Mars Rahu Conjunction Opposed By Saturn and Ketu Conjunction Degree-Wise Proves Bolt From The Blue As Astrology Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

939 Articles and Predictions in just 48 months from April 2015

Mars-Rahu Opposed By Saturn-Ketu Degree-wise Most Venomous as Predicted and Proving a Bolt from the Blue

Astrology Predictions prove on dot for the Date and the Untoward happenings from 11th June 2019 as Predicted
Read My Article “Planetary Positions June-July 2019 Most Venomous: What They Foretell ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎ Let Me reproduce the Article here for ready Reference

Mara nd Rahu Conjunction opposed by Saturn and Ketu and Luminaries Joining the Gemini-Sagitarius axis can be Most Venomous in June-July 2019
Rahu Venomous for 15 days in June and 15 Days in July are Crucial Dates for Untoward happenings

Month of June 2019 Most Venomous since the Planetary positions take important dimensions.The Following Parameters acquire an important dimension
The Malefic Drama of Planets will be visible in the Month of June-July 2019

1.Saturn Ketu will oppose Mars Rahu degree-wise on 14 June 2019 followed immediately by Mercury Rahu and Mercury Mars conjunction.
2.Sun will conjoin with Mars Rahu too on the 15th June 2019 .
3.Saturn Ketu continues in super close conjunction all month, and then Mars gets debilitated ,and July is the month of Eclipses. So overall the planetary transits are tumultuous , venomous and volatile.

Key Dates in June 2019 are:
Saturn Ketu is in close conjunction all the month.
1st June 24-17 hrs – Mercury moves into Gemini
4th June 11-20 hrs Venus in Taurus. Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius Ascendants
4th to 5th – Moon is in Gemini with Mars Rahu Mercury and opposite Saturn Ketu, Can be emotionally tough time frame
10th – Sun Jupiter opposition – Jupiter Retrograde and fallen connection with Sun
14th – Mars Rahu conjunction and opposite to Saturn Ketu
15th – Sun in Gemini
16th – Mercury Rahu conjunction
17th – Mercury Mars Conjunction
17th to 18th – Moon with Saturn Ketu opposite Rahu Mars
20th – Mercury in Cancer then again falls back in Gemini on the 30th July 2019 as a Fallen Planet and goes back in Cancer on the 26 August. Mercury will retrograde in Cancer later in July.
22nd – Mars in Cancer Debilitated to 8 August when it goes in Leo
23rd – Jupiter in Scorpio Venus in Taurus opposition
28th – Venus in Gemini

In Direct motion from the 5th June to 10th June 2019
19th June to 26th June 2019 again Direct Motion
16 Days in July Direct and we can image the State of Affairs what can happen
Rahu has the Capacity to turn the tables upside down for any thing . This Parameter may Please be noted and can give unexpected Venomous Results since Foring a Angaraak yoga with Mars

14 June 2019 Mars Rahu will conjoin in Gemini and as Saturn Ketu are opposing it in Sagittarius – This is most Volatile and a big clash of titans – all of them with their own agendas and not giving ground to each other and no respite from Trade Wars, Political Tug of Wars . This is a volatile, stressful and aggressive transit. We could see some areas of the world in crisis with unsettled politics and aggressive stances which can lead to negative consequences if those in power are not exercising caution and care. I have written so many Articles on the Global Financail and Stock Markets can take a big hit, The Trade wars can take an ugly shape. Mars and Rahu conjunction is considered as an Angaraak Yoga and Most Volatile as already mentioned by me in my Articles
All of us need to be careful from 10 to 20 June 2019 as there are many planetary clashes and the planetary energy is disturbed immencely. Mercury Affliction causes Earthquakes, Stock and the Financial Markets Volatality and Extreme weather conditions cannot be ruled out along with High intensity Earthquakes in the globe . The Countries Prone are India, Afganistan, Nepal, Japan, Indonesia, China, Philipines. US is Prone to Terrorism amd Untoward happenings

The signs impacted are Gemini and Sagittarius as they are hosting the planets. Aries, Scorpio, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius as their rulers are involved in the clash. However, Scorpio has the blessing of Jupiter transiting and Venus opposite, so they will be able to deal with the transit in a better way it so seems but unfortunately Jupiter is weak since Retrograde and Fallen
If you have Ascendant Sun and Moon in any of these signs, then you will experience them more intensely. The Eclispses in the 1/7 axis of the Luminaries will be most Venomous it so seems as per the Theory of Inevitability By K N Rao Book of The Nehru Dynasty .

