Mars In Cancer its sign of Debilitation : What it Foretells

by astrodocanil

Mars as we all know is a Planet of  War or Strife and represents violence of all kinds in every form including Fire, Explosions , Assassination , Coup,Murders abduction and Rape, Armed Forces, Naval and Air Commands, Police, Engineers, Criminals, Fire fighters. It also represents infiltration and secret enemies and Terrorism of all sorts.

Mars Ingresed in the sign of Cancer on the 31st July 2015 in the Early Morning hours at 02-20 hrs. and will remain in this sign till 15th Sept. 2015

Placed in a totally Watery sign, it will Transit in Punarvasu a Neera Nadi as per Sapt nadi Chakra, then Pushya a Jala Nadi and Aslesha which is a Amrit Nadi. Venus will Join Cancer sign in Retrogression on the 13th August 2015 as a Fallen Planet and both will be in degree conjunction on the 1st Sept. 2015  and  Venus will become direct on the 6th Sept. 2015 and again Transit in Leo on the 30th Sept. 2015.

This conjunction of Mars and Venus as above  in the Total Watery sign will give maximum Rains, Floods in the North East portion of India, specially where there have been less rains. This would include Delhi as well. 

Debilitated Mars in Cancer will be in the 3rd house of the India Independence chart over 5 planets as we all know and  in the Lagna of the Hindu New Moon Pieces chart of 2015 and the 9th house of the Paksha Kundali of the 31st July 2015 will sprout  the Issues relating to Law, Justice, Courts ,Religion ,Embassies  and Travel,  It will be in the 6th house of the Paksha Kundali  of the 14th August 2015 with Luminaries and Fallen, Retrograde Venus  are crucial parameters in the Coming Fortnights..

As Far as the Paksha Kundali of the 31st July is concerned I have already written an article link  dated 11th July 2015 and some Highlights are as below.

Saturn in the Lagna indicates  Distress, Discontentment, Loss of work,sickness and Diseases  placed in the 7th house of the India Independence chart is very unfavourable position for foreign affairs, and depression in Foreign Trade , in the 5th house of the Hindu New Moon chart there will be depression in the Entertainment industry and Trouble to Women and children.

The most sensitive Parameter in this Fortnight is Saturn Stationary in the Lagna aspecting the 3rd house, 7th and the 10th house , could give Results with force regarding the same, as Lord of the 7th and 8th house of the Hindu New Moon chart and Placed in the trine and as placed in the 7th house of the India Independence chart in the 7th house , since Stationary planet can focus its energies better and give some results  with force . Saturn at this point will be aspecting Moon, Venus and Jupiter , The Aspect on Venus and Jupiter will be degreewise  and Saturn will be very powerful to give the effects , since in the Independence chart it will be in the 7th house and as the 7th Lord of the Hindu New Moon chart aspecting its  own house  Capricorn. As a Disciplanarian aspecting the 9th house in the Independence chart some Strict measures regarding the Judiciary, Religon, Navy Etc.   Afflicting Jupiter and Venus degree wise will not be good , Infact all the benefics will be aspected by Saturn will be a crucial factor.

In a Nut shell, 3/9 and 1/7 axis of the Hindu new Moon and the Independence chart will be activated with strong Saturn when Stationary till 6th August 2015. The effects will be seen soon and till Saturn Remains in Scorpio till 28th Jan 2017.


Moon is Placed in the 3rd house , which is the 9th house of the India independence chart and the 7th house of the Hindu New Moon chart of 2015and Aspected by Mars and Retrograde Saturn is indicating troubles of the 3rd house and 9th house from the Foreign Countries and Foreign Elements and Accidents.

Ketu in the 5th house , Danger to Ruler through secret intrigues and Teachery,

More so since Transit Saturn is over Natal Ketu in the 7th house of the India independence chart degreewise , is already creating havoc and could also surface more events till 14th August and to be more specific between 5th and 9th August 2015and then 13th August 2015 for untoward happening concerning the 9th house as stated in this article 

Mars  Trade and  Commerce Will cause Religious and Legal Disputes, Lalit Modi Case may highlighted . Shipping Accidents

Mercury Commercial ,Stock Market and Legal Affairs

10th house  Jupiter and Venus afflicted  and closely aspected by Saturn , Religious and Financial Disputes  Depcreciation of the Govt. Securities, unpleasant Episodes  for women,Debates in the Parliament  and Scandles  surfacing in the Parliamentary Circles . Jupiter and Venus in the 10th house  Female Politicians  issues can take a greater dimension and the opposition Congress will not leave any stone unturned to hit the Ruling Govt. with allegations for the female Ministers and the Vyapam Scam.

