Mars Planet of Energy Violence Explosions It’s Stay In Aries And Taurus : What It Foretells ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

Mars in the Rohini Nakshatra will be the ugliest Transit in the coming Transit after 22nd March 2019 since it will be the Ascendant of the Foundation chart of India and it has been observed from the past that when ever Malefic Transit in this sign they bring untoward happening with dimensions. Another Parameter is the Saturn Transitting in the sign Sagitarius in the nakshatra of Poorva shadha between the 13.20 degrees to 26.40 and the Stationary at 26.24 degrees in Nakshatra Gandantha and Becoming Retrograde on the 30th April 2019 will bring transformation in the national Political scene, since the 2 Planets Saturn and Jupiter both will be in the Sign Sagitarius from the 29th March to 23rd April 2019 through a poll and not through Revolution, but polls which will have tones of Revolution and unexpected through a ballot.
Some Previous happenings and against the Nehru Dynastic Politics Took place in 1977 when something of a Revolution haoppened through ballot box and then Jupiter was in Taurus. In August 1964 again had connection with Aries and Taurus sign when it was about to go in Taurus, Jupiter had taken away Nehru and Brought Lal Bhadur Shastri into Political Forefront.
Then When Jupiter was again in Taurus from 1964 to 1966 Jupiter was in Taurus again and For Indira again .
In Nov. 1989 Elections Rajiv Gandhi Congres Party suffered a set back and then he resigned from the Post of Primeminister
NOTE THE PLANETARY POSITION. Saturnin the 8th from Jupiter and aspected by Mars , Now in the Coming Scenario of the Trasits as explained above it will be Saturn and Jupiter will be 2/12 axis and Saturn will be aspected by Mars . The Sign Taurus becomes the Key sign and being the Lagna of the India Independence Chart when Congres came in power and Ruled for a Phenominal time this chart can also be taken as the Chart of Congress and I have alread discussed n details in my Article “Fate Of Congress Dynastic Politics In the General Elections Of Lok Sabha 2019”…f-lok-sabha-2019/ ‎
Another Parameter is a Malefic in the Sign Taurus the Ascendant of the Foundation chart of India and Over the Natal Rahu and then in Rohini Nakshatra has always proved most Venomous . It seems the 3 States where the Congress has gained success may fracture and may prove as a bolt from the Blue for Congress
This is again a Research Article my friends
Mars Planet of Energy Violence Explosions Joins Its Fiery Sign Aries On The 5th Feb. 2019 at 23.48 hrs. As per the Natural Zodiac it will be in the Lagna the Aries sign and aspect will the Jupiter placed in the Sign Scorpio by strong 8th aspect which is also its own sign. Mars will remain in Aries till 22nd March 2019 15.05 hrs and then in the sign Taurus till 7th May 2019 till 06-53 hrs.It will pass through 3 nakshatras Ashvini, Bharini and Krittika in the sign Aries and then in the nakshatra of Krittika Rohini and Mrigshira during its transit. The Mars Passing through the Kakshatra of Ketu and Ketu placed in the 10th house from Mars and the 10th Lord Saturn placed in the 9th house forms a Rajyoga both for Ketu and Saturn, since Saturn as the 10th Lord Placed in the 9th house and Ketu in the 10th house in Kendra and its dispositor in the 9th house. The Unfortunate part is the 9th and the 12th Lord of the natural Zodiac Jupiter in placed in the sign Scorpio the 8th house. This Parameter will be a malefic one since Mars as the 8th Lord will also aspect Jupiter who is placed in the 8th house. The Result is the above Rajyogas loose their total shine. Hence Jupiter will continue to receive the aspect of Mars till 7th May 2019. This can prove to be most malefic for the Gathbandhan Parties due to the fact that all the Gadthbandhan took place when there was an Exchange of the 12th and the 8th Lord of the Zodiac from the 23rd Dec. 2018. The Jupiter and Mars exchange was there from the 23rd Dec. 2018 only and ever since then the Politics has taken a new turn. Another factor was Rahu was also in Direct motion for a very long time at a stretch and was an exception. Even at the time of writting this Article Rahu is adverse till 5th Feb. 2019.

