Lunation Chart Of 28th Oct. 2019 Foretells Earthquakes Tornados Loom Over South East Asia Callifornia Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1073 Articles and Predictions in just 54 monthsfrom April 2015

Lunation Chart Of 28th Oct. 2019 Most Enigmatic And Earthquakes Tsunami Tornado Looming Over the World
It Foretells Earthquakes Tornados Loom Over South East Asia Callifornia . 31st Oct to 9th Nov. 2019 most Prone Time Frame . Terrorism and War like situations cannot be ruled out in some parts of the Worlsd as per my Predictions already made . Read MY Article for World Economy “Enigmatic Lunation Charts Of Oct. 2019 Parallel To 32 Years Back Of Oct. 1987 For Global Economy Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎This Fortnight from the 28th Oct. 2019 seems catastrophic in all respects it so seems due to Mars Proving as ammunition dump on the 9th Nov. 2019 and Mercury falling on Sun debilitated on the 11th Nov. 2019 in the house of Lunation

Have a Look at the chart of the 28th Oct. 2019 of 09-08 hrs Below

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon placed in the sign of Libra the 12th house of the Chart in the Nakshatra of Rahu who is placed in the 8th house in own nakshatra Ardra supposed to be Lord of Storms and Tears may roll for some Countries specially the South Eastern Part of the World and even California
Moon is Placed in the Yama of Taurus the 7th house of the Chart and the House of the Karna Lord Naga indicates most malefic happenings . In this position Moon will be in the 6/8 axis in the Lunation chart from the Yama chart and therefore prone to untoward happenings in the world . Earthquakes when Moon and Mercury join in the sign Scorpio and Mercury is also In Retrogression on the 31st Oct. 2019 in the evening hoursaround the 21-00 hrs. Apart from this the Malefic Karna Lord will be placed in the Lagna at 00.01 degrees and is in extremely malefic condition. 2nd Lord Jupiter is also nearing the Gandantha position. The Lunation is taking place in the 12th house and the Lord Venus is placed in the Lagna with 8th Lord Mercury and they will be degree conjunct on the 31st Oct. 2019. This day seems to be most malefic one from the planetary positions

The Above combination would have 4 planets in the sign Scorpio Watery sign in the Rashi Chart and 4 in navamsha as well hence Jal Pralay due to Water is seen not only in India but other parts of the world near coastal Areas
specially the Countries near the Coastal part of the World specially for Indonesia, Japan, Callifornia. Most Prone are Japan and Callifornia due to the Nodes in the Gemini-Sagitarius axis the Concentration of Planets in the Watery sign Scorpio

The most malefic parameters in this fortnight are as below apart from the above .
1. Lagnesh Mars is in Debilitation in the navamsha
2. Dispositor of Sun and Moon Venus with Debilitated Mors in Cancer
3. Sun and Moon both aspected by Debilitated Mars in navamsha
4. Rahu and Ketu Change navamsha on the 27th Oct. 2019 in the Aquarius and Leo axis supposed to be most malefic till 12th Feb 2020
5. After 12th Feb, 2020 Rahu and Ketu both will be in their own nakshatras and supposed to be most malefic like the 11th March 2011 Japan Tsunami on the 31st Oct- 1st Nov. 2019
6. Mars will activate the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse of the 17th July 2019 on the 9th Nov. 2019. At this point it will be about to join the Lunation sign of Libra
7. The Ram Mandir Verdict by the Supreme Court may be a confused one it so seems and not good for the Country it so seems , there can be communal riots also it so seems
8. Untoward Happenings in the South East Asia and Callifornia are not ruled out as per thre Planetary positions
Date 11th Oct.2019 19.00.00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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