9th House Specially concerning the 9th house of  Religion, Temples,Law ,Justice , courts and Embassies, there could be untoward happenings till the 14th August 2015 and more so on the 13th August 2015 and A Terrorist Attack and Espoinage is possible by the Neighboring countries in retaliation of the Hanging of the Yakub Memon.

For detail please study analysis as per the link mentioned above , all this is already mentioned there in the above article dated 11th July 2015.

Let us study the Paksha Kundali of the 14th August 2015 20-23 hrs  to see what Mars and other planets have in store for the World and India.


Lagna is Aquarius in the nakshatra of Jupiter who is aspecting it along with Mercury  the Lord of 5th and the 8th Lord and is close to Lagna Degrees . Lagna is the 10th house of the India independence chart and the 8th house of the Hindu New Moon Pieces chart of 2015. The Lagna Lord is Placed in the 10th House which is the 7th house of the India Independence chart and the 5th house of the Hindu New Moon Pieces chart. It is indicative of the Results pertaining to the 5th , 7th and the 8th house surfaciung as Far as the Planet Saturn is concerned. The crucial Parameter is the Dispositor of Saturn is Mars and in Debilitation and as mentioned above with Luminaries and Fallen Venus who is also Retrograde.

A Fallen Planet is most malefic to give strong Negative results since it is the Lagna Lord  and the 6th Lord of the India Independence Chart and placed in the 6th house of the Paksha Kundali will sprout Havoc from Rains, Floods, 9th house significations as mentioned above  for Religion, Temples, Law, Justice, Court, Embassies, Long Travel and Important Dignitaries belonging to the 9th house significations, since placed with Luminaries and Debilitated Mars. There will be strong attack  from Congress Party for Female Politicians to step down from their positions  for helping the IPL chief Lalit Modi. The Issues of Sushma Swaraj, Basundhra Raje and the Vapayam Scam may be the main issue which will take a greater dimension. In the Navamsha also Lumanaries, Venus and Rahu also also in a watery sign, hence havoc by Water, Rains Tsunami like events near coastal areas.

India is also running the chidra dasha of Sun-Venus and Venus since Retrograde on the 25th July  , Combusted and Fallen on the 13th August 2015  will sproute the significations of the 9th and 4th house in this fortnight .

Mars is 3rd and 10th Lord in Debilitation  and also dispositor of the Lagna Lord Saturn is most crucial in this fortnight  and what ever has happened during the Period of Saturn in Stationary Motion from 27th July to 7th August 2015 will sprout with maximum potential and war like situations for the country from the Neighboring Countries and Specially Pakistan and Pertaining to the 9th house as mentioned above. India security should be beefed up to take appropriate measures and specially the Judges who were involved in the Final Verdict of Yakub Memon. The Dates which are critical are 13th , 14th, 15th and then from 18th to 25rd August 2015.

Rahu Placed in the 8th house  and its Dispositor  Mercury in the 6th house is also a crucial factor . On the 21st August 2015 Mercury will be in mrityu Bhag and Rahu in Forward motion.Mercury Ingress in Virgo on the 23rd August 2015 at the time when Rahu is in adverse motio till 25th August 2015 will be most Crucial for the Stock markets. RAHU IN ADVERSE MOTION IS CAPABLE TO TURN THE TABLES UPSIDE DOWN.  Saturn aspecting Sun degreewise at 4 degrees and Mars aspecting Moon Degreewise and Jupiter Combusted is crucial for  Activities relating to 9th house  Temples, Courts, Religon, Embassies. As per the Paksha Kundali 9th Lord Venus is Fallen and with Mars Debilitated . Havocs from Rain, Cloud bursts aswell. Terrorism with greater dimension, Airplanes hijacking, Crashes etc.

