What Stars Foretell for the EU Referendum Poll on 23rd June 2016

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my earlier Article “EU Referendum Poll : What Stars Foretell As Per 23rd June 2016 For Brexit” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/05/britain-brink-economy-fall/ dated 1st May 2016. In this Article I am trying to use the Paksha Kundali of the 20th June 2016 to evaluate the results  for the EU Referendum Poll.

In this article I am using the Foundation chart of European Union Chart of 25th March 1957 18-30 hrs Rome .

Let us first see the chart of the Treaty of Rome which was signed on the 25th March 1957 at 18.30 hrs Rome , since the Book of World Horoscopes by Nichols Campign suggests to see this chart for the Crisis if any for the European Union.. The chart is below


The chart is of Virgo Lagna the 6th house of the natural Zodiac and hence prone to 6th house activities , Unfortunately the chart is also of Dual Lagna and suffers Kendra adhipati dosh due to the fact that the Lagna Lord is Debilitated and placed in the 7th house close to Sun and also Combusted . The 7th and the 10th Lord is placed in Virgo the Bhadaksthan for Jupiter

As Per Kota chakra the Kot swami and Kot Paal are well placed in teh Kota chakra  below

Kota Chakra

Now Planetary Positions as per the foundation chart of European Union on the 23rd June 2016 as per the Foundation chart  below

Planets 23rd June

As per the above Transit chart Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord Mercury aspected by Mars and Saturn the 6th and the 8th Lord is a strong negative for the EU Referendum Poll . Moon is also aspected by Mars and Saturn the 6th and the 8th Lord , The Longevity of the EU is seen from the 8th house and the Lord is Fallen and aspects the 8th house , Mars also influences the Lagna by retrograde aspect , clearly shows a failure for Britain to be in EU

There is exchange of the 9th and the 10th lord and with Sun is very good in the 10th house but since the dispositors of Sun and Lagna Lord are afflicted there are bleek chances for Britain to continue in EU, more so since the Lagna Lord is Placed in a Dagdha Sign Taurus .

The Day Lord Jupiter is Placed in the 12th house totally eclipsed by Rahu and aspected by Saturn is afflicting the Day lord badly, the Yama Lord of Jupiter is Sun who is definitely digbali in the 10th house but loses power  due to the reasons explained above

Now let us see as per the chart of England  Chart on the 23rd June 2016 as below

Let us see the Transit of 23rd June when the Poll will take place for Brexit

Chart 23rd June

The Day is Thursday and Lord is Jupiter totally Eclipsed by Rahu and in the same Navamsha . Negative for the Economy of the Country

Tithi Chaturthi A Negative for the Finance of the Country

Nakshatra  is Shravana

Karna Bava Lord is Placed in the 8th house is Negative for the results of the Country and Karya siddhi, infact a failure

Yoga Vaidrithi Negative

Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord is Fallen in the 12th house of Loss and is a Fallen Planet who is like a snake bite for the Country . the 7th Lord is stronger then the Lagna Lord since placed with Sun and is not Retrograde .

Parameters acquiring a special dimansion to give the Results 

1.Lagna Lord fallen till 13th July 2016 weaker than the 7th Lord

2.Moon aspected by Mars and Saturn both in Malefic State, Saturn influence on the Lagna , Lagna Lord by retrograde aspect and aspecting the Moon is Failure for Positive results for the Country. Moon is also in the 6/8 axis of the Natal Moon

3.Day is Thursday and Lord is totally eclipsed and aspected by Saturn placed in the Lagna in Mrityu bhag , Both Rahu and Jupiter in the 10th house at the Stationary degrees of Saturn between the 20th and 30th March 2016 is explosive Parameter  for Negatives for the Country .

4. Karna Lord in the 8th house with 7th Lord

5. 7th and 8th Lord Exchange and 8th Lord aspects the Lagna at the MEP

6. Ketu over the Natal Jupiter and Rahu over natal Moon  and Ketu has already activated the natal Jupiter Degreewise on the 25th April 2016.

7. Dasha of Saturn -Ketu  Malefics is strong netaive for the Brexit good results

8.Mercury the 8th and the 11th Lord in the 7th house and has relation with 7th Lord due to Exchange hence the ruling Govt. loss is shown .

9. 8th Lord aspecting the Lagna and afflicted in the 7th house by both Mars and Saturn

10. 10th Lord in the 8th house with 12th and 7th Lord and having Exchange with 8th Lord Mercury is sure case of Failure of the Poll.

Hence from the above we can say that the Planetary Positions are not placed in a Favourable position for the Country and there may be  Reversals and Economy in Meltdown condition and a stagnation in the growth of the Country and hence in all Possibilities it may Exit the EU, but irrespective of the Exit , the Country will reel in Ecocnomic Stagnation, Political Turmoils, Terrorism, Natural and unnatural disasters  and a Fall in the Status of the Country and the King of the Country.

Paksha Kundali chart of the 20th June 11.02 hrs is Below

20th june England

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Placed in the 3rd Yama of Leo which is the Lagna and has the 8th Lord , any connection of the Yama of the Day Lord connection with the 8th Lord is failure for that Fortnight , specially when Leo has Rahu and Eclipsing the 5th and the 8th Lord Jupiter , The Guru chandal Yoga in the Lagna and aspected by Retrograde Saturn is most malefic for good results in the Fortnight

Although as per Kota chakra the Kot swami and Kot Paal are placed well, the Paksha Kundali and on the 23rd June 2016 is not favourable for Britain , there are possibilities that Britain may Exit European Union , But Rome may may still be in the European union .Even if Britain remains in EU, it will be explosive for the Economic Conditions and Recession may Sprout with Magnitude .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 3rd June 2016 09-00 hrs. New Delhi 

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Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

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