Marriage Analysis of a Female Native Using Tamil Texts

by astrodocanil

In continution to my articles on Teachings on Astrology, I am hereby writing an Article for the Analysis of Marriage using the Tamil Texts.

For Reasons best Known I am not disclosing the Birth Details

The Chart is below of Female Native

Marriage Article

The Panchang Parameters for the Female native

Day is Saturday and the native is born during the night , hence Saturn Acquires a Special dimension, more so it is Placed in the 8th house with Ketu in Close degrees . Saturn is also Exhalted

Tithi  SP-3 Moon is weak in the Chart , hence Malefics become strong to give their significations and specially Saturn and Mars . Mars aspected by Saturn and also Debilitated and in Nakshatra Sandhi , hence Mars has the Capacity to Kill., but being the 9th house and 2nd Lord will himself not kill and Transfer the Marak Qualities  to Planets associated with him ,Hence Sun and Mercury become Marak in this Chart along with Saturn.

Unfortunately the Native was Running the Dasha of Sun-Mercury from 13-12-2012 to 18-10-2012 when the Query came to me for Analysis. Mercury is also in Sarp Dreshkanne 

Parameters which acquire a special dimension in the above chart  with Respect to Marriage Promise in the Chart 

  1. Since the Native is Born with Dual Lagna , the first and foremost Parameter to be seen is the Lagna, Lagna Lord , and Kenrda and Kenra Lords should not be in Dagdha Rashi.Here in the Chart the Lagna Lord is Jupiter R and Debilitated and Placed in Dagdha Rashi and also in Mrityu Bhag.Lagna Lord also aspected By Debilitated  Mars  along with Sun and Mercury, Strong negatives coming in the life of the native .
  2. 4th and 7th Lord Mercury in Nakshatra gandantha and Rashi Gandtha, In Sarp Dreshkanne and with Mars Debilitated and aspected by Saturn, Mercury attains the Status of First Rate Killer due to the Fact that Mercury is 7th Lord, , Bhadak, and has Kendradhipati dosh. Mercury is also the Lord of 64 Navamsha .
  3. Mars Debilitated , Combusted and Nakshatra Sandhi, has the Capacity to kill and hence Sun and Mercury becomes Killers in the Horoscope
  4. Exchange of 5th and the 6th Lord Moon and Sun.
  5. Poorva Punya Dosh, due to the fact that there is a Debilitated Planet in the 5th house, Connection of the 5th Lord with 6th House, Mid Cusp Lord of the 5th House is Mercury and Mercury is afflicted as explained above . 5th House is having least number of Ashtvarga Points 22, Lord of the 5th House is Placed in the 6th house which is Dagdha Rashi
  6. Garbshishta  is of Ketu-Jupiter , both have connection of Debilitated Planet Mars  and is most malefic as explained above . The Midcusp Lord of the 7th House is Mars  and connected to Both the Dasha Lords , hence Break in marriage after fixation , due to massive affliction to Mars . No happiness from Marriage
  7. Dispositor of Ketu is Venus  and 7th Lord from Venus is again Mars, 7th from Lagna is Mercury and 7th from Moon is Saturn all having Connection with Mars is the most sensitive and Explosive Parameter for the Female in her Chart . The native has no Physical, Mental and Sexual Happiness in Marriage. Dispositor of Jupiter is with Ketu and again aspected By Mars .
  8. As per Tamil Texts if a Planet afflicting Ketu is influencing the 7th lord, then the Marriage is seldom successful and ends in a Break soon or has no Promise of marriage.
  9. 7th house from Lagna, Moon and Venus are all connected to Mars Debilitated and as explained in the chart is a First Rate Killer and Transfers the Marak Qualities to Sun and Mercury
  10. Karka for Spouse is Jupiter and is in Mrityu Bhag and in Dagdhs Rashi and aspected by Debilitated Mars . Strong negative.Mrityu means destruction of the natural capacity of the Planet and the body. A graha losses its capacity to give results, when close to Mrityu Bhag in the same manner as the body may be near death. Obstructions may be created by Jupiter by the ownership of the houses, , By the natural significations of the Planet , Parts represented by the Planet  , hence it will acquire a very dangerous status in the chart , The native will not have Growth, Permanancy and and Longevity. The Planet has the capacity to give  death afflicting results or Mrityu Tulya Kastha . Jupiter can be compared to Elephant in animals and more so Elephant is the Vahan of Jupiter . We all know when this Elephant is mad , it has the capacity to Ruin the Jungle where it stays.Jupiter is Putra Karka, Mantra Siddhi, intelligence, wisdom, Dhan, Longevity and controls the complate family, The Nativa also Has a Shatak yoga and in Sukla Paksha is very stron Negative  for the growth .. The native will be offered the best things in the world but will not be able to convert the same in reality . This State of Jupiter will lead the native in hallucinations  and Destruction of Marital Happiness . The native will suffer from Liver, Fat, Cholesterol, related diseases
  11. Mercury is in Rajyoga since as the Lord of the 4th house placed in the 5th house , but afflicted badly as explained above , hence Mercury will also destroy the Signification of the house owned by it and where it is placed, Mercury is also a First Rate Killer in the horoscope as explained above 
  12. Karka Venus is Placed in the 3rd house is Set  and also aspected by Jupiter in malefic State.Venus is in Cancer Navamsha and this sign in the Rashi Chart is afflicted badly, Venus is ill Placed from  Dasha at Birth and Connected to Jupiter afflicted badly
  13. Up Karka Rahu is Placed in the 2nd House in the Sign of  Mars who is connected to the 7th Lord , Rahu in the 2nd House is not happy with First marriage , and since the dispositor is Debilitated and connected to the 7th Lord, and Mars connection to the 2nd House of 2nd Marriage and the 7th house Lord will definitely give second Marriage . Rahu in the 2nd House is extremely strong since the Dispositor is debilitated . The Native will speak foul Langaage .
  14. Lagna is Pieces the 12th house of the natural Zodiac, the native will beconnected to th 12th house activities and the 12th Lord  Saturn placed in the 8th house which is the 7th house of the natural Zodiac will be connected to breaks in marriage. Lagnesh and the Kendra Lords have Doshas  and the chart is weak, although the Lagna Lord is Placed in the 11th house , the native will get lot of oppurtunities in life but will not be able to convert them in reality and there will be no Statbility in Life .
  15. The Kendra Lords are weak and the pillars of the House  are hence weak
  16. The Dasha at Bith is connected to 10th House , but since connected to Debilitated Mars , will not have stability in Career also  and will have negative attitude and will not work with Proper Intelligence, she would take decisions without Proper Thoughts and suffer in Life .
  17. Shastra says that in the chart of the Girl Mercuy has a very important role for that Gilapan  and since afflicted badly, she would react very fast due to association with Debilitated Mars and Suffer.
  18. Up Karka is Gemini sign and 2nd and 8th house from this sign are badly afflicted  and by Debilitated Mars, The Girl will have a disturbed Married life due to Extra Marital Relations .
  19. Dara Karka is Mars and Debilitated 
  20. MCL of 7th House is Moon and Placed in the 6th house and Kendrs from Moon are connetced to Debilitated Planets , Weak Promise
  21. Saptmarudh is Taurus  and connected to Malefic and First Rate killers
  22. Shukrarudh is Sagitarius and aspected by Saturn from the 8th house, Saturn is also aspected by Marak Mars
  23. Bhavat Bhavam is Lagna and the Lord is in Acute Malefic State ,
  24. As per Mathematical Navamsha the Lagna Nakshatra is Dhanistha and Lord is Mars , hence Marriage will be a failure .
  25. Moon Placement for Girls in the 6th house is not good and since in 6/8 axis with Lagna there will be no synchronism between the Body and the mind .
  26. Navamsha Rising is Virgo the 7th house of the natal chart and is a Bhadak Sthan and the Lord of the same is also in Debilitation  and aspected by both Mars and Saturn.
  27. Vavahaaya Saham  = Pieces 12.18 degrees  , Transitting Jupiter when Influencing this sign or the Navamshsa sign Libra can gve Marriage
  28. D30 The Pivotal Chart , When Lagna , Lagna Lord are connected to , Mars, Saturn or Sun in this chart and Malefic influences on the 7th House, 7th Lord , the native nay be deserted  due to the death of the spouse  or the Girl leads a pitable lifeand faces separation . At the time of marriage the Pieces sign was not activated but its Navamsha was activated for Marriage  on the 9th March 2012.7th Lord of D30 is Debilitated and with Venus , hence Break in Marriage after Marriage .
  29. Promise of Marriage Given By Venus in own sign in the Sign of Taurus and Aspected by Jupiter the Lagna Lord and Dasha at Birth , 7th Lord is in Rajyoga, first it will give matrriage then Break, Mars connection to the 2nd House of Second Marriage and connection with the 7th Lord . Rahu in 2nd House and dispositor connected to the 7th Lord Mercury and Mercury aspecting the Navamsha Lagna , gives weak Promise of marriage in the Dasha of Sun-Mer-Venus  

