Lunation Chart of 19th April 2019 Foretells Mars May Prove Ammunition Dump Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

874 Predictions and Articles in just 47 months from April 2015

Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be on the Steering wheel In the Fortnight Starting from the 19th April 2019 and May Prove to be Most venomous for the Globe in Total

In the Book of Time Tested Techniques Of Mundane Astrology Guide and Author K N Rao By Vani Publications On the Page 6 Preface Written about
Hardev Sharma Trivedi
The other person who would have produced the best and most brilliant book on mundane astrology was the Late Hardeo Sharma Trivedi who wrote a Book in Hindi ‘ Vypar Ratna’ which is a brilliant book on Financial Astrology. As per KN Rao he used vast Techniques and even he would have disclosed the secret of Karpoor Chakra. He showed often to Mr Rao and pinpointed the way and places in which there would be good or bad event as the planets moved from Rashi to Rashi. In this Connection I would like to Point out that I am using a similar Chakra not mentioned in any book which points out the event and direction absolutely parallel to what has been pointed out by Mr K N Rao and Found amazing Results . On the Basis of this Chakra I have made number of Predictions which have proved on dot.
A very experienced Astrologer also uses the Lunar Charts for brilliant fortnight Predictions. Hardev Sharma Trivedi gave brilliant Predictions for the Wall Street Collapse of the Oct. 1987. . In the Present context the Planetary Positions are some what Simlar to the 15th Sept 2008 when the collapse of Lehman Brothers on Sept. 15, 2008 marked the beginning of the worst phase of the global crisis. But within hours of Lehman Brothers filing for bankruptcy, the Indian authorities had swung into crisis management.
The Situations are also Parallel to 20 years back when the Dot-com bubble took place on the 10th-11th March 2000. The current market environment is looking a whole lot like the 1998-1999 stock market bubble, and the crash of 2000 may not be far behind.
The Saturn and Jupiter Conjunction has been seen to bring a big change in the Global Financial Markets . In the year Saturn and Jupiter were conjunct in the sign Aries . Now Conjunction is taking place till 23rd April and then from the 5th Nov. 2019 to 25th March 2020. I have been mentioning these time frames in all my Articles relating to the Stock Markets

Let us see what the Lunation chart of the 19th April 2019 16.42 hrs. has in store for us

The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus placed in the yama sign of Virgo its debil;itation sign the Ascendant of the Lunation chart and the Yama Lord Mercury is placed in the 7th house in debilitation with the Day Lord Venus in Exhaltation. This Parameter is most malefic in the Lunation chart. The Yama Lord in Debilitation is a strong Venomous Parameter and placed in the 7th house, which represents War, Battles,Enemies, Foreign Secret agents, International Affairs, Immorality in the Country , Marriages , Divorces , Foreign Trade and Relations . All this seems to be in Venomous condition

The Lunation is taking place in the 2nd house of
the Lunation chart , which indicates the Financial condition of the Country, general gain or loss, financial transactions. There is no affliction to Moon and no Benefic aspect the 2nd house. The 2nd Lord in Exhaltation with Lagna Lord and the Yama Lord Mercury in Debilitation spoils the 7th house of Foreign Trade
The Ascendant Lord Mercury is placed in the yama of Leo the 12th house of the Lunation chart and the Yama Lord of the Lagna Lord is placed in the 8th house makes the Lagna Lord extremely weak .
Moon is Placed in the yama of the Sign Sagitarius where the Yama Lord Jupiter is in Retrogression and in Gandantha with Saturn the 5th and the 6th Lord with Ketu is another malefic Parameter in this chart .
The 8th Lord from the Lagna Mars is Placed in the 8th house from the Moon and also in Paap Kartari yoga and aspects the 3rd house is another malefic Parameter in this Lunation chart . Mars the 8th Lord is also in Rohini Nakshatra in this Lunation chart is another parameter which cnnot be ignored.

As predicted Mars in Rohini Nakshatra has Proved most Venomous as per the Media News “Notre-Dame spared total destruction as firefighters battle ‘terrible’ blaze ”

Notre-Dame has been saved from total destruction after a blaze ripped through the cathedral, French fire services have said

Flames broke out at the 12th century historic building on Monday evening, quickly devastating the spire and roof and sending plumes of black smoke into the sky.
One firefighter has been seriously injured and local media say police are treating the blaze as an accident.
French President Emmanuel Macron said he was “so sad tonight to see this part of all of us burn” and declared a national emergency.
Speaking from the scene in Paris, he expressed sympathy with Catholics “around the world” following the “terrible tragedy” but added the worst had been avoided.
He vowed to launch an international fundraising campaign for the cathedral so the world could rebuild Notre-Dame together.

France’s interior minister originally warned the 400 firefighters scrambled may not be able to save the cathedral.
But a junior minister from the department later said they were more optimistic the cathedral could be spared, with up to four more hours needed to contain the blaze.
A French firefighter official confirmed Notre-Dame’s structure and two towers had been saved from total destruction.
Prime Minister Theresa May said her “thoughts are with the people of France tonight and with the emergency services who are fighting the terrible blaze”
The Following Parameters acquire an Important D”imension in the Fortnight starting from the 19th April 2019
1. Sun ingress in Aries will cause Paap Kartari yoga for Mars
2. Mars in Rohini Nakshatra till 27th April 2019 can Prove Ammunition Dump
3. Jupiter will fall back in the Sign Scorpio the 3rd house of the Chart on the 23rd April 2019 early Morning hrs. as a Fallen Planet and will be aspected by Mars the 8th Lord Lord from Lagna and Placed in the 8th house from Moon. This Parameter in the Foundation chart of India will be 8th Lord Jupiter Falling back from the 8th house as the 8th Lord in the 7th house of Wars. The Dasha in operation is also Moon-Jupiter in the Foundation chart of India
4. Saturn will go in Retrogressionon the 30th April 2019 and will be in Stationary position from the 25th April to 30th and then from the 1st May to 4th May 2019 in the 4th house of the Lunation chart and the 8th house of the Foundation chart . This Parameter Of Saturn cannot be ignored specially placed in the 8th house and aspects the 10th house. Security Measures for the Head of the Nation are Must , But after Retrogression its journey will be towards the 24.47 degree mark, which may prove to be a Boon for Narendra Modi after 14th June 2019 when he is liable to take Oath as the Future Priminister of the Country

Mars has Proved after Sun has ingressed in the sign Aries and thereby causing a Paap Kartari yoga for Mars and now can prove to be ammunition dump
I have already written An Article for Mars in the Sign Taurus and in the Rohini Nakshatra . Please read this Article Below
“Mars In Taurus And Rohini Nakshatra From 7th -26th April 2019 : What It can Spell ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala This article has already been published in the EXPRESS STAR TELLER in the April 209 Edition


Written on the 16th April 2019 at 18-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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My Interview by a University of Repute from US in Nov. 2018
My Interview by the Express Star Teller Magzine published in Sept. 2017 edition on the page 34 link on my webpage

“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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