Mars Activating Eclipse Point On 26th Sept. 2018 What It Foretells ?

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my various Articles written on the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th July 2018 . In this connection the following points may be noted 

1. As per the Theory of Inevitability mentioned in the Book of Nehru Dynasty  Published By Vani Publications and written By K N Rao  when the Eclipses take place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun and Moonand Dasha or Anter dasha of a Planet who has the Capacity to bring a down fall then When  Mars Activates the Eclipse Point then it could be the time of Down fall and Untoward happenings for the Country or the Individual

2.My Research is if this Eclipse is also in the 1/7 axis of the 2nd and 8th house and Eclipses take place in close degrees of the Natal Planets it could be fatal with all other Parameters as per point 1

3. If the Eclipses are taking Place over the Natal Jupiter in close degrees it could prove fatal for the Financial Prospects of the Native or the Individual, Provided that this Jupiter is also weak in the Chart and under affliction or the Lord of the Trik Bhavas

4. A Planet in Pushkar Navamsha is like amrit  but when it goes out of it specially in the case of the Lunar Eclipse and the Eclipse point is not in the Pushkar Navamsha and when Mars activates it again it could be most venomous  when Mars Touches the the 10 degree mark after 25th Sept. 2018 also when in Retrogration when it is out of Pushkar navamsha may give negative results  

4. In the Present Scenario Mars is in Pushkar Navamsha from the 28th July 2018 till 8th August 2018 and then from the 15th Sept. to 25th Sept. 2018 and after 25th Sept. 2018 it will activate the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th July 2018 with magnitude . It will crosss the 10 degree mark the Eclipse point and be in own navamsha of Aries with Ketu and Mercury the ill effects of the Lunar Eclipse will be felt then with magnitude The Key Date in the Global Activities it so seems . Mars will also be out of the Pushkar Navamsha from 8th August 2018 when it retrogrades back in the 2nd Navamsha of Aquarius in Retrogression till 27th August when it will be in Stationary motion for 4 days till 31st August.
Hence the Most Crucial for the Global activities will be from the 8th August to15th Sept. and then after 25th Sept. to 14th Dec. 2018. Mars with Ketu and degree conjunction again on the 26th Sept. 2018 at 10 degrees may prove to be the Key date for untoward happenings and the Financial Markets . etc. Rahu adding to the Malefic results will be on the days when Rahu is also in adverse motion and influenced by Mars 

  1. Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
    • Written on 2nd August  2018  08-00 hrs 
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