Mars Ammunition Dump Activates Eclipse Point Of Lunar Eclipse On 9th Nov. Mercury Falls On Sun 11th Nov. What They Have Up Their Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1095 Articles and predictions in just 55 months from April 2015

Red Planet Mars Activates the Eclipse Point of the Lunar Eclipse of the 17th July 2019 on the 9th Nov. 2019 Most Venomous for Ram Mandir Verdict By Supreme Court which may not be acceptable to the opposition

Most Important Parameters in the Lunation chart of the 28th Oct. 2019 09-08 hrs are below
1. Mars activating Eclipse Point of the Lunar Eclipse of the 17th July 2019 most Venomous on the 9th Nov. 2019
2. Mercury the Karna Lord of the Fortnight falling on the Debilitated Sun on the 11th Nov. 2019 when Mars will also ingress in Libra. Most Venomous
As per the Theory of Astrological Inevitability of K N Rao When Eclipses fall in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sun or Moon and the Anter Dasha of Rahu or a Planet who has the capacity to kill what can happen—–The Native may fall from Power. This is also applicable for the Nations in the Mundane Astrology . If this Happens in the 10th house the native may fall or if the span of life has come to its terminal point die
If the Major or the sub period happens to be that of Rahu or Ketu perhaps such fall is unavoidable. Finally when Mars in Transit reaches or aspects the ‘Eclipse Point’which is an ammunition dump which can be ignited only by Mars and no other planet.

As per the Lunar Eclipse of the 17th July 2019 03-08 hrs. the Eclipse Point is 29.56 degrees in the sign Sagitarius which will be activated on the 9th Nov. 2019
As per the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 10-43 hrs the Eclipse point is 9.58 degrees which will be activated by Mars on the 22nd Feb. 2020

Mercury in Retrogression will falls in Libra as a Fallen Planet on the 7th Nov. 2019 and over the Transit Debilitated Sun Degree-wise on the 11th Nov. when Mars will also ingress the sign Libra on the 10th Nov. 2019. This is most venomous planetary combination

Last Time it happened was on the 9th May 2016 in the sign Aries and at the same degrees as the Present one on the 11th Nov. 2019 and in the opposite sign Libra. The Stock Market was flat so we can expect the same and a Break in the stock Market with a substaintal fall

MERCURY is significator of Weather, Communication, Stock Markets, When Afflicted sprouts Earthquakes of higher intensity . It has Fallen fronm the Watery sign to Airy Sign hence Weather may turn extreme cool, Jal Pralay , Tornadoscannot be ruled out . It Spoils the Physocology and it becomes difficult to take decisions .

1. Maharashtra Assembly Elections
A typical Case of the Assembly Elections of the Maharashtra and decision making becomes difficult due to the fact that Mercury is fallen and on the disc of Sun and the Planetary positions are are most venomous for the event. The Karna Lord falling over the Sun in debilitation is most malefic and the Yama Lord Venus with Debilitated Sun is also cancellation of the event although I have predicted the win of BJP with Shiv Sena since the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord will have exchange after the 12th Nov. 2019 and Lagna Lord is stronger than the 7th Lord
2.US and China about to sign a Truce which may not bring good results and may take ugly shape after the 9th to 11th Nov. 2019 Till Mercury goes back in Scorpio on the 5th Dec. 2019.
3.Supreme Court Verdict on the Ram Mandir when Mercury the Karka for Documentation and Communication is fallen and Mars about to Activate the Eclipse point on the 9th Nov. 2019 is crystal clear that the Verdict will come between the 9th to 11th Nov. 2019. The Fortnight starting from the 28th Oct. 2019 till 12th Nov. 2019 is extremely enigmatic one. Unfortunately the Fortnight from the 12th Nov. 2019 is also not Favourable one. The Lagna is the same as the Foundation chart of India . The Dasha in operation is of the Moon-Jupiter-Rahu Jupiter as the 8th Lord placed in the 8th house with 9th and the 10th Lord and the Lunation taking place in the 12th house and Moon aspected by the 8th Lord are most malefic Combinations . The Poorna Ithasla of the Mars and Jupiter is another Parameter which cannot be ignored at all since both are ill placed in the trik Bhavas and indicate untoward happenings after the Verdict
3. As predicted that the time of the Election in the Maharashtra were on the 21st Oct. 2019 and the Lagna was Libra having the Lagna Lord in own sign but with Debilitated Sun who is also influencing the Venus and the Lagna of the navamsha in Debilitation speaks of what is happening. Taking a Positive Stance I had POredicted the Win of The Ruling Govt. but mind you I had also predicted the failure of the event due to adverse planetary positions which are influencing the event till date , but Lagan Lord stronger than the 7th Lord also indicates the win of the Ruling Govt. ultimately. Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord have exchange after the 10th Nov. 2019 when Mars joins the Lagna and the Lagna Lord Venus in the sign Scorpio. The Long tussle of the formation of the Govt. will end on the 9th-11th Nov. 2019
As Per the Chart of the Devendra Fadnavis of the 22nd July 1970 6-00 am Nagpur Maharashtra and the Vedic Progression chart there is a Typical Mercury Placement with Sun and Identical with the Present Planetary positions since it is fallen with Sun but since forming a Budhaditya yoga will come in power with reduced magnitude and may have to shre the power with Shiv Sena
4. US running the dasha of Rahu-Rahu and the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the sign Gemini alloted to US by Varahamihra and in the 1/7 axis of the Sunmay bring a down fall for the Country
5. The Eclipses in the 8th house in the foundation chart of India and in the 12th from the sign Capricorn alloted to India is also a Venomous one specially the Dasha of Moon-Jupiter till 10th Dec. 2019 after which the Dasha of Moon-Saturn which is forming a Vish yoga is no better is crystal clear of the events in the fortnight from the 28th Oct. and the 12th Nov. 2019.

Date 8th Nov. 2019 18-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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