Major Civil Unrest In Bangladesh What Star’s Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

“Major Civil Unrest In Bangladesh What Star’s Foretell ?”

Let us Study the foundation chart of Bangladesh below. The Chart is of 16th Dec 1971  Dhaka   11:01 hrs  00:00 GMT as per the Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion.

The intervention of Indian Military, when the reins of power came to exiled Govt. as per the above chart where Taurus Sign is rising with Retrograde Saturn in Krittika star whose Lord is placed in the 8th house with Lagna Lord. For Taurus Lagna the ownership of the 6th house of Venus in moolatrikona sign  makes Venus malefic. Saturn aspect on the 7th house and the 10th house where Mars is placed  shows espionage from foreign elements since Mars is the 7th and the 12th Lord , further Mars as the 8th Lord in the navamsha is again placed in the 10th House aspects the Lagna.

The Dasha in operation is of Moon-Moon from the 17-5-2024 to 17-3-2025. Moon is debilitated and placed in the 7th house of wars. The Dasha of Moon-Mars will also give no relief till the 16-10-2025 for reasons explained above.

As per the Book Of Mundane Astrology the Varshphala chart opens the secret for the year in operation.

The Chart is below

  1. Muntha is in the Lagna and afflicted by Ketu at the MEP of Lagna.

2. 7th house is afflicted since Rahu is placed

3. 7th Lord in the 8th house having aspect of 6th Lord

4. Lagna Lord and Muntha Lord Mercury Retrograde and with Sun

5. Affliction to Sun by Muntha Lord Mercury , both having aspect of the 7th Lord Jupiter from the 8th house .

6. For Serious Boarder Clashes or Civil war in the Country  the 6th house 6th Lord should be afflicted , here Mars as the 8th Lord aspects the Saturn in the 6th house and Saturn aspects Mars .

Hence the situation are explosive and exactly pointing out what all is happening in Bangladesh. It is also not good for Hindus in the Bangladesh. 

Now Let us see the Progression chart by Manu Smriti what Star’s foretell ? The chart is below.

The Chart above opens the secrets from the year Dec 2023 to Dec. 2024. The Parameters which acquire important dimension are below for Civil unrest in the Country.

  1. Lagna having Ketu and having aspect of Mars and Saturn shows the general condition of the Country.
  2. Ketu at the MEP of the Lagna most explosive.
  3. Moon in the 4th house in the star of Rahu and Rahu with Sun and Mercury placed in the 7th house of Marak sthan and war opens the secrets of the running year.
  4. Venus the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord of the Foundation chart in Mrityu bhag.
  5. Saturn aspect the Lagna as the 7th and the 8th Lord most venomous for the current year and the coming years.

Hence we come to the conclusion that the running year and the time frame till the Dasha of Moon-Mars will also give no relief till the 16-10-2025 for reasons explained above.

Muhammad Yunus takes Oath as head of Bangladesh’s interim government

The Nobel Peace laureate says he will perform his duties ‘sincerely’ as he is selected interim leader after Sheikh Hasina’s resignation.

 The Oath chart of the swearing in Ceremony of the 8th August 2024 of 21:20 hrs is below

The day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter placed in the 3rd house with 9th Lord making a rajyoga of the 9th and the 10th Lord is very good, but not in kendra or trikona would have been a better parameter.

The Nakshatra is  U Phalguni a Fixed star is good for the Oath taking .

The Tithi is Rikta Tithi not good.

The Karna is Visti and most malefic Karna and hence the Karya siddhi would not take place.

The Yoga is siddh is auspicious

The Lagna has Rahu and Ketu in the 7th house and Lagna is not having aspect of the Lagna Lord Jupiter which is preferred. The most malefic component is Rahu is Stationary

Kendras have no benefics neither in the trikonas makes the horoscope weak.

Malefic in the Lagna will cause problem to the Govt. and bickering in the Cabinet . It will make the Govt. unpopular and lusterless.

Dispositor of the Lagna Lord is placed in the 6th house makes the Lagna Lord weak. Hence there will be struggle and strife.

Moon should be strong and not afflicted by malefics, here it is placed in the 7th house with Ketu not good at all.

For Good Longevity of the Govt. 8th house should have benefic aspect, here no aspect and the Lord is placed in the 6th house with 7th Lord and in planetary war is extremely bad for the Longevity of the Govt.

 Strength of Sun

Sun is not having any benefic aspect although in the trikona and the 5th house. Sun is also not in Uttarayana makes the Sun weak.

As per  Simhasan and Pancha ndi chakra Sun is in Lowest Nadi makes it very weak.

Strength of Moon

Although Moon is having aspect of Jupiter is with Ketu in the 7th house, in no case Moon should be afflicted.

As per  Simhasan and Pancha ndi chakra Moon is in Patta Nadi  is makes it very weak and gives moderate authority to the King.

Strength of Saturn 

Malefic in the 12th house is not good since Saturn is placed in the 12th house and aspects the Venus and Mercury makes the Horoscope very weak. Saturn Retrograde is also not considered very good for Oath taking.

Hence from the above we come to the conclusion that the Oath chart of interim Prime Minister is very weak to sustain the circumstances in the present scenario

Hence from the above it is crystal clear of the happenings till dasha of Moon-Mars there will be civil unrest in the Country.

Jyotish Acharaya Anil Aggarwala

9th August 2024 06-00 am New Delhi

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research.

Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi



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