Makar Sankranti Sun Affliction : Will There Be Terrorist Attack In J&K ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

Sun is under affliction By Ketu in the 7th house at the time of Makar Sankranti on the 14th Jan. 2019, Al though Most auspicious time . but signifies the significations of the 7th house will sprout in the coming 3 months
It somestimes becomes necessary to find out which particular month in the life of the nation is likely to become historic in terms of achievement or disaster.

This is easily done by making what is known as the Surya Veedhi or the Solar ingress chart.Special consideration is given to the entry of Sun in a cardinal signs 1,4,7,and 10 Aries, Cancer, libra and Capricorn. It is believed that Surya Veedi Charts in the above signs results for the coming 3 months.

Special attention to be paid to the position of the Sun and malefic and Benefic influences on the Sun. The Matters pertaining to the house where Sun is located would figure prominently during the year and the coming 3 months.

In the Present scenario Sun has ingressed in the sign Capricorn on the 14th Jan. 2019 at 19.52 hrs Chart is below

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon Placed in the yama of Scorpio and in the Chart of Solar Ingress it is placed in the sign of Aries in the 10th house. Hence the Relation of the DayLord in the yama chart and the Solar Ingress chart is in 6/8 axis . The Yama Lord is Mars and aspects the 3rd house of Boarders of the Country. As per K. N Rao when Mars acquires a special dimension and connected to 12th, 3rd house and the 6th house then there is war like activity . If this combination is there in the chart of a nation then it is War Prone nation. Here in the chart above Jupiter the 6th and the 9th Lord aspects the Mars and there is also exchange. Hence there could be Terrorism at the Boarders more so Moon the day Lord is ill placed from the 9th house and the 9th Lord , 11th house and 11th Lord Venus
The Nakshatra os Ashvini
Karna is Bava and the Lord is Sun Placed in the 7th house with Ketu very close degrees and same navamsha
As per the Book of the “Time Tested Techniques Of ‘MUNDANE ASTROLOGY’ ” Vani Publications guide and Author Shri K N Rao when Sun is placed in the 7th house and with a malfic Ketu. then there would be chances of war as the 7th house represents war. First house has Rahu and has to be examined carefully as it depicts a nation as a whole and general conditions of the Country and others houses are examined in a similar way.
Sun Transit in Capricorn indicates about trend of events in the coming 3 months. This also leads to the beginning of religious activities. Taking bath in river Ganga during this period is considered to be much auspicious. Entry of Sun in Capricorn is termed as Makar Sankranti. This occasion is celebrated differently all over India. Religious and spiritual persons can hope for better time. Since the Sun is placed in the 7th house the activities of the 7th house will be more prevelant .

The Parameters which acquires a special dimension are as follows

1. Nodes in the 1/7 axis spoiling the significations of the Lagna and the 7th house . The worst is Sun is also under affliction in the navamsha by Ketu and 6th and 9th Lord Jupiter is also Debiliated in the navamsha with Sun and Ketu. In Navamsha the 7th house becomes the 11th house, hence the activities of the 7th house will increase beyond expectations and worst situations in the Country and as explained above Boarder issues. Lagna Nakshatra Lord Mercury in the 6th house with 7th and 8th Lord Saturn. Mercury is also the 3rd Lord and since Cancer sign is also the 3rd house of the Foundation chart of India the Boarder Issues with Pakistan may aggravate . Terrorism also cannot be ruled out and a very strong possibility . Jammu & Kashmir Tensions may take an ugly Turn, Since this Rahu will be over the Natal Mars in the sign Cancer and Sun in the Lagna of the Foundation chart of Jammu & Kashmir
2. Nodes adverse motion at a stretch from the 14th Jan. to 23rd Jan. 2019 war like situations in the Country.
The above 2 parameters will lead to Tug of War and uncertaility in Politics. Unexpected happenings regarding Natural and Unnatural activities.when Rahu and Ketu are also Vargottam and most Venomous. Note the degrees of Mercury, Jupiter , Saturn and Mars. There is Square inimical aspect of Mars and Saturn which is crucial in this Ingress . The Difference in the Degrees of Mars and Saturn is 4 degrees. Since the Effect of the Solar Ingress is with in 3 months , I would depict 4 days, 4 weeks from the 14th Jan. 2019 could be the time of an ugly happening as described above, Unfortunately In the Foundation chart of Jammu and Kashmir Mars is at 21 degrees and Debilitated in the 7th house of wars with Saturn and is aspected by Jupiter degree wise in the Solar Ingress chart
3. Moon in the 10th house and in the Nakshatra of Ketu who is placed in the 7th house of Wars with Sun.
4.Avyogi Planet Rahu in the Lagna in the sign Cancer and in Adverse motion. The General condition of the Country will be extremely bad
5. Karna Lord is Sun and placed in the 7th house of Wars. Oppositions will be instrumental in all type of Wars with Ruling Govt. and specially Narendra Modi
6. Tithi is SP-8 Ashtami Not good for any New ventures when Sun in Capricorn is supposed to be best for New Venture
7.Day Lord is Moon and also the Lagna Lord and Placed in the Yama of Scorpio the 5th house of the chart where Jupiter and Venus are placed and the Yama Lord is Placed in the 9th house and the Yama Lord is having a exchange with Jupiter
8.The Day Lord Moon is ill placed in the sign Scopio (where it debilitates) from the Moon in the sign Aries in the 10th house . Moon is also ill Placed from the Yama Lord Mars is the most malefic parameer since Moon is our Mind and most important in the Vedic Astrology.
9.There are no benefics in Kendra , except the Moon as the Lagna Lord in the 10th house.
10. 4 Planets in watery sign in the rashi chart and 3 planets in the navamsha . Jal Pralay in any form, Rains, Snow, Cold weather, Tsunami’s and excessive cold weather
11. Day Lord Moon is ill placed from the 5th house, 5th Lord , 9th house and the 9th Lord and 11th house and 11th Lord hence there will be war regarding the significations of the 5th,9th house and 11th house in the coming 3 months and specially after 4 days/ 4 weeks from 14th Jan. 2019
Significatins of the Houses concerned

