Kejriwal Named Among World’s 50 Greatest Leaders By Stationary Saturn

by astrodocanil

 Kejriwal Named Among World’s 50 Greatest Leaders By Stationary Saturn

As per NDTV  Kejriwal Named Among World’s 50 Greatest Leaders By Fortune link

Let us Have a Look at the chart of Arvind Kejriwal which led to his Success among the Worlds 50 Great Leaders by Fortune

Arvind Kejriwal is born on the 16th August 1968 07-30 hrs Bhiwani . The chart is below 

Arvind Kejriwal

The native is Running the Dasha of Jupiter -Venus -Venus

Now see the Transit chart of the 25th March 2016 below

Arvind Kejriwal transit chart 25th m,arch 2016

The Parameter which Acquire an important dimension for arvind kejriwal are as follows

  1. Dasha of Jupiter placed in a Friendly sign in Lagna Digbala along with Venus the 10th Lord , both are also together in Capricorn  and Moon, A planet in Debilitation in dashamsha , if strong  in Dreshkanne is strong as per Tamil Texts , In Dreshkanne chart the 5th house is rising and jupiter placed in own house in Lagna is showing the Strength for becoming the Chief Minister twice and now the Image is stimulated . Venus is 10th Lord
  2. 10th Lord from Lagna Venus  and 10th Lord from Moon  Saturn is connected by jupiter who is the lord of the 5th house of Pad Chuti and is very Storng and it is also connecting to 10th lord from Saturn , hence Jupiter is the most benefic planet in the chart of arvind kejriwal specially the aspect of Jupiter on Saturn and Moon  makes Saturn a Yoga Karka from Moon, since the 10th lord and Jupiter is the 9th lord from Moon
  3. In Dashamsha of the Natal chart 10th lord of rashi chart and 10th Lord of Dashamsha are connected with Jupiter and Moon
  4. See the Transit Chart of the 25th March 2016  and the news came at 10.30 in the Morning when Saturn was not retrograde and was Stationary in the 4th house with Mars Yoga Karka  from Lagna and the Moon sign Lord of the natal chart, 4th house is throne and also the 7th Lord of Pad Prapti and aspecting the MEP of Lagna at 19.36 degrees and Saturn is 22.19 degrees , it is also aspecting  Natal Jupiter at 17.49 and Venus at 15.24 Degrees
  5. the Bhav Siddhi Kaal Principle is also activated by Transit  Venus aspecting the natal Venus and Transit Jupiter over Natal Jupiter , see the degrees of Venus a;most at the MEP of the 7th house , 10th house from 10th house and 11th from Moon and Saturn natal.
  6. Jupiter Transit in the 2nd from Indu Lagna Cancer.

Vedic Progression chart of year as Per Manu Smriti  for the year upto 16th August 2016


Showing Stationary Saturn Yoga karka for the chart aspecting the 10th Lord Moon in own nakshatra at 22.14 degrees by Stationary Saturn at excat Degrees in the house of Throne and Dig bali , Saturn is also aspecting the Natal Jupiter and 2nd lord mars who is also the Yoga Karaka and with Saturn in Transit . Venus Placed in Lagna in MT sign shows Crystal Clear of the event .

Saturn Stationary is 3 times stronger and becomes most Powerful in Transit and when aspects the MEP and the Planets at exact degrees give the result accordingly. 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 25th March 2016 20-30 hrs New Delhi 


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer. The writer has Used the tamil Classics for Vedeic Progression of Manu Smriti  for the predictions







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