As Per Nadi Progression chart the marriage will Take Place when Venus goes in the Lagna of the Nadi Chart in Transit . Let me draw the Nadi Progression chart Below

Marriage Article DPYH

Sun and Mercury along with Moon are connected to Mars aspecting the 7th house and All are in the nakshatra of Mercury the 7th Lord of the Natal chart , Venus the Karka for Marriage and the 7th Lord of the Progression chart is in the sign of Mercury who is aspecting Venus by Retrograde aspect . Venus is also in the nakshatra of Jupiter  who is connected to Moon, Hence Marriage is Possible  when Venus as pect s the 7th house in Transit and over Rahu the up Karka for marriage . The Dasha Lords  Sunare all connected to the 7th house as explained above


Surprisingly and as per the Tamil Texts and Progression chart the Marriage was exactly on the 9th March 2012 

For Females the 8th house is the Manglaya sthan and has to be activated by Both Jupiter and Saturn and the 7th house 7th Lord /Venus  in Transit of the Progression chart . All the above Parameters are satisfied as per the Above .

7th house of the Natal Chart and the Progression chart is afflicted badly .

7th house in Transit is also having Saturn Bhadak as 11th Lord , 7th Lord of the Natal Chart is in Pieces Lagna and Debilitated and aspects Moon  and Mercury again aspected by Mars from the 5th house  by 8th strong aspect . The Dasha Lords Sun-Mer-Venus all aspected by Mars and Saturn , which are malefics in the Chart of the native . Mercury the 7th Lord of the Natal chart and the Nakshatra Lord of the Dasha Lords is Fallen and Debilited in Pieces and the Lagna of the Birth chart and the 12th house os the Progression chart and is 6th Lord of the Progression chart , on the 5th March Mercury was in Mrityu Bhag , it was in Retrogression immedaitely after Marriage on the 12th March 2016 at 12..47 degrees and got Fallen on the 3rd April 2012

Saturn Fallen in Virgo the 7th house of the Natal chart of the Female from  16th May 2012. The Girl Left the Boys home on the 12th March 2012 and went back number of times going and coming back to Parents house and Finally broke the Marriage after Saturn was in Fallen State after 16th May 2012 as was Expected 

Astrology is amazing and specially the Tamil way of Analysis as per the Texts  and give 100% Predictions .


Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted . My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed 


 anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

9th  June 2016 11-45 hrs. New Delhi 



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