Mars Ingress in Sagitarius :What it Foretells

by astrodocanil

Mars the Red Planet will ingress in Sagitarius on the 18th Sept. 2016 at 07-45 hrs IST. It is said that a Planet like Mars when ever it overstays in a  Rashi and the moment it changes the sign works like a ammunation dump.

Considering the natural Zodiac Mars is the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord . Ingressing in the 9th house of the natural Zodiac is good for Law enforcement . Mars will also be in square position from its Dispositor Jupiter the 9th Lord of the natural Zodiac. Unfortunately the Dispositors Dispositor Mercury is in Fallen State in Leo the 9th from the 9th House . Sun will ingress in Virgo before Mars Ingresses in Sagitarius . Hence at the time when Mars Ingresses in Sagitarius Sun, Jupiter and Venus will be in Virgo. The Dispositor of these 3 Planets will be fallen and with Rahu is the most Malefic Parameter , since a Fallen Planet is worst then a snakebite and most Venomous . There will also be exchange between Sun and Mercury till 4th Oct. 2016. Hence till 4th Oct. 2016 the Planetary Positions will not be in a healthy situation , Although the Combination of Jupiter and Sun is the highest ShivRaj yoga , but since the dispositor is weak may not manifest its results with strength

Mars for the Foundation chart of India is the Lord of the 12th house and the 7th house and is Placed in the 2nd house in the sign of Gemini . The Moment Mars ingresses in Sagitarius it will activate the Natal Mars as well  and at this juncture Mars will be transitting the 8th house of the Foundation chart of India will be a most Crucial factor more so since the Dasha of Moon Mars will be in operation till 8-2-2017 , Mars connection with the 8th house 8th Lord is considered to be an Explosive parameter in activities related to Mass happenings, Terrorism, Explosions, Fire, Espoinage from Foreign Elements  and Specially Pakistan Taking a aggresive stance in Terrorism .

Mars will be in Gandantha between the 18th to 20th Sept. 2016 and will give explosive happenings concerning Tsunamis, Water Havoc, Fire ,Terrorism, Espoingae from Foreign Elements , Pakistan Terrorism with magnitude.

Let us see the Foundation chart of India of 15th August 1947 00-00-01 hrs below


When Mars reaches the 3rd Navamsha it will be in the Navamsha of Gemini  between the 28th Sept. to 4th Oct. 2016 , during this Time frame Mars will be activating the Natal Mars in the 2nd house as well the Mars in the Navamsha in the sign of Sagitarius  can be most Explosive   to mass happenings . Between 29th to 4th Oct. Jupiter the 8th Lord will be in Aries Navamsha in Transit , hence untoward happenings can take place for the 8th and the 11th house significations . Saturn will be in Sagitarius navamsha from the 17th Sept. to 4th Oct when Mars will be also in is Sagitarius sign and Gemini Navamsha. This could be explosive as Far as India is concerned for MiniKargil war as already mentioned by me in my Earlier Articles 


Hence between the Period from 18th Sept. to 4th Oct. 2016 will be a critical Period for India Specifically . Earthquakes, Tornados, Tsunami, Natural and unnatural disasters are on the cards . Espoinage from Foreign elements , War with Neighbors cannot be ruled out. Terrorism in the Rail and Air Tracks could also surface during this Period.

Mars leaving the sign of Scorpio will also have an effect on the Stock Market. It is believed that when Mars and Saturn are in Scorpio the Stock  Market remains Bullish. From the Transit of Mars joining Scorpio on the 20th Feb. 2016 it has been observed that the stock market touched new heights till 12th Sept. 2016 . The Markets lost grip the Moment Mercury was fallen, Combusted in the sign Leo on the 12th Sept. 2016. It seems the Market will remain Volatile till 22nd Sept. 2016 till Mercury is Retrograde . On the 22nd Sept. 2016 Mercury  will be stationary and it is Expected that the FED may increase the Interest  Rates , which may prove to be a Bolt from the Blue for the Financial Markets .Never the less if they dont increase the interest rates it will be a Temporary affair and the Same will be revised in Dec. 2016 causing a negative impact on the financial markets, but from the Planetary Positions it seems the Increase is inevitable , the only Parameter would be the time frame

It seems that since Mercury will be stationary and eclipsed with Rahu in Leo the Fed may not increase the Interest Rates and hence the Market may become most Volatile , but due to Mars Aggression and Mercury Fallen , the Market may take a strong hit before 7th Oct. 2016 

Gold will spike after 22nd Sept. 2016 till Sun ingresses in Libra  and May Cross 1375 $ in the Present Scenerio 

If we may Recollect that at the time of 9/11  Massacre in New York Mars was in Sagitarius and Saturn was in Taurus , Now both the signs will be activated and also  as per the Declination method . Both the Dreaded Planets are activated for Terrorism with Magnitude . I have already written an article dated 12th Sept. 2016 


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala Date 15th Sept.2016  06-50 AM New Delhi 

Updated on 18th Sept. 2016 at 07-00 am For Stock Market and Gold Prices 


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted. The Prediction may or may not come True. My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed. 








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