Mars & Saturn Hard Malefics In Square Position Sept. 2020 : Peak In Coronavirus 24th April- 2nd July 2021 Most Prone Time Frame Since Similar Positions Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

230 You Tube Videos 1560 Articles and Predictions in just 72 months from April 2015

“Mars & Saturn Hard Malefics In Square Position Sept. 2020 : Peak In Coronavirus June-July 2021 Most Prone Since Similar Positions Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

After writing so many Articles on the Planetary positions and Virus spread  I looked back  when Coronavirus was on the peak in 2020  and I knew the peak was  in Sept. 2020 since I had predicted the above then

Have a Look at the chart below  for the number of Cases  in the year 2020

Have a Look at the  Chart of Sept. 2020  and the Planetary Positions  as below

The Following Parameters acquired important Dimension

1.Mars  and Saturn in Square Position and coming close degree-wise . 

2. Mars and Saturn both Retrograde 

3.Fallen Jupiter has aspect on Mars 

4. Rahu and Ketu Change signs to Taurus and Scorpio axis on the 20th Sept. 2020

5. Mars aspects Ketu in Jyestha Star considered to be most Malefic for worldly events 

6. Sign Libra influenced by both Mars and Saturn the 6th house of the Foundation chart of India where the 8th Lord Jupiter is Placed . Have a Look at the chart below 

7. Planets about to change there motion  as per the chart below already mentioned by me in my Earlier Articles and this chart was mentioned 

According to this chart I had Predicted the worst for Sept. 2020 for Coronavirus

The Planets were in Stationary motion before they went in Retrogression

Mars went in Retrogression on the 9th Sept. 2021 and was Stationary from the 6th Sept.2020

Saturn was Retrograde and became direct on the 29th Sept. and was Stationary 5 days before  becoming Direct on the 24th Sept. 2020.

Jupiter was Retrograde and became direct on the 13th Sept. 2020 and became Stationary on the 9th-10th Sept. 2020. Hence Jupiter and Mars were Stationary on the 9th Sept. 2020

 Ketu was In Gandantha in Sept. 20th 2020

Now Some Parallel situations in  May-June-July 2021  like the Sept. 2020 Planetary Positions

18th to 23rd May 2021 Saturn will be stationary  and will have degree aspects from Mars in Gemini and there will also be Vedha between Mars and Saturn till 16th May 2021 from the 25th April 2021 

Jupiter will be In Stationary Position from the 16th June to 20th June 2021 when it goes in Retrogression. The Transit Mars will aspect Jupiter  by 8th aspect from sign Cancer 

Now Have a Look at the Chart of 14th June 2021 when Mars and Saturn will be in Square position and also oppose each other  and degree aspect on the 1st-2nd July 2021. On the 14th June Mars will aspect Jupiter by 8th aspect degree-wise and Jupiter will become  stationary on the 16th June Most critical Parameter. Mars and Saturn will be opposing each other from the 2nd June to 20th July 2021 . 

  1. Mercury Fallen Planet with Sun and Rahu
  2. Mars and Saturn opposing each other 
  3. Mars aspects Saturn  Retrograde Degree-wise on the 2nd July 2021 
  4. Mars and Saturn in Kendra from each other 
  5. Saturn Retrograde , Jupiter about to go in Retrogression on the 20th June 2021 and will be in Stationary mode 4 days before going in Retrogression and then aspect of Mars Hard malefic on both Saturn and Jupiter 

 Hence we come to the conclusion that starting from the 24th April to 2nd July 2021 will be the peak time frame for Virus Spread , May and June Months could be the worst Months as can be seen from all the angles I have looked at the analysis by so many methods 


Read My other 20 Articles as per the Article 100 Days of Precaution Red Planet Mars Roman God Saturn Demon North Node Rahu On Wheel Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (




First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” 

Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
11th April 2021 20-00 hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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