Kamala Harris Running Mate In US Elections Opinion Polls : Show Popularity Star’s Foretell Rising Star Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

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Kamala Harris Running Mate In US Elections : Opinion Polls Show Popularity  Star’s Foretell Rising Star Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Ever since Kamala Harris has been a announced as the running mate by Biden for the coming US elections on the 3rd Nov. 2020 , opinion polls have shown her rising popularity

Let us have a look at the Natal chart of Kamala Harris of Gemini Ascendant and Dasha of Rahu in operation at the time of the Elections . I have been mentioning in number of Articles on my webpage and an Article also In the ‘THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER ‘ that If Rahu is well Placed in the Natal chart has the capacity to take a person to heights specially when the native completes age of multiple of 19. This would mean the Transit Rahu will activate the Natal Rahu in the Natal Chart . Kamala Harris will be completing 56th year on the 20th Oct. 2020 and her 57th Year will be in operation a multiple of 19 at the time of the US elections and as mentioned above Rahu has been activated by the Transit Rahu

Horoscope of Kamala Harris 20th Oct 1964   21-28 hrs Oakland California US

Source Astro.com

Garbshishta at Birth Planets are Ketu and Moon

Dasha of Ketu who is vargottam in the Dashamsha Chart and Moon Strongly placed in the navamsha

1.Ketu-Moon  both not placed well from the 10th Lord  Jupiter placed in the 12th house , The Moon is neutral but Ketu not placed well since in 6/8 axis. Rahu is 2/12  with 10th Lord Jupiter hence neutral

2. There are 2 Neecha bhang Rajyogas  Mars debilitated gets Neecha  bhag rajyoga since the depositor Moon is placed in the Kendra from Mars and also exchange. Sun gets Neecha bhag rajyoga since there is exchange between Sun and Venus .

3. Mercury gets Rajyoga since placed in the 5th house as the 4th Lord and also as the Lagna Lord in the 5th house

4. Connection of the 5th and the 9th Lord is also a Rajyoga

5. 11th Lord Mars in the 2nd House gives name and Fame  and also connected to the 9th house and 11th house  by virtue of exchange


6.The Mid cusp Lord of the 10th house (Juice of the Career) is Saturn and well Placed from the Garbshishta Planets is extremely good .

3.MCL Saturn in own house is extremely good she must have taken to Profession at early age and success  would have touched her  and since  in the 9th house  of Legal affairs indicates Profession related to the  Legal affairs, 6th Lord Mars also aspects it from the 2nd house  confirms the same

4.MCL Saturn Well placed in Kendra from the 10th Lord Jupiter. Stability in the Career

5. MCL Saturn in 2/12 from the 10th house Neutral

6. MCL Saturn Friend of the 10th Lord  for Stability  in Career (See permanent Friendship)

7.MCL Saturn and Star Lord of the 10th Lord is Sun are inimical  to each other hence Satisfaction may not be there

8.The Dasha in Operation is of Rahu -Mercury  till the 18-1-2023. Rahu is Yoga Karka in the chart since the Depositor is placed in the Trinal house. Rahu is also Vargottam in the Dashamsha Chart for Career . The Dasha of Rahu will not only give  the Position of the Vice President of US but also  give her the Pedestal of the President of US in the Rahu Dasha it self.. This Dasha seems to be promising

9. Her late marriage is crystal clear due to  the Affliction to the 7th house from the Lagna, Moon and Venus and Jupiter the 7th Lord ill placed from the Garbshishta Planets . The 7th house in the navamsha is also afflicted by Ketu and the 7th Lord is Debilitated in navamsha .There is promise of Marriage since the Garbshishta Plansta are placed well  from the 7th house ,MCL of the 7th house, Venus  and saptamarudh, only one parameter is not good since the 7th Lord Jupiter is ill placed from the Garbshishta Planets .

10. I have already Predicted that  Joe Biden may not be able to complete the full tenure  and in such a situation she will rise to the Occasion and Become the President of the US In Rahu-Ketu or Rahu-Venus Dasha .

11. The anter dasha Lord is Mercury the Lagna Lord and Lord of the Kendra placed in the trinal house again forms a Rajyoga and is also Yoga Karka  hence the Dasha of Rahu-Mercury is extremely strong  and promising

11. The Dashmarudh is the sign Cancer  and the Lord is placed in the 11th house and Cancer sign has Mars debilitated and has a Neecha Bhang Rajyoga is extremely powerful  to be placed in the 2nd house as the 11th house . This Sign of 10th Pada  will be activated by both Jupiter and Saturn double Transit after the 20th Nov. 2020 is extremely good for her to acquire power.

12. MCL of the 10th house is the sole planet who controls the Profession and will also be activated after the 29th April 2023 when Saturn Transits over the Natal Saturn and will also aspect the Vivasahaya Saham Scorpio sign  Along with Jupiter after the 22nd April to 22nd May 2023 . This Period will be extremely powerful for her to become the President of the US

D10 Career Dashamsha

The Placement of the MCL of the 10th house Saturn in the 10th house is extremely powerful for her . The Lagna is the same as the Rashi Chart and Rahu is placed in the Lagna again and Mercury in the 7th house along with Mars the 11th and the 6th Lord . She will win over her enemies and get name and  World Fame  Till the Dasha oF Rahu is in operation. Note these Predictions. In the dashamsha Chart there is exchange of the 8th and the 10th Lord  which brings Power after the demise of the  Top Serving Leader

The Next Dasha of Jupiter may not bring good results since the 10th Lord has gone in the 8th house and in Debilitation and shows Retirement  from the Job

Hence from the above we can say that she will come in power as the running mate of Biden and acquire power

Saturn and the Jupiter Transit in the 10th house of the Natural Zodiac after the 20th Nov. 2020 is Bound  may bring changes in the Head of the Countries of the Nations wait and see


I have also seen the above chart and is strong


As per the above chart Rahu is Placed in the Lagna  Aries and the Mercury placed in the 11th house  clearly indicates her win and rising to the Pedestal


There will be activation of this parameter after the 20th Nov. 2020 and shows success


The Sign is Scorpio and will be activated 2 times first after June 2022 and then after 29th April 2023 . Extremely powerful parameter for rise in life to highest pedestal


Using the Tamil Way of Dasha analysis by Bodhkan, Vedkan Pashkan and Karkan she has very good dasha of Rahu-Mercury


The Varsh phal and the Vedic Progression charts show immediate struggle  for 2 years and after which she may be the winner and become the President of the US


Note these Predictions . Please read my Articles on the  Win of Joe Biden and Loss of Position by Donald Trump in Nov. 2020 elections  written from Jan 2020

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BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
8th Oct.  2020 08.00 hrs  NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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