Mars-Saturn Conjunction in Scorpio: Future of Stock Markets

by astrodocanil

The conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio takes place after every 29.46 years .Since Saturn Cycle is of 29.46 years . This conjunction of Mars and Saturn took Place on the 20th Feb. 2016  and will continue till 18th Sept. 2016 for 211 days .

It has been observed that ever since Mars and joined Saturn the Stock Markets have shown a New High leaving aside a few drops due to Brexit and other News .

Mars has Played a significiant Role in the uptrend in the Stock Markets Globally.

The Conjunction of Mars and Saturn has taken Place in the 8th sign of the Natural Zodiac  the Negative sign of Mars which is Debt, Money, Mass happenings and Losses of Permanent kind . Mars is the Ascendant Lord and the 8th Lord of the Natural Zodiac and Saturn the 10th and the 11th Lord of the natural Zodiac , As 10th Lord he is not Malefic , but as the 11th Lord he is Bhadak and conjunction with 8th Lord of the Zodiac has the Capability to turn the Tables upside down.

Let us evaluate what could be the Future of the Stock Markets Globally due to this Degree conjunction on the 24th August 2016 at 15.47 degrees in the Nakshatra of Anuradha

I have been mentioning about these 2 dreaded Planets in my Articles on my webpage  and I am reproducing some Text need for this Article .


In Greek Language  they call Mars  God of War. A planet of Destruction, Violence and War. In Persian it is called Jalad-e-Falaq, or heavenly executioner

Mars  Represents Armed Forces, Navy Air commands, Police, Engineers. It is a Planet of War, Strife and represents Violence in every form  including fires, explosions, Armed conflicts. It is also a Planet of Assassination, Coup, Criminals, Accidents, Murders, Abductioin, Rape , Militancy and Dacoity. It represents Proxy war and Terrorism in all Forms, Mass Happenings, Political disturbances.

In Minerals it represents Copper and Gold

In Commodities it represents Masoor dal, Red Chillies, Weapons, Guns. When Conjunct with Saturn it gives extremely evil Results like  Wars,  Mutiny,Earthquakes,Epidemics, Civil Strife and Terrorism of every kind.

It has been observed that Wars have followed  when Mars  is closest to Earth and when in Retrogression. In the 20th Century  Mars closest approach to Earth was on the 20-11-1990 and the historic UN Security Council Resolution Sanctioning use of Force against Iraq for its aggression against Kuwait was made on the 29-11-1990. Mars was then in Taurus aspecting Scorpio. On the 27th August 2002 Mars was closest to the Earth  and in the sign of Leo with Sun and Europe was reeling in the spell of Extreme heat , not witnessed in Centuries before. . Wild Fires in Spain, Portugal and Italy in Early August 2002. Civil War took place in Liberia in which more than three hundred thousand  people died . There was Total breakdown in authority .


Saturn signifies death, national calamities, contradiction, disease,war,loss or gain of Terrority, agitation, strikes, labour class, democracy,. It has been noticed that the first conjunction falling in each triplicity , which is also called a” Great Mutation” has a very important and lasting effect  and when lunation and Eclipses take place important events are triggered  Saturn Stands for D Democracy, Death, Dictators, being the Lord of the 10th house of the natural zodiac, it has much to do with  Rulers of the Country, hence Death of Rulers

Mars -Saturn conjunction and Previous Events 

When there is Conjunction of malefics then they unleash the evil forces, hence Mars and Saturn conjunction is an evil one. it is considered as most inauspicious. Even Jahangir- the Mugal King  of India  was afraid of this conjunction . it is mentioned  in Jahangir Nama”Since the conjunction of two malefics Mars and Saturn had occured I ordered Gold, Silver and other metals and all sort of grains  to be given to  the poor and needy and distributed throughout the realm”

 Battle of  Haldighat in the year 1576 took place when mars and Saturn conjunction took place in Sagitarius and Jupiter was in Debilitation and and Squared by Rahu in Aries

21.3.1739 Nadir Shah invasion and general massacre at Delhi  (Katle aam) The carnage begun at 9.00 am and the Persian Soldiers  forced their way in shops and houses killing  the occupants   and laying violent hands of any thing of value. the money changer Bazaar  and shops of jewellers were set on fire . The massacre continued for 6 hours . The dark day has become proverbial in the history of India and Nadir Shah stands for symbol of Cruelity

All this happened when there was conjunction of Mars and Saturn in a dual sign of Gemini and both Mars and Saturn were in the signs of Scorpio and Capricorn in navamsha  respectively.  Capricorn sign was afflicted by Rahu nand by aspect of Mars  and Jupiter in square with Rahu and Moon was with Rahu and thus Rahu in adverse motion and Sun was aspected by Saturn 10th aspect.

5th June 1984 Blue Star Operation 

1984 Blue Star operation took place in which the Golden Temple was stromed by the Indian Army. At that time there was almost degree conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Libra at 19.36 degree and 17.12 degrees respectively . Both were in Retrogression in the nakshatra of Rahu in the navamsha of Pieces . Rahu was then in Taurus in Rohini the nakshatra when afflicted causes massacre.

Many More happenings as mentioned by me in my articles since Jan. 2016 and even before .

Impact of Saturn on the Stock markets

Jupiter is a Planet of Expansion and Saturn a Planet of Depression as Mentioned above . Nothing can happen in this universe without the blessings of Saturn . Saturn thus controls  The Pricing  and the Financial Aspects of the Companies . Saturn is also Karka for Multinational  Companies. Saturn acts as the Catalyst , Technician. Under Normal circumstances Saturn is usually a factor of Depressed prices.

