March 2020 A Month of Twists and Twirls As Movements Of Major Planets Planetary War’s Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1180 Articles and Predictions in just 58 months from April 2015

Jupiter Saturn conjunction Brings a change in the Global Activities specially in the infrastructure conjunction with Mars is most vemomous and war like conditions in the Globe and most malefic for the Economic Condition of the Globe in General
The Planetary movement of the Planets in the Months of March 2020 is as below

Venus Moves to the sign Aries on the 29th Feb 2020 01-33 hrs
Mercury Becomes Direct on the 10th March 2020 at 09-28 hrs.
Sun Ingresses in the sign Pieces on the 14th March 2020 at 11.54 hrs. It will have 3rd aspect of Saturn from the sign Capricorn
Mars Ingresses in the sign Capricorn on the 22nd March 2020 at 14.40 hrs and joins Saturn in the Sign Capricorn Mars becomes Exhalted in the sign Capricorn
There is Planetary war Between the Mars and Jupiter in the sign Sagitarius from the 19th March to 21st March 2020
Mars has Planetary war with Saturn in the 10th house of the natural Zodiac on the 30th March 2020 at 6 degrees of the sign Capricorn
Jupiter Ingresses in the sign Capricorn on the 30th March 2020 at 1.54 hrs . Jupiter will join the sign of Debilitation who is 100 % benefic Planet and also Karka for most of the things in our life
These Transit are most Important and hence there may be lot of Twists and Twirls in our life more so the Rahu and Ketu will in their own nakshatras and Jupiter will stop giving benefic Results to Rahu and Ketu who will become very strong to give Stroms and Destruction in the Globe

AS PER THE RASHI SANGHATA CHAKRA AS ALREADY PREDICTED THE VEDA TO Mars, Saturn and Moon by Rahu is prone to War like conditions in the World and specially since Capricorn sign is the sign allocated to India by Varahamihra it could be most enigmatic period for India .
for China the Sign is Cancer and the Lagna is Capricorn will also be adversely influenced by this Transit since the Lagna Lord Saturn will be defeated by Mars. Hence Lot os twists and Twirls for the 2 Countries India and China.This Conjunction is also Taking Place in the 7th house of Iran and hence this country may also fall prey to this conjuction in the 7th house of Wars.

Read My Article “Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” :…r-anil-aggarwala/
Let me reproduce the same here for ready Reference
Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Capricorn, Mars Debilitation Lord of Saturn, Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter again not good and Rahu in Ardra Nakshatra big transformation in the world from 30th March to 22nd April 2020 prone to untoward happenings as discussed below for the Globe in general and a malefic conjunction for India for Espionage by foreign elements and hence terrorism and war like conditions with the neighbors.

In Mundane Astrology the Conjunction of the heavy planets is extremely important. These indicate a turning points in the history of nations, old order dies and new order takes over. The planetary positions are prone to give massive transformation specially when Rahu is also entering Ardra nakshatra on the 27th Sept. 2019 and will remain in this nakshatra till 22nd April 2020. The Conjunction of Mars and Saturn is most important when it takes place with in 1 degree. The houses in which the conjunction takes place will be strongly influenced by the conjunction. For Example on the 5th June 1984 Conjunction of Mars and Saturn took place in the sign Libra the 6th house of the Foundation chart of India over the 8th Lord Jupiter which led to rebellion, large scale killing in Punjab.’Operation Blue Star Was Launched ‘ Involvement of Religious extremism and places of religon were indicated by Jupiter and Violence by Mars and Saturn.

In this Article I am going to discuss the Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the sign Capricorn on the 30th March 2020 at 03-55 hrs when ingress of Jupiter took place in the sign Capricorn joining Saturn and Mars in Capricorn
Have a look at the chart below

The Sign Rising at the time of the ingress of Jupiter in Capricorn is Capricorn the Sign alloted to India By Varahamihra . Note the Degrees of Mars and Saturn they are with in 1 degrees.This Transit is a very important one due to the following Reasons.