Read My Articles below in this Regard
1.”US Stocks Dangerously Close To Classic Sell : Astrology Predicted Long Ago Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
2.”Mars-Rahu Angaraak Yoga Proves In Surat As Predicted 2nd -22nd June 2019 Most Venomous For Explosions Fire Earthquakes Shortcircuits Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Read my Article “Mars Rahu Degree Conjunction Angraak Yoga Opposed By Saturn Ketu : Huge Explosions ‘APOCALYPTIC Scenes’ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Let me reproduce it here for ready Reference below

Mars and Rahu Conjunction opposed by Saturn and Ketu will take place from the 7th May to 22nd June 2019 . This Time Frame may be the Most Venomous in the year 2019 as far as Huge Explosions,Earthquakes, Terrorism and Apocalyptic Scenes with magnitude for the total Globe is concerned. Those countries where the Eclipses are falling in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sun ,Moon or the 8th house and Anter dasha of Rahu or a Planet who has capacity to bring a down fall for the Countrymay be worst influenced. US is Most Prone in this respect Since Varahamihra has allocated the sign Gemini for US, Canada, South West England,Belguim, Italy,Wales, Lower Egypt,Armenia,Sardinia,London,Melborne,San Francisco etc.. The Sun and Moon afflicted in Transit by Nodes will sprout malefic results. As Already Mentioned US is running the Dasha of Rahu-Rahu and transit Rahu over the 4 Planets in the sign Gemini and specially Rahu over the Jupiter , Loss of wealth of the Country is indicated . Natural and Unnatural Calamities also cannot be ruled out

Mars Rahu Conjunction is Angaarak Yoga Terrorism Explosions and war in any shape. Saturn with Rahu or in Kendra from each other it is opposed by Saturn and Ketu add fuel to the fire .
The Main Parameters for this are as below
1. Mars and Rahu Conjunct . Presently they will be conjunct after 7th May 2019 to 22nd June 2019
2. Saturn and Rahu conjunct or in Kendra from each other till 25th Jan. 2020. Saturn will remain with Ketu till this period
3. Conjunction or Opposition of Mars and Saturn. They are already foring an inauspicious yoga since in 6/8 axis , they will oppose each other after 7th April to 22nd June 2019
4. Saturn Retrogression from the 30th April 2019 may become more sinster and deadly till 18th Sept. 2019
5. Role of Eclipses in July 2019 may add fuel to the fire
6. Affliction to Sun and Moon the life giving planets would nbe worst in this respect.
7. 17th June 2019 Mars and Rahu will be opposed by Saturn and Ketu degree wise
See the Chart of the same Below of the Lunation on the 17th June 2019 at 14-00 hrs New Delhi

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon and Placed in the Yama of Leo the 12th house of the Lunation chart and the Lord is placed in the 10th house where the Ascendant Lord is placed in own sign is good along with the Yama Lord Sun . but the unfortunate part is the Placement of the 8th Lord Mars is not good for the Fortnight

As per Varahamihra the sign allocated for US is Gemini and this Fortnight may be most Venomous for US as well may be it is for Natural or Unnatural Calamities, Terrorism, Earthquakes of Strong Magnitude .

7 planets in the Gemini, Sagitarius axis most Prone for Global Economy Crack
Venus influenced by Fallen Jupiter . See the Degrees of the Planets very close and Prone to adversities and just before the Eclipses in July 2019


See the Chart Below of the 3rd July 00-46 hrs


From the above it is Crystal Clear that those Nations who will have the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Moon or Sun and Anter Dasha of Rahu or a Planet who has the capacity to Attribute Malefic Stances ——- Then what could Happen the Country could face a Down fall, Economy Break Down
From the above it seems US is Most Prone to all this as Per the sign Given to US as Gemini and Jupiter the 7th Lord and the 10th Lord is Fallen and Retrograde will behave like a mad elephant who has the capacity to Ruin the Jungle , here Jupiter will Ruin the wealth Status of the Nation it so seems specially when Jupiter again Meet Saturn in Sagitarius where Ketu is also Placed after 5th Nov. 2019. This Date Mae be the worst and The Malefic Stances would start much before and Strong Roller Coaster Rides cannot be ruled pout along with a Big fall in the Stock and the Financial Markets. It is Said Mars triggers the events hence after 7th May to 22nd June will be a Time frame which will depict every thing ahead .

Taking of the Present Scenario

Mars in the sign Gemini and on the 2nd June the Dispositor of Mars and Rahu will also join the malefic conjunction.When Sun and Moon also jointhese Gemini- Sagitarius axis Rahu will be adverse and can prove a bolt from the blue

The Following Time Frames and Dates seems to be most Venomous

1. Lunation chart of the 17th June 2019 13-59-50 hrs .
2.23rd June Venus and Fallen Jupiter will aspect each other at 23 deegrees

In a Nut Shell Western Countries along with US may be Prone to Terrorism, War Like situations as Mentioned above . 9/11 episode can be repeated again it so seems as per the Planetary positions specially after 11th June any time around the Eclipses ofg the July 2019 and then after 5th Nov. 2019 and around the 26th Dec. 2019 and 10th Jan 2019. These dates are also prone to Global Economy Break, natural and unnatural calamities with magnitude

