,Ketu, Sun , and Saturn.

4. Dasha Pattern in both cases should be good to survive minimum 15 to 20 years to make a Bond between the two. Avoid Dasha Sandhi between the two charts.

5. Bhakoot Dosha is important . the 2/12, 6/8 and 5/9 Relation of the Moon sign Lords is bad. Reason the consective SadiSati,  Saptam Shani,Ashtam Shani, we should not interpret our own meanings, as some say 5/9 is not bad. If %th house of the Boy and 9th house of the girl in question is strong, then we can over look this parameter, other wise Nav-Pancham dosha as mentioned in the shastras.

6. Avoid Shooksham Nadi dosha and should be avoided as per a chart. Let me see if I can manage the scan and send the same along with this presentation.

7. Bhav Milan. I don think we have to explain this in detail. Dosha Sayam will also cover up this parameter relating to the same.

8. Planet to Planet matching. Sun for ego , Jupiter for wisdom, Mars for energy, Venus for sexual compatability, Mercury for communication  and Saturn for Longevity. Rao  Sir had arranged a workshop on Marriage about a month ago.I will try to circulate the Same , which is a comprehensive  material for prospective people who have to Marry. This workshop was presented by a Experienced Marriage counsellor. Apart from the above, since the environment is fast changing and people have become materialistic, all the factors relating to the same be analysed before matching actually.

9. Ashtkoot Milan  , Gana, Bhakoot and Nadi since they contribute 21 points out of 36 .

10.  1st Quarter of Ashlesha, Jyestha,Moola and 4th Quarter of Vishaka are believed to be harmful , where as the remaining quarters of the above are not harmful.

11. Vish Kanya Parameters must be checked.

12. Uppada,  2nd house and 8th house from uppada are very important and must be checked properly.7P, DK, DKN are also important.

13. 4,8,12 houses from Venus should not have malefics.

Marriage Principles for good compatibility  Most Important.

14.. 10th house house of Mother in Law, this should also be matched since females are working today and is also the Karma sthan.

For happy wedlock the examination of the Lagna, Sun and Moon have to be examined in each other horoscope, In actual practice we are only matching Moon, which is not correct and incomplete as mentioned above.

Other factors to be seen are  for attraction between the Boy and the Girl.

1. If Mars is posited in the place of Venus in the horoscope of the Partner, it gives strong desire for sex., close association of such natives is dangerous, unless some modifying factors are present.

2. If Venus is placed in the place of Sun or Moon in the horoscope of the other person , then it gives strong attachment and affection, as a result the married life  of the wedded couple  or otherwise  will be happy and prosperous.

3.  When Sun is placed in trine to Moon in the horoscope of the other partner, or Moon similarly placed , there will be deep friendship between the couple, if they marry each other.

4. There will be attraction between the couple if the Lagna fall opposite to each other., there are few exceptions in this specially for dual Lagna it is not good since it will be Bhadak sthan and can pose problems in Marriage., Similarly , the Bhadak house should not be rising in the chart of the spouse . like for Scorpio Lagna Cancer should not be rising in the chart of the spouse.

5. In places of Lagna, Sun and Moon, there should not be affliction in each others chart , if so it can bring disaster in the life of the couple.

6. Moon Sign of each other the 7th house or the Lagna will bring attraction between the couple.

7. Darakarka are natural friends and are placed well from each other in the each other chart and not 6/8 or 2/12 axis in D1 and D9.

8. 7th house of the native is the 5th house of the other native then there will be attraction.

9.. Navamsha Sign of one native is the Lagna of the other native and not afflicted then also good specially if it is not the 6/8/12 sign of each other.

10. Mars Matching should be done strictly, 7th and 8th Mars to be matched with 7th and 8th mars only, whereas 4th mars can be matched with 12th also but preference should be given to the same house matching.

11. The dosha in the girls horoscope should not be more than that of the boy in the Marriage concerned houses 1,2,4,7,8

12. In todays world  renunciation means native is likely to get separated  from her spouse, in case 2nd house from Up Pada is tenanted by a malefic planet, but at the same time , there is benefic influence , association or aspect, in such cases the native may live far away but not get legally separated, 2nd house and 8th house have benefic aspect there will not be separation . The sages opines that occupancy of benefics and Sun are not considered bad, where as  Signs  which are malefic are Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius and malefic planets are Rahu, Ketu, Saturn  and Mars.

13.Rahu should not be stationary or in direct motion.

14. Venus placed in the navamsha Lagna is karko bhav nashya and spoils marriage in the multiple of 8 years.

15. MCL of the 7th house should not be associated with Ketu. Venus with Ketu afflicted in Navamsha and the Trishamsha are negative for Marriage.

16. Lagna of Navamsha should not be afflicted in Trishamsha and vice versa

17. If UpPada or the 2nd house from UpPada aspects by Debilitated planet, one will lose his spouse soon, the spouse will also be from lower status .If Aspects or Tenanted by Exalted planet , the native will be polygamist, here the Exh. Planet can be benefic as well as a malefic and results will be same , when Uppada is Gemini itself  or 2nd house from Uppada is Gemini then the native will be polygamist. The sign rising in the Lagna is Gemini and Jupiter, Venus and Rahu are placed in Taurus and Uppada is Taurus itself and 2nd from Uppada is Gemini then the native will be polygamist.

18. If Uppada or the 2nd from the uppada is tenanted by its lord , meaning lord of Uppda or the 2nd from the uppada   be placed in own house , the native may lose his spouse at the age of 50 yrs, third condition also prevails , when the DK in own House . If the uppada or the 2nd house from Uppada is having a benefic planet the spouse will, be good looking and having good looks, same thing happens when the DK is with benefic planets.

19. If Uppada or the 2nd from Uppada is connected to Mercury and ketu then the spouse will have bone disease, if connected to Sun, Saturn and Rahu , then Bone fever. , if connected by Saturn and Jupiter then nervous system  disease. , if connected by Rahu and Jupiter then Dental disease.

20. If Virgo or Libra signs are Uppada  and influenced by Rahu and Saturn  , spouse will be lame or suffer from Gouts or Arthritis. All above will get cancelled if aspects or connected by benefic planets.

21. .   Last not the least Mars in the 10 house of the female , since today she is working and , has to s ee that there is proper balance with the mother in law, since this is the 4th house from the 7th house and house of the mother in law.

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala    BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch   Diploma In Marketing Management FMS

4th Sept. 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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