1. Mars and Saturn in Capricorn with in 1 degree on the 30th March 2020 when Rahu is in Ardra Nakshatra and Ketu in Moola Nakshatra Most malefic transit
2. Jupiter connected to Saturn in close degrees on the 11th May 2020 when Saturn goes in Retrogression at 6 degrees
3. Jupiter at 3 degrees goes in Retrogression on the 15th May 2020
4. The Saturn and Jupiter come close with in 3 degrees.
5. Jupiter Falls back in Sagitarius as a fallen Planet and joins Ketu on the 30th June 2020.
6. On the 30th June 2020 Retrograde Saturn aspects Mars degree-wise by 3rd aspect in Pieces the sign of Jupiter
7. Planetary wars between Mars and Jupiter between the 19th to 21st March and planetary War between Mars and Saturn between the 30th to 2nd April 2020 is most Venomous for the Global Events . It is said when Jupiter and Saturn Meet it is time for a Change in the Global Events and when Mars Joins it becomes Explosive since Mars is Ammunition Dump and Violence in any Shape
Hence from the above 2 Conjunctions are important
1. Mars and Saturn conjunction in Capricorn
2. Saturn and Jupiter with in 3 degrees


Mars and Saturn conjunction is considered very inauspicious. Even Jahangir- the Mughal king of India was afraid of theis conjunction. It is mentioned in the Jahangir Nama “Since conjunction of Mars and saturn the two inauspicious planets , had occured I ordered Gold and Silver other metals and all sorts of grains to be given to the poor and needy and distributed throught the realm.

In the conjunction Mars is Exhalted and is the Debilitation Lord of Saturn and Jupiter is Debilitated and with it’s Debilitation Lord Saturn most malefic combination of extremes.
This Conjunction is taking place in the 9th house of the Foundation chart of India and in the sign Capricorn alloted to India by Varahamihra, this is most malefic in this Regard since in the India Foundation chart Mars is the 12th and the 7th Lord and Saturn is the 9th and the 10th Lord and with Jupiter the 8th and the 11th Lord Taking place in the 7th house from the natal Moon afflicts the Capricorn-Cancer axis and it has been seen that when ever the Capricorn -Cancer axis is afflicted it brings tragedy for India

18.5 years back when Rahu and Ketu were in these signs and their own nakshatra the 9/11 Terrorist Attack took place on the twin tower in Manhattan US

Hence the Period from 12th Feb. to 22nd April 2020 is prone to such happenings as can be seen from our past experience
For War Or War Like condition to break Mars and Saturn must join now here they are in conjunction the sign Capricorn with in one degree on the 30th March 2020 and on the 31st March 2020 they are degree conjunct .

An Important Chakra prescribed by Lord Shiva which a great Mahatama had reccomended to Shri K N Rao is ‘RASHI SANGHATTA CHAKRA’ Many a times time the Saturn and Mars aspect or conjunction are missing but if there is Veda between them and also having veda from Rahu then war type situations ignite. The essential Parameters are that Mars, Saturn and Moon must get vedha in this chakra from Rahu

In the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra as below there is Vedha to Moon,Mars and Saturn by Rahu from the sign Gemini and Moon will also join Gemini on the 31st March 2020.

See the chart below

Again on the 8th April Moon will be in the sign Virgo will agin get vedha from Rahu. On the 16th April 202 again all the essential planets Mars, Saturn and moon will get Vedha from Rahu in Ardra Nakshatra supposed to be Lord od Storms and Destruction

Since the 9th house of the Foundation chart and the Sign Capricorn will be afflicted the significations of the 9th house together with Jupiter will sprout with dimension. Mars as already mentioned that can ignite things due to Espionage since the Lord of the 7th and the 12th house and will aspect the 12th house and the 3rd house together with the 4th house of the Foundation chart

See the chart below when Moon will be in Ardra Nakshatra on the 30th March 2020 at 18-45 hrs.

The Luminaries are afflicted indicates untoward happening and Rahu and Moon over the Natal Mars of the India Foundation chart and in the same navamsha . The Natal Mars will aspect the 3 planets in Transit in the sign Capricorn and almost degree-aspect on Mars and Saturn at 6.30 degrees .


Although the Conjunction with in 1 degree is most important here the conjunction is with in 3 degrees
. The Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter is most important in Mundane Astrology. They get conjunct every 20 years and every 10 years from Conjunction they oppose each other. This Conjunction Took place 60 years back on the 17th Feb 1961

It is believed that from this conjunction most important events are derived specially for those Countries ruled by this sign. As per Varahamihra India is ruled by Capricorn, hence even this conjunction will bring transformations in India

Jupiter signifies religon, philosophy,judiciary,finances,buisness,trade, capitalism, treaties, external affairs, ministers, ambassadors,nobality,prosperity and peace, international cooperation. Arbitration between countries. Jupiter as a Jeeva planet represents new order.
In Transit jupiter is in affliction by n=both Mars and Saturn hence the significations will suffer to quite an extent

Saturn signifies death and national calamities , contraction, diseases, war,loss or gain of territory,agitation,strikes,labour classes,democracy,farmers, land and crop.