The following Factors should be Born in mind  due to Saturn Influence in the Stock market .

  1. When Saturn is Conjunct with Sun, In Kendra or in samsaptak Position will Bring the Correction in the Stock markets . The reason is Simple. We all know the Story of Sun and Saturn  Relationship. Nearest to Earth when it is 180 degrees to Sun will influence most .
  2. Saturn Influence on the Eclipses and Specially the Solar Eclipse  will Influence the Stock Markets  and Hence Correction  and hence New Levels .
  3.  Placement of Saturn in the Chart is a Very important Parameter . Placed in the Lagna or Aspecting the Lagna will not let the Prices to Go up or Progress  and Prosperity for the Company . The Moment this Transit is Over , the Conditions then call for Improvement in the Performance of the Corporates and the Companies. Buisness then takes a Positive trend
  4. Since Saturn is the Karka for Profession when it Reaches the 10th house of the Chart Takes the Companies and Corporates to Heights .If this Saturn is aspecting the Natal Jupiter and Sun Simultaneously then there is no looking back
  5. Connected to the 8th house and Mercury brings a down fall
  6. Stationary Saturn a Benefic for the chart and in Good houses and specially the 10th house  can give unexpected  Price Trends. If inimical to the Lagna Lord the Fall definitely in the Prices.
  7. Saturn Tends to Hold the Prices when in 10th,11th and the 12th house , unless it has an aspect of Benevolent Jupiter
  8. Normally when Transitting Saturn aspects Sun brings Changes in the working of the Companies, Corporates . Activating the Shiv Rajyoga in the Natal chart and in Transit will attribute utmost Beneficiance and Prosperity .
  9. Irrespective of being Retrograde or Direct , it has the capacity to turn the Markets overnight .
  10. Since Saturn has Large Mass  and is Slow moving it has great impact on Sun and hence  the Kings and the Kingly Countries for a Long time
  11. What ever Saturn does it is for a Long Period and the Recovery is slow and sluggish. Saturn 3rd Aspect is worst and 10th Strongest , hence what ever it does will be for 5 years  and will not give any relief till it reaches the Rashi of 3rd aspect.
  12. To evaluate what will be the Impact of Saturn in Scorpio we will have to evaluate what it Activated in the Stock markets when it was in Virgo , since from Virgo it has 3rd aspect on Scorpio. What ever happened when it was in Virgo  and when Saturn reaches those degrees of Virgo in Scorpio will activate that point  good or Bad  Positive or Negative for the Stock market and the Mundane  and Natal chart for that purpose .
  13. In the Present Scenerio Mars and Saturn Degree conjunction on the 24th August 2016 will be a sensitive date . Unfortunately the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse on the 1st Sept. 2016 is 15.15 degrees  and these 2 dreaded Planets will activate this Point  few days before the Eclipses in Sept. 2016. Hence Sensitive dates for Global Economy will be a Period from 20th to 30th August 2016 Volatility may Prevail..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mars Impact on the Stock markets

We all know Mars acts like a Press of a Button  and Produces excited Activities and Since Planet of Vigour and as the Lord of the Ascendant and the 8th house has the Capacity to take risk in life and Prompts a Person to Take the Risks . In the Negative sign of Debts and Money thus  may also lead to unfortunate situations if Mars in the natal chart is not Placed well.

The Following Parameters have to be Born in mind for the Stock Markets

1.Mars Generally has a Positive impact when string on the Stock market  and we have witnessed the same ever since mars has ingressed in Scorpio from 20th Feb. 2016. Mars has the tendency to make the Markets take a new heights  and a impulsive Market

2. Mars is also a Planet of War, Terrorism, Bloodshed , Getting afflicted  sprouts war  or Warlike conditions.

3. Mars  Aspecting the Nodes or Conjunct Nodes give Negative results with magnitude  and hence a strong Dive in the stocks of the Stock Markets

4. Mars Aspecting the Eclipse Points of the Eclipses is Ammunition Dump and I have already written dozen of Articles on this and Most Sensitive in the Present Scenerio and in the months to come Conjunction with Saturn degreewise on the 24th August 2016 ,Sept 2016, Dec. 2016 and then  Jan. 2017  could be most Sensitive Time Frames  specially the Dec. 2016 Mars Getting Conjunct with Ketu at 13.48 degrees and aspecting Rahu in Transit

5. Mars is Commander in Chief and hence rules , when Retrograde and Fallen it is Ruthless . Any activity during this Period may not bring good results . Mars Rules New Projects which are self initiated .

When there is conjunction of Mars and Saturn we should conserve our energies . In Dec. 2016 there will be Exchange of Mars and Saturn and they will be in Square Position to each other . This Position is to be watch with Care

The Effect on the Currencies will also be felt .

Stock market can take New Heights till the Conjunction of Mars and Saturn and after 18th August 2016 there may be a Change on the Cards of the Stock market  Globally , which will be felt with magnitude after 11th Dec. 2016 and 1st Jan 2017 .

These Periods mentioned above are sensitive for the significations  Mars a Planet of War , The tensions in the World will escalate between Countries. India Can have a Kargil Type of War with China-Pakistan, Tensions in the Middle east, Europe, US will also Escalate as mentioned by me in by Dozen of Articles on my Webpage.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

24th July  2016 10-20 hrs. New Delhi 



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