Stock Markets Trends .

Also adding some more indicative factors. Stock Markets can take a Bearish trend on 21st August and the trend of Bearish/ Bullish may continue till 6-7 Sept. 2015, till Venus is Retrograde and more so till 1st Sept 2015 when the Longitudnal distance of Mercury and Venus will start to reduce and Venus Lost in Planetary war Karka for Prices on the 1st Sept. 2015 and Rahu in Forward motion with Mercury the Karka for Stock market.

Stock market will take a number of hits in Sept. 2015 on the Days when Rahu is in Forward motion, Mercury will be in Virgo till 29th Oct 2015 is crucial Parameter for the Stock market specially with Rahu. Stock market can take a Strong hit around 23rd August 2015 and till 29th Oct. 2015 will be bullish and bearish when Rahu is in adverse motion. 9th Oct. 2015 Rahu will be adverse and Mercury Stationary and degree conjunction with Rahu. The Stock market can take a strong hit on this day

Significations of the 6th house, since Luminaries in the 6th house 

Armed Forces, Territorial Attacks, War, Strikes, Boarder clashes, Medical and Paramedical services,  Diseases in general, Service class and Under privileged. Placement of Mars is most Critical this fortnight

I am Reminded of August -Sept 1978 when there was excessive rains and there were floods in Delhi and neighboring States.

Read this 1978: Floods devastate northern India…/septem…/4/newsid_2496000/2496097.stm
Delhi was worst hit and specially Model Town.

At that point of time Jupiter and Retrograde Mercury were in the Full watery sign and created havoc by Rains , Floods, Epidemics, now the Cancer sign has Mars and Venus Retrograde and as explained above are bound to create similair situations.

Mars and Venus combination and both afflicted is the Precarious Parameter for Women as well, there may be atrocities against women with higher magnitude  like Rapes, abduction , Women Terrorist  may also be active in this Fortnight.

Terrorist may resort to come through  Rivers  from adjoining the country from the North and East Directions. The Terrorist may also attack the Army base naval and Air. Hijacking of Planets cannot be ruled out since Venus is fallen and Retrograde and with Debilitated mars in the 6th house. High level Dignitaries could also be at risk . 

Hence from the above it is clear that the fortnight is not a good one , Pertaining to Havoc by Rains, Floods, Epidemics, Terrorism, War like situations with Pakistan  and Political Tug of War between the Ruling Govt. and the Opposition Parties.

There are also possibilities of Earthquakes, since the Earthy signs are afflicted , Rahu in Virgo, Mars and Saturn aspecting Capricorn, Saturn also aspects Taurus and in navamsha  Mars joins Ketu in Virgo is crucial . This Special parameter is applicable for the Globe and specially for all those countries where Earthy signs also afflicted and I need not mention the name of the countries . China, Japan India, Pakistan, Afganistan and Countries with Virgo Lagna having malefics in the Lagna  are prone to Earthquakes in this fortnight 

Another Important Parameter is the 8th lord Jupiter  of the India independence chart in the navamsha Sign Taurus are critical factors for the untoward happenings .

Rahu is in Adverse motion from the 19th till 24th August and are capable of turning the table , during this Period   

Jupiter 8th Lord of the India independence chart  is in the 2nd Navamsha Taurus which is the Navamsha sign of the 8th Lord  and is rising in the Navamsha is another Critical parameter in this fortnight hence 14th and 15th August will be critical dates for untoward happenings as per above . Another Critical date is the 1st Sept. 2015 when mars and venus will be in Degrees conjunction and will sprout untoward happenings for women.

The Paksha Kundali of 30th August 2015 00-05 hrs is of Taurus Lagna  and I shall write an article again for the same and the effects of Mars in Debilitation  from 3oth August to 15th Sept. 2015 in that Article . God bless. 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 5th August 2015 12-30 hrs .

Disclaimer: This is an Astrologial analysis and not the Personal Views of the Writer  and the Writer does not hold himself Responsible for any issues arising out of the Above article . This is just to appraise the Astrology lovers the effects of the Planets in our Life .


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