Makar Sankranti Most Auspicious Transition What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1125 Articles and Predoctions in just 56 months from April 2015

It is one of the most auspicious days of the Hindu calendar and indicates the first day of the sun’s transition into Capricorn.Makar Sankranti is one of the few Indian festivals that is observed according to solar cycles. On this Day the Day Lord Mercury and the Nakshatra of Venus are both Benefic ones and considered to be most Auspicious. This Day augurs humans’ celebration and functions for next Six Months. Shastraas ordaines that Functions related to humans should be celebrated during Uttarayanam and that of God’s in Dakshinayanam. When Sun enters Makara Raashi i.e Capricorns Sign then Sun starts to move towards Northern end and therefore it is termed as UTTARAYANAM.
This promises excellent happiness, opportunities and accomplishments for all natives. For six months therefore it is very potent and fertile Time. My sincere advice to all is just perform your karmaa with full devotion and dedication. The fruits of success will surely be achieved
In Uttar Pradesh and parts of Bihar, Makar Sankranti is also known as ‘Khichdi’ after the one-pot meal that is offered to the sun god. On Makar Sankranti in north India, khichdi made with rice, urad dal and a colourful medley of winter vegetables, is flavoured with warm aromatic spices and pure ghee.
In most parts of India, til, or sesame seeds, are crucial to Makar Sankranti rituals. Kite-flying is an important part of the day on Makar Sankranti. On this day, devotees take a holy dip in rivers, especially Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri. The bathing is believed to result in merit or absolution of past sins. They also pray to the sun for success and prosperity.

Hindu Astrologers have great predictive techniques available which are unknown to western Astrologers. It is for this reason that Indian Astrologers who have roots ingreat spirtual traditions of India score over the Western Astrologers and make brilliant predictions with the help of Solar Ingres charts specially in the Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. It is believed that the Solar Ingress charts give results for the coming 3 months. Special attention is given to the Position of Sun and malefic and Benefic aspects received by it, the matters pertaining to the house where Sun is placed figure prominently during the year

Sun ingress in Capricorn is taking place on the 15th Jan. 2020 at 02-08 hrs New Delhi

The Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars placed in own house is very good , but placed in the Yama of Aquarius North Direction and the Yama Lord is Saturn and totally combusted placed in the 3rd house is not good
The Sun is Placed in the yama of Sagitarius and the Yama Lord Jupiter is totally eclipsed by Ketu in the 3rd house, hence although Sun is placed in the 4th house the activities of the 3rd house will also be seen during the Transit of Sun in the 4th house
Both the Parameters of the Day Lord and the Sun placement as per the yama chart are not very conducive to give very good results in the coming 3 months
The Lagna Lord Venus is placed in the Yama of Mercury who is totally combusted and is also the Karna Lord hence the total fructifications may not take place as expected for the Sun placement in the 4th house
The Lagna Lord Venus is also aspected by Mars and Saturn in the 5th house is affliction to the Lagna Lord and the significations of Venus also suffer
The Uday Lagna is Libra a benefic sign and Shirshodayo is good
Arudha Lagna is Gemini and Rahu is placed there is not good
Chaitra Rashi is Libra and not aspected by any Planet but after 24th Jan. 2020 Saturn will influence it may not be good due to the fact that Saturn will again join Sun in the sign Capricorn
Sun is also with the 6th and the 9th Lord hence these significations of these houses are also on the cards. Sun is ill placed from the 5th house and the 5th Lord Saturn and also ill placed from the Planets for Speculations and the house of Speculations , hence the coming 3 months there may be roller coaster rides in the Stock Markets and Gold as well
Mars Day Lord is Ill placed from the 3rd house and the 3rd Lord . Hence the Maximum significations of the 3rd house , 4th house and the 5th house will be most predominant.
6TH house rising in the navamsha and the Lord is Jupiter eclipses in both the rashi and the navamsha is another parameter which is a malefic one.
Communications, Telephones,Television, Satellite Communications, Press, News , Neighboring Countries,Boarder Clashes,Armed Forces, Loss or Gain of Land in War Trade with in Country . All this may Suffer it so seems since the Sun and the Day Lord Mars are ill placed from the 3rd house and the Lord and Lord is afflicted and eclipsed
Land and crops, agriculture industry,mines and minerals, landed interestes , Real Estate, Hotel Industry,Earthquakes, , Volcanic eruptions opposition parties, Throne of the King, Educational Institutions , Geheral Happiness of the Country may be the areas which will signify more during this Transition of Sun
All forms of Natioanl Pleasures Entertainment Actor , Actresses, speculation , Stock Market, morals, danger to the ruler as the 8th from the 10th house . Ambassadors and diplomats from Foreign Countries
10th Lord Moon is placed in the yama of Virgo the 12th house of the chsrt and again the Yama Lord is combusted

Mars being the Day Lord its transit in the 3rd house of Sagitarius on the 8th Feb. 2020 may not be a good one it so seems and significations of the 3rd house will sprout with dimension specially between the 22nd to 26th Feb. 2020


11th Jan. 2020 9.30 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
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