Prime House since Sun is Placed in the 7th house and ill placed from 8th house and the 8th Lord Saturn.
War, Battles, Open Warfare Enemies, Terrorism, Dacoits,Foreign Secret agents, International Affairs, Relation with other countries. People who violate the law,, Marriages and Divorces,Antisocial elements. Immorality in the Country, Foreign Trade and Relation. Rate of Infant Moralities may be on the increase it so seems . Agreements and Alliances will all face untoward situations . Longevity in the alliances will suffer.Since the Sun is placed in the 7th house the activities of the 7th house will be more prevelant. 7th house is also opponents and Sun and ketu Placed there. The opposition may not leave any stone unturned to damage the image of the Ruling Govt. to gain in the Political Arena of Lok Sabha Elections of the 2019

Sun is Placed well from the 5th house , but Moon is ill placed from this house and Lord
Hence Speculation, All forms of National Pleasures, Stock Exchange, Morals, Immorality,Scandles. High Society and functions relating to the samemay suffer. Upper house of Parliment, Rajya Sabha, Places of Education, Ambassadors and Diplomats from Foreign Countries and Danger to the Ruler of the Country Benefics are placed but there is Exchange with Mars and hence Mars also influences this house . In Navamsha Jupiter is also afflicted and Mars goes in the 5th house as per Rashi Tula Navamsha is not good

Sun is well placed from this house but again Moon is ill placed from this house
9th house is Supreme Court, Judge, Ministry of Foreign Affairs . Religon, Temples Immigration, Long Travel. Ram Mandir Issues may also be more prevelant

Agreements and Contracts, National Mint, Legislations etc
Sun Significations will be more prevelent since it a Solar Ingress and it Placement with Ketu in same Navamsha is definitely a malefic one and placed in the 7th house and ill placed from the 8th house and the 8th Lord there is also fear to the Kings and Head of the States in the coming 3 months
Sun -Saturn in the 6/8 axis will further aggravate the situations in the Politics and the Gathbandhan although may take place may end up like half baked rice.
10th Lord in the 9th house is a strong Raj yoga specially when 9th Lord has exchange with 10th Lord, but is also has exchange of the 5th and the 6th Lord , this exchange is definitely bad , but the Results will be more of the 9th and the 5th house where they are placed and in good houses.
The Trikonas have good planets and Jupiter aspects all the 3 houses but in Navamsha also Jupiter is afflicted badly hence Jupiter also may not be able to give that benefic effects as expected
The Nodes Predominate the Solar Ingress in Capricorn since Sun and Jupiter also also afflicted in the navamsha and specially when Nodes are in adverse motion Sun comes close to Ketu

Roller Coaster Rides in the Stock and the Financial Markets cannot be ruled out specially till 5th Feb. 2019
Written on 15th Jan. 2019 10-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Terrorism is on the cards and we all know the Terrorist Groups may be active in the coming 3 months and specially as per the Tajik inimical aspects after 4 days/4 weeks from the 14th Jan. 2019. Hence 17-18th Jan, 13-14th Feb. 2019.

Written on the 15th Jan. 2019
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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