From the 19th June to 28th Jun and 2nd July to 20th July and then 25th July to 1st August are time frames most Malefic since Rahu will be Adverse


The above Written on the 1st May 2019 08-30 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

Now As Predicted see what all is happening in the Country
“Surat building fire: ‘We jumped off 4th floor to escape,’ recounts survivor”

This is the second incident of fire in coaching centres of Surat in the past four months.
“We were on the fourth and top floor. Suddenly, there was smoke all around. We found it extremely difficult to breathe. We shouted for help…I called out for my mother and rushed toward the only staircase. But stairs were also engulfed in fire,” said Urmila.
“Like all others, I and my other friend rushed back to the room…we had no option but to jump. I saw others jumping off and followed them,” she added.
She is undergoing treatment at P P Savani Hospital for injuries in thighs, back and head.
Deputy chief minister Nitin Patel put the death toll at 17. Chief minister Vijay Rupani, who reached Surat around 9 pm, said, “Strict instructions have been given to check all sorts of building across the state for any kind of irregularities. No irregularities will be tolerated”.

“Surat fire: 20 killed in coaching centre blaze, horrific visuals show kids falling off burning building”

A fire engulfed a coaching centre in Gujarat’s Surat, killing at least 20 people
Visuals from the spot show several students falling off the windows trying to escape thick smoke
Gujarat CM has ordered an inquiry and has announced an ex-gratia amount of Rs 4 lakh for the kin of the deceased
At least 20 people were killed and several others injured in a fire at a coaching centre in Sarthana area of Surat in Gujarat. The coaching centre was located on the third and fourth floors of the Takshashila Complex.
Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said at least 19 students have died in the fire, but Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel has put the figure at 20. “As per the information received, 20 students have died in the fire. Many others were injured and shifted to a hospital,” Nitin Patel said.

Students, mostly teenagers, died “either due to suffocation or jumping off from the complex”, the deputy CM said. “We have ordered a detailed inquiry into the incident. We will not spare those found guilty,” Nitin Patel said.
Horrifying visuals of the fire showed kids falling off the windows.

Hence looking in to the above I Suggest to take following Precautions till this Angaraak yoga is there specially till 22nd June 2019
1. Take care of Electical faults in the Car specially when the AC is switched on .
2. Keep three-forth Door open when Sleeping and Air Conditioners are on specially at night
3. Electrical Faults in the home may be removed immediately
4. Those who have this Angaraak yoga in the Chart in Gemini or having Scorpio Ascendant may be prone to accidents
5. Cinema Halls, Eating Joints where Lot of Pomp and show should be alert on Explosions, Fire Shortcircuits
6.Tornados, Earthquakes Lightening and Crack of Clouds
7. Terrorism

Acharaya anil aggarwala
Jyotish Acharaya BVB Research Scholar and Awadr Winner
BSc Engg P.E.C Ch
Date 31st May 2019 10-00 am


Read this Media News
“Cyclone Vayu Updates: Flight operations suspended in parts of Gujarat, 40 trains cancelled ”

PM Narendra Modi, in a series of tweets, said that he was constantly in touch with the state governments. NDRF and other agencies are working round the clock to provide all possible assistance, PM Narendra Modi said.

Praying for the safety and wellbeing of all those affected by Cyclone Vayu.
The Government and local agencies are providing real-team information, which I urge those in affected areas to closely follow.
Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 12, 2019
As severe cyclonic storm Vayu inches closer towards the Gujarat coast, the Home Ministry on Tuesday reviewed preparations while authorities have deployed NDRF personnel, rescue officials and teams of the Indian Army have been put on standby.
People living in low-lying areas of these 10 districts are being shifted to safer places. Over 1,64,000 people have been evacuated from Gujarat by Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority by 4 pm on Wednesday. Those evacuated have been shifted to shelters.
Cyclone Vayu is likely to move further northwards and cross Gujarat coast between Porbandar and Mahuva around Veraval and Diu region and intensify into a very severe cyclonic storm with wind speed 140-150 kmph to 165 kmph.
The cyclonic storm is expected to hit the Gujarat coast on June 13 (Thursday).
Flight operations from Ahmedabad’s Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport to Porbandar, Diu, Kandla, Mundra and Bhavnagar have been cancelled for Thursday.
Bracing for the impact of the high-speed wind, Gujarat and Diu authorities have already planned to evacuate about three lakh people from identified vulnerable areas. The evacuation will start on Wednesday morning. People will be shifted to around 700 cyclone and relief shelters.

The Total Article is written on the 12th June 2019 10-30 hrs
Acharaya anil aggarwala
Jyotish Acharaya BVB Research Scholar and Awadr Winner
BSc Engg P.E.C Ch

youtube link of the workshop on the 19th May 2019

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