The race for power will begin after 5th Feb.2019 and near the eletions in April 2019 and there will be lot of strife and struggles but mind you the Saturn reaching the 24 degree mark on the 10th March 2019 may prove to a bolt from the blue for some , since Satrun will be at 24 degrees in Sagitarius and thenon the 29th March Jupiter will also joing Satur and Ketu in the sign Sagitarius. At this point Mars will be in the sign Taurus and will aspect this conjunctin by the 8th aspect. There will also be Inauspicious yogas after 22nd March 2019 between the Mars and Saturn-Ketu conjunction. This Planetary Transit will bring a big change in the Political scenario and the shine of Modi which has been taking a hit since 23rd Dec. 2018 will take a positive note from here and till the election day which could be in the 1st week of April 2019. So many Scams may come out of the bags specially connected to black money and list of people having Accounts in the Bank of Switzerland. Al those who have casses against them and . under bail may also be trapped. It seems The Ruling Govt. will not leave any stone unturned to Expose the Culprits just after Mars transit the sign Aries till it goes in the sign Gemini on the 7th May 2019. Saturn the disciplinarian will play its game and will be on the driving wheel since will be afflicted badly in the fiery sign Sagitarius and its dispositor fallen after 23rd April 2019. The Total game of Politics will change and all euqations which have been formed before the 5th Feb. 2019 may be subjected to change due to fear, mismatch between their ideology and the race for power. The Political Scenario will be one of its kind never seen before.The Rajyogas formed earlier between the 23rd Dec. to 5th Feb. 2019 will crack and again new equations will be formed which will be weak in all respects. 23rd April to 30th April 2019 will be the worst of its kind whne Saturn will be stationary at 26 degrees and come back again on the 24 degree mark on the 14th June 2019. The Results of the Elections would be declared only after Saturn is near the 24-26 degree mark and I have already explained the importance of these Degrees in so many articles. The Most important date On the 10th April 2019 Jupiter will become Retrograde at 00.13 degrees in Gandantha and fall back in Scorpio on the 23rd April 2019. From here the most malefic Time frame starts for the Gathbandhan Parties getting into strife and struggles.This will be the ugliest period in the Politics of the Country. Espionage from foreign elements cannot be ruled out for disturbing the peace of the Country around this time frame.
This Time frame will be the most difficult time for the Head of the Country as well but mind you the Saturn at the 24 degree Mark will bring the culprits to book.
For India the Transit of the 3 Planets Saturn, Jupiter and Ketu will take place in the 8th house from the 29th March to 23rd April 2019 and most ugly situations may come through.
The energy levels will change from Stagnation to progress but mind you Mars energy will also be disruptive since a planet of passion and anger and will be in the square position from the Nodes. Mars in the Nakshatra of Ketu and in Kendra from Rahu and Ketu can be explosive specially when it will also be conjunct with Uranus.This combination of high energy indicates unexpected explosive events on the earth. Transiting Jupiter in Scorpio will be aspected by Mars as it aspects Jupiter by its 8th strong aspect. As Mars aspects the sign it rules Scorpio, it magnifies deep emotion and passion. The 8th aspect has a quality of the 8th house, which is about change and bring transformations. The Transformations in mundane astrology are activated when Saturn and Jupiter join and in the Transit they will be together with Ketu from the 29th March to 23rd April 2019. This Period of 25 days will change the Political Scenario of the Country totally. Mars will aspect the 9th and the 12th Lord of the natural Zodiac Jupiter in the 8th house there will be changes in the Travel Visas and Long Travel will also be on the cards for those who have similiar combinations, more to do with foreign settlement. Mars will aspect North Node degree-wise very soon and as I have mentioned a lot to do with Travel and Foreign settlement.All depends upon your Natal chart. Those waiting for Visas and settlement may be influenced according to their natal charts .

After 5th Feb. 2019 and specially after 13th Feb. 2019 when Saturn aspects Sun will also be a critical time for the world and specially India and the US since the Saturn will be reaching the 24 segree mark and aspects the Natal Saturn in the 2nd house at 24 degrees by 10th aspect. This Point is most venomous for India and US, For India for the Dynastic Politics and Terrorism in India Jammu & Kashmir

There could be violence connected to the 9th house affairs and hence the Ram Temple and Ayodha Affairs may come to light with dimensions in the time frames mentioned above. Mars is also Bhumi Putra and happenings connected to Earthquakes etc and signification of Land and Property may take a bigger dimension and scams related to same may be the Breaking News.

In Case of US Mars Transit will aspect the Dasha Lords Rahu-Rahu Natal in the 12th house from the 9th house . Trump can take a hasty decision For the Matters already escalated for the Mexico wall

Japan , Indonesia, Malasyia and South Pacific may be prone to Earthquakes along with Himalaya Terrian. Counties who will suffer Most will be US, China, France, Germany. Trade wars will take ugly shape and Recession may be on the cards as already predicted. All those scams which have already come of the bag earlier will take an ugly shape and reach boiling point. I dont want to name for reasons best known people who will suffer the most. Donald Trump may face tuff situations. The Dasha in the natal Chart of US is of Rahu in the 12th house of losses and in the case of Trump Jupiter-Saturn which is most malefic dasha as per Jyotish Classics of South India and specially Saturn being his and the countries 7th Lord of Wars . China will also suffer and since the 2 big economies of the world will be in hot waters there will be recession since Saturn is also on the verge of the completion of the 90 year cycle from the 24th Oct. 1929 when the Great Recession of the world took place. He the Effect on India will also be seen and who so ever becomes the Primeminister will face tuff situations for 1.5 -2.5 years. The Chances of Modi coming in power are not ruled out but he will have to join hands to gain majority , in the event if this not take place then ther ewill be hung Parliment for which the chances are low but cannot be ruled out but My Research say Saturn at 24 degrees will Take Modi to again the pedestal he is placed before the elections .

31st Jan. 2019 16-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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