Mars & Rahu in Pisces Parallel July 2005 When Mumbai Sank And Sensex Soared. Mars & Saturn Vedha Indicate Wars

by astrodocanil

“Mars & Rahu in Pisces Parallel July 2005 When Mumbai Sank And Sensex Soared Mars and Saturn Vedha In Chakras Indicate War”

Mars and Rahu conjunction in Transit from the 23rd April to 1st June 2024 is explosive and called angarak yoga is explosive for Havoc from Rains Tsunami  and Wars in the Sea

Mars and Rahu in Pisces way back in July 2005 and now in Pisces again after 19 years and could be similar happenings  now from the 23rd April to 1st June 2024

As Mumbai sank, Sensex soared in July -August 2005 when Rahu and Mars were in Pisces.
Unfazed by high water, the BSE has soared. The Sensex jumped .
In two days, about 1,000 people are reckoned to have died in Mumbai.  Investors don’t seem to have noticed.
Stock market had soared. The benchmark 30-share Sensex jumped about 50 points the day of the floods. It gained another 50  the day the rig burnt and the stampede took place. A week after July 26 2005, the equity market had gained over 250 .but this, the sight of the financial capital drowning and markets soaring surely beats every thing else. Or does it? Over the last few years, markets have always taken off when there are disasters.
Mumbai is at Risk since we had the worst happenings in Mumbai in July 2005 and now the same planetary positions of Mars and Rahu in Pisces Critical days  on 20th May- 26th May and then 1st week of July when  there is Saturn Stationary and aspects Mars in Aries at exact degrees at 24 degrees is explosive for the world in terms of Havoc from Rains , Tsunami, Earthquakes, Explosions, Assassinations, Terrorism and even war in the Sea.

There will also be Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi  and  Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra between the 7th July to 26th July 2024. August 26th  Mars and Saturn in Rahu-Ketu axis in Transit Navamsha is also  Critical dates.

Month of May to Month of July 2024 are times of disaster due to the following Parameters.

  1.  Mars Rahu Conjunction at 20 degrees in Pisces totally watery sign in Revati star on the 20th May 2024.
  2. Venus and Jupiter Conjunction.23rd May 2024 Jupiter Venus conjunction 5°11 Taurus, Krittika Nakshatra 8:24 am. Jupiter and Venus are in a planetary war (within one degree) from 22 May 8:00 am until 24 May 8:48 am. As Per Mundane Classic Myur Chitram it is considered Blood Shed. Late Hardeo Sharma Trivedi the Great Stalwart Astrologer made use of this parameter to Predict 1971 Nov. Mukti Vahini of East Pakistan and Blood Shed. 19th July 1988  Tehran-30000 Executed.
  3. Mars Activates the Solar Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 8th April 2024 at 25 degrees in Pisces on the 26th May 2024.
  4. 31st May 2024  Mars enters Gandanta 29°12 Pisces (until 2 June 12:16 pm).Venus is within one degree of the Sun from 31 May 9:45 pm to 8 June 8:45 am.
  5. Mars Rahu Vedha in Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra from 1st June to 19th June 2024.
  6. 7th July to 26th July Vedha in the nakshatra Sanghatta chakra explosive for Wars and Blood Shed.
  7. 12th July to 25th August 2024  Vedha Between Maqrs and Saturn in the Rashi Sanghatta chakra.
  8. Rahu In Afflicted Condition from 16th to 23rd May 2024 and then 12th to 14th July 2024 and the 26th July to 29th July 2024

 Now Look at what was predicted and what all is happening in the World.

Havoc from Rains and Tsunami in China, Brazil, Indonesia, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Storms in US all was predicted as per the 8th April 2024 Solar eclipse since in the Total watery sign at 25 degrees in Pisces. Earthquakes all round the World . The Article was written on the 25th Sept. 2023 for the Solar Eclipse and the Hindu New Moon Chart falling on the same day. My Predictions have been on spot using the Chakras. 

In the immediate present and future the Planetary positions are again taking the world for a rough ride and the Brawl between the Countries can become ugly and a possibility of Wars in the Sea and Ground

Read the following Articles

Mars-Saturn Conjunction And Then Mars-Rahu Conjunction From 23rd April-1st June 2024 Boiling Point For World Crisis – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

My Predictions For Brawl Between Israel & Iran Taking Ugly Turn Proves As Per My Article Of 25th Sept. 2023 – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Now Have a Look at the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra and the Rashi Sanghatta chakra which are explosive for Brawl between the Countries taking ugly dimension From the 1st June to 19th June for Explosive events around the World related to Havoc from Rains , Tsunami, Earthquakes and War in the sea.

7th July to 26th July as per Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra for Wars in the globe which can escalate Due to Mars and Saturn Vedha in the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra.

12th July to 25th August 2024 for Wars escalation around the World and then from 1st July to 22nd July 2025. In March 2025 the Solar Eclipse will be in close degrees of Saturn and Rahu which is also crucial

Rashi Sanghatta Chakra


As Far as the Stock markets are concerned there can be strong ups and down when north node is afflicted in May 2024. In June 2024 as per the Lunation chart there could be massive fall in the Stock Markets also .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner

Anil Aggarwala BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. Year 1971

5th  May  2024 06-30 hrs  New Delhi

Diploma Marketing Management FMS Only Lectures  for One year.

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY.

Award Winner in Research in Astrology by Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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Written more then 3000 Articles and Predictions and 650 You-Tube videos and 95% results




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 







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