Marriage Matching The Real Astrological Way Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

The institution of marriage in the Indian Urban Society  is Facing crisis, which is being unscrupulously exploited by Astrologers,Lawyers, and Phycologists. Unhappiness in the home Brings unhappiness in the mind,which prompts us to act unsocialy,irrationally, impulsively and immorally. It is high time  to Adopt a Slogan  to SAVE MARRIAGE AND SAVE SOCIETY and Start contributing towards  the cause.

In the Ancient at times there were 8 kinds of marriage , but the Modern world has added another few of them and more prevalent in the Society , like Livein- Relations, Gay Marriages . All depends upon the Desh Kaal and Patra .

The Main Houses concerning Marriage in the horoscope are  as follows .

  1. 1st house — Self.
  2. 2nd House —Immediate Family
  3. 4th house— Sukh Bhav and Happiness out of marriage .
  4. 5th house—Romance, love and Children
  5. 7th house—Quality of Married life.
  6. 8th house— Longevity of Married life. Ayu sthan, Mangla Sthan for Women.
  7. 12th house— Bed Comforts  and Understanding Between the couple.

Karka for marriage  Venus

Up Karka for marriage Rahu

Pati Karka for Women Jupiter

Marriage Giving Planets —  Venus, Moon, Rahu apart from other Parameters  in the natal chart and the concerned divisional charts and specially the Navamsha and the Saptamsha .

As per Jaimini Astrology  Darakarka, Darakarka Navamsha, Up Pada  and Dasha connected to these Parameters in the birth rasi and Navamsha Chart .

In Indian Culture Marriage is considered as a Sacred Function, to this belief marriages are settled in heaven and performed on earth.

As far astrology goes Marriage is mainly dependent on the position of the planets in the horoscope .

The Astrological Analysis of the matching of the Horoscopes is mainly dependent upon the 3 Parameters

1.Physical Ability Governed by 1,4,7 and 10th house

2. Mental Ability Governed by  2,5,8 and 11th house

3. Spirtual Ability  Governed by 1, 5, 9, 10th and 12th house

When a Question of Marriage  is considered ,various factors  like  1. Physical Fitness 2. Mental Qualities 3. Sexual Compatability.4.  Social and Economic Status  attract our Attention.

Spirit , Mind and Material are the 3 factors which control the human Behaviour and are the result of the interaction of these factors.

  1. Spirit is controlled by the First house and the Karka for the same is Sun.
  2.  Mind is controlled by the 1st house and the Karka is Moon.
  3. Material is controlled by the 1st house and the Karka is Sun and Jupiter.

For Proper Assessment of the Happy Wedlock the examination of the Sun , Moon , Ascendant and Jupiter  is required , but in actual Practise only Moon is Matched , being the Karka for Mind.. Keeping in view of the 4 factors Dharma, Artha , Kama and Moksha  and other related Factors  such as the Spirit, Mind and the materials , other houses and Planets are also examined  carefully to see the smoothness  of the couple going to be wedded . The Nirayana position of the Planets is to be considered only.

From the above Parameters we derive that for Successful Marriage  certain Astrological Dictums  are to be seen  and are  discussed below .

  1. Ascendant  Sign falling opposite to each other there is attraction between the couple, but mind you we have to be careful for Dual Lagnas since it is the Bhadak stan and should not be matched , specially if it falls in the Navamsha Lagna .
  2. Sun, Moon and Ascendant Afflicted by Malefics  in each others  chart will bring Disaster in the life of the couple . There will be  no satisfactory relations between the 2 , whose planets are afflicted mutually positioned in this manner .
  3. If Mars is occupying the place of Venus  in the Horoscope  of other Partner , it gives strong desire for Sex. The close associations of Such Couple can prove dangerous  , unless some modifying factors are present in the Horoscopes.
  4. If Venus is Placed in the place of Sun or Moon  in the horoscope of other Person  , it gives strong attachment  and affection, as a result the married life  of the wedded couple will be happy and Prosperous.
  5. When Sun is placed in the trine from Moon  in the horoscope of the other Partner  or when Moon is similarly placed  , this can bring Deep friendship between the  partners. . The following Points should be Borne in mind in addition while Matching the Horoscopes.

6.Longevity of the boy and girl

7.Longevity of the Boy and the Girl with respect to each other , the 8th Lord of the Boy or the Girl should bot be placed in the Trik Bhavas or each other and should not be under affliction .

8. Dosha Samyam  One of the most Important Parameter in matching of the horoscope is evaluating the Dosha due to malefics in each others chart  in the houses 1,2,4,7, 8 and the 12th house . This is called Dosha Samyam . The Dosha in the girls chart  should not be more than the boys chart and there should be only marginal difference between the Doshas . Mars Placement in the 7th and 8th should only be matched with Mars in these houses , Rest of the Houses can be matched with malefics Rahu , Ketu , Sun and Saturn where Mars is Placed but Preferably Mars placement in that house . 

9. Dasha Pattern . The Dasha Pattern should be good in both cases for minimum 15 to 20 years  to make a Bond between the two.

10. Bhakoot Dosha This is another Parameter which is very important and Moon in 2/12 axis or 6/8 axis is bad since in the case of 2/12 axis the Sadesati will be for 5 years together  and can be critical . in 6/8 axis , there will be Saturn in the 7th and 8th house simultaneously for the Couple and again 5 years could be trouble some.Due to Saptam and Ashtam Shani., 5/9 Position of Moon sign is not bad if the 5th house in both cases is strong , other wise Nav-Pancham dosha is there

11. Avoid Shooksham Nadi Dosh 

12. Bhav Milan  . House to House matching , Dosha Samyam will cover up this Factor .

13. Planet to Planet matching . Sun for Ego, Jupiter for wisdom, Mars for Energy, Venus for Sexual Relationship,Mercury for commu nication,, Saturn for Longevity . If the Darakarka in the both cases are natural Friends and are not placed in 6/8 or 2/12 axis in the Birth chart and the Navamsha then also it is good for marriage. This Parameter has been researched By K.N Rao Sir.

14. Ashtkoot Milan.  They must Contribute over 20 Points out of 36

15. Modern Parameters Mars in the 10th house is also important for female since , THEY HAVE BECOME PROFESSIONAL AND WORK .This must be matched as well, Mars should not have others Mars in the 1/7 axis

16. 1st Quarter of Ashlesha, Jyestha, Moola  and 4th quarter of Vishaka are believed to be harmful, where as the remaining quarters are not harmful.

17. Vish Kanya Parameters must be seen

18. Trishamsha of the Girl must be seen specially the Lagna, 4th and the 8th house have an important role

19.Uppada  Lagna . 2nd and 8th house from this Lagna should not have malefics like Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Saturn , Debilitaed Planets

20.Karka Venus should be well disposed in the  Chart of the couple , 4th, 8th and 12th house affliction from Venus , spoils the Marriage

21. Kendras  and Trikonas from Saptmarudh should have benefics  for sustaining good marriage

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 25th  May 2016 12-10 PM New Delhi  


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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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