The eclipses falling after this conjunction could sprout the results adversely. Saturn is also Democracy, Death, Dictators being the lord of the 10th house much to do with the rulers of the Country . Saturn is death and also death of the rulers

This Conjunction is taking Place in the 6th house of the US foundation chart and the 8th from the sign Gemini alloted to US by Varahamihra hence most venomous for the US

For China it is taking place in the Ascendant and will activate the natal Mars and Moon hence strong influence on China and may take aggressive stances for the Trade war with US. Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 in the Trik bhav in the 12th house over the Fallen Jupiter may be most Venomous and Virus spread is not ruled out specially in the Dasha of Mercury-Mercury-Ketu from 24th Jan 2020 after the Ingress of Saturn in Capricorn. If the Virus is not contained by 28th March 2020 it could blow off the Global Economy and specially China will be the most Sufferer along with Other Asian Countries Like South Korea, Japan Italy Etc

For Pakistan in the 10th house of the Foundation chart and since the Lagna Lord Mars will be in Exhaltataion Pakistan may take an aggressive stance against India , since the natal Mars will aspect this Mars in the sign Capricorn by 8th strong aspect.

The conjunction is taking place in the 7th house of the foundation chart and Iran may also take aggressive stances against the US it so seems


Influence on the 9th house of religon and activites of the 9th house and significations of Saturn and Jupiter as mentioned above. It will be a tough period for India since there can be espionage from the foreign elements specially Terrorism and war like with neighbors Pakistan and China. The Dasha in operation is of Moon -Saturn supposed to be most Prome to violence as seen at the time of Independence as per the Rudramasha chart discussed in all my Articles . Worst conditions may Prevail in the globe when Jupiter Falls back in Sagiatrius from the 30th June to 4th Oct 2020 when Mars also Become Fallen and will be in the angle from the Fallan Jupiter Till Nov 23rd 2020 seems to period of Turmoil in the Politics of the Country

In the Year Sept-Nov 1989 Saturn was in Sagitarius and Saturn in Gemini they opposed each other accelerated the process of historical world changes. The Collaspe of Berlin Wall and breakup of Soviet Union

In India Fall of Congress Govt. and Mandal commission ushered the caste politics and divided the hindu society into 2 halves

21 January – Queen Elizabeth II start of Royal visit
12 July – Panshet Dam bursts in Pune causing a massive flood in the city of Pune. Over 1,000 people die.
1 November – The Hungry generation movement is launched in Calcutta.
17 December – India reclaims Goa.
18 December – India reclaims Portuguese colonies of Goa, Damao and Diu
19 December – Goa is officially ceded to India after 400 years of Portuguese rule.
The Tenth[1] and Eleventh Amendments of the Constitution of India (1961)
Anti dowry Act (1961)

Process of decolonization was started. British and French imperialism suffered defeat
Bombay was bifurcated into Maharashtra and Gujrat
In 1961 , India occupied Portuguese enclaves of Goa, Daman and Deo.

YEAR 1962
The immediate effect was attack on India by Chinese. India suffered a crushing defeat. This was a shattering blow to the Nehru’s idealism.
In india it hasd effect on the Mordernization of the Armed Forces so India becme well prepared for war with Pakistan and China of 1965

There was birth of great civil rights movement for grant of equal rights to balck americans who lived in pitiable conditions since the era of slavery

It has been observed that immediate results are only seen when Mars activates the same and unfortunately Mars is already placed there hence the events would take place immeditely and after the Eclipses when Mars also activates the eclipse points. It seem very dramatic changes are on the cards for the globe in totality first the Rahu and Ketu in their own Nakshatra which are killing from the 27th Sept. 2019 and specially from the 12th feb 2020 to 22nd April 2020
Written on the
Date 17th Sept. 2019 7.30.00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
Jyotish Acharaya from BVB New Delhi
26th Feb 2020 21-00 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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