Learn Astrology Predictions By 5 Modules Omen Shakun Ashtmangla Prashna Birth Chart & Declination Charts

by astrodocanil

“Learn Astrology Predictions By 5 Modules Omen Shakun Ashtmangla Prashna Birth Chart & Declination Charts”

I now Use the Following Techniques and 5 Modules to answer any Query 

The 5 Modules used for Predicting any event 

  1. Miscellanous Methods including Shakun and Omens total 10 parameters My Research Techniques
  2. Ashtamangla Prashna using 108 Chowries
  3. Prashna Chart
  4. Birth chart with Transit Of Planets
  5. Declination chart

99.999 % Astrologers use Birth chart only which is a Static Chart and cannot Predict the Present  for which Dynamic charts have to be developed as per the above Techniques . Birth chart is like a Passport Visa and Ticket  whether the Flight is available or not The Birth chart cannot tell you . ——— Note these Parameters . Day to Day Predictions  and our Present Karma are seen by the Dynamic charts  and are best done the above 4 Techniques  and give amazing and 100 % Results which 999.999 % Astrologer Lack to use. Birth Chart tells you there will be dense clouds  but will there be rain or not  cannot tell you in the absence of the Dynamic charts 

Teaching will be Done Via Zoom and Astrology Texts will be given Prepared by  me apart from some books for basics of Astrology which may have to be Purchased .   There are 10 Semesters of 10 Lectures each for 60 minutes  each and the Fee will depend on the Groups Formed and minimum group of 5 is required for one group. Please Get in touch at the following Details and Registration. Thanks

Mobile   +918527884764      +919810038903

Mail   astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

My Webpage     www.astrodocanil.com   Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Man Who Can See Tomorrow – Indian Astrologer (astrodocanil.com)

Profile    www.astrodocanil.in

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – YouTube

PLEASE READ MY ARTICLE        https://wp.me/p7kBZR-61Z


BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

 4th Jan 2022 15-00  Hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
New Webpage http://www.astrodocanil.in/

Mobile +919810038903  +918527884764

First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer. .All My Predictions on the Virus Spread and ease have proved 100 % correct even the dates .

More than 1680 Predictions have been made and all spot on  with 96-98% True Results 340 YouTube Videos


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