Jupiter The Most Benevolent Planet In Affliction What It Has Up It’s Sleeves For Coronavirus ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1240 Articles and predictions in just 59 months from April 2015
Jupiter the most benevolent planet in affliction  is like a mad elephant who has the capacity to ruin the jungle and we are exactly witnessing the same by the Coronavirus effect in the globe due to Jupiter affliction at the time of the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec. 2019 . When Jupiter goes In Planetary war then Debilitation and then in Fallen State from 30th June till 20th Nov. 2020 is the most malefic parameter for the Globe to get a relief till 5th April 2021 in totality from the woes of the Coronavirus  and the effects of the Solar Eclipse . My Worry
Jupiter the Superior and outer Planet gets affliction in the following Ways
1. Combust
2. Set
3. Lost in planetary war
5. Fallen
6. Retrogression

Why we are discussing Jupiter is for the simple reason that Jupiter is the most benevolent planet and its being in Benovelent condition is essential to get rid of the Coronavirus and other problems created by the Eclipse  in a broader spectrum
Unfortunately Jupiter has been afflicted since the day of the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 since in very close degrees with Ketu the disease karka and with a Planet of Jeeva and in the house of a Jeeva planet
Jupiter has got afflicted due to following reasons
1. 26th Dec 2019 at the time of the Solar Eclipse in the sign Sagitarius jupiter was eclipsed by Ketu Jupiter was 11 degrees and Ketu was 14 degrees and was very close to the Eclipse point of 9.58 degrees . We have seen the Global effect of the affliction of Jupiter in its Mool Trikona sign need not be eloborated. Forming a Guru Chandal Yoga it has attributed the worst results for the Global activities since very close to Ketu and Jupiter in the Moola Nakshatra the nakshatra of the Solar Eclipse. The Sign Sagitarius has Rays of 7 hence 7 Months of Anguish and Pain till 26th July 2020 NOTE THIS DATE
2. Jupiter In Planetary war with Mars from the 19th March to 21st March and Mars is the winner
3. Jupiter goes in Debilitation on the 30th March 2020 It will be in Exhaltation in navamsha when it crosses the 7th Navamsha at 20-00 degrees to 23.20 degrees may be better then the Present condition and specially in the Navamsha of Sun and Mars
4. Jupiter will go in Retrogression from the 14th May 2020 AT 20-01 hrs. till 13th Sept. 2020 till 06-11 hrs
5. Jupiter will be in Fallen State from the 30th June 5.29 hrs to 20th Nov 2020 at 11.23 hrs Most Venomous state
6. Jupiter will be crossing the 24-25 degrees Arc in Sagittarius 3 times . It Crossed the same on the 23rd Feb 2020 and we all know the happenings across the World. It will Cross the same degrees from the 10th August to 20th August 2020 for the 2nd time in Fallen State in Sagittarius and the 3rd time in Normal Motion from the 5th Oct to 17th Oct 2020

The Eclipse took place in a Dual sign Sagitarius and Jupiter as the Lord of the Benefic sign as a Benefic losses the beneficiance and since in afflicted condition can bestow the most malefic results due to the following reasons
1. As a benefic Lord in the Eclipse sign losses the beneficance
2. Totally eclipsed By Ketu and afflicted by Saturn becomes a malefic
3. As Lord of Sagitarius sign in Sagitarius afflicted becomes strong malefic due to the fact that from Gemini sign the 7th house is Marak, Bhadak and also Kendraadhipati dosh and hence with Saturn and Ketu becomes first class marak due to the reason it is Bhadak, Marak and has Kendrapati dosha from Gemini sign and under utmost affliction.
If one compares Jupiter to an Elephant this malefic quality that it attains on becoming a First  class Marak becomes more apparent in the Scenario of the Coronavirus which has sprouted the day of the Solar Eclipse from China since China has Capricorn Lagna and 6th house is Gemini and Jupiter becomes 1st Class marak for the 6th house in the 12th house of losses and hospitalization.
In the Category of animals Elephant is associated with Jupiter since Elephant is Jupiter’s Vahana and is the most powerful and Soumya animal. He is Godly and is worth a lot whether living or dead
If this Elephant gets mad he destroys the the whole forest. This is also applicable to Jupiter and in the case of China the 12th house and in the case of India in the 8th house and Marak for the 2nd house . Jupiter is the most benevolent planet yet when afflicted by all the 3 doshas becomes the most malefic planet
Jupiter will go in debilitation and in the 8th house from the Gemini sign . In such Condition Jupiter in the natal chart breaks Marriage will give Mrityu Tulys Kashta , a diseased body,ill repute, public denunciation, demotion in service loss to children, since Jupiter is Putra Karka, Karka for Mantra siddhi, intelligence, longevity as far as spouse is concerned . Thus Jupiter controls the whole Family, ninth house for father, elders etc
In the Present Context from the sign Gemini most malefic for the Gemini sign which ever house it may be
Most Malefic for Gemini, Lagna and the Gemini Moon signs in the Present Scenario
Jupiter will go in the sign Aquarius on the 5th April 2021 . We can only expect some relief after Jupiter goes in the Sign Aquarius at this time Jupiter will also cross the Saturn in Capricorn and will be out of the afflictions . Hence Any Prosperity, Recovery from Chronic Diseases Virus can only be expected when Jupiter is out of affliction

Jupiter In Fallen Condition from the 30th June to 20th Sept 2020 with Ketu in the sign Sagitarius may be the worst for the Coronavirus Since Jupiter falling back in the sign where Ketu is placed may be the worst transit , during this Period Saturn will also be retrograde from the 11th May 2020 to 29th Sept. 2020. This Time frame may be the most venomous period fothe Coronavirus
Varahamihra has allocated sign Capricorn for India and Sign Gemini for US and we can expects the results accordingly and exactly what ever is happening is in line with what ever has been written above
Affliction to the Sign Sagitarius is most enigmatic due to the Fact that Sun only stays in this sign for 29 days as against 30-31 days in other signs and recalling Maha Bharat also took place when Sun was in the sign Sagitarius
Another Parameter which I have observed is that since Jupiter gets afflicted in Capricorn sign in the 2nd from its Mool Trikona sign any Affliction in Transit in the 2nd from Jupiter may be Eclipse of Malefic Planets will damage the Jupiter in big way
Let me Put the Chart of the Jan 1918 when Jupiter was afflicted and the Spanish Flue killed n number of People in the world
Dec 28th 1917 Lunar Eclipse chart

The Lunar Eclipse in the Gemini-Sagitarius axis and 2nd House for Jupiter under affliction and Jupiter Retrograde . Mercury is also Fallen in the Chart with Rahu
Now we will have similar Planetary positions Jupiter fallen with Ketu in Sagitarius from the 30th June to 20th Sept 2020
Have alook at the chart of the 26th Dec 2019 at 10-43 hrs when the Solar Eclipse took place

We Have similar Planetary positions in the 2 Eclipses , 5 Planets in the Gemini-Sagitarius axis at the time od Dec 1917 Eclipse
7 Planets in the Gemini-Sagitariuus axis in the Dec 2019 Solar Eclispe
Both cases Jupiter is in affliction and Sign Sagitarius under affliction badly in both cases
I have discussed these charts in the Article below
“Coronavirus Planetary Positions Parallel To Spanish Flue In Jan. 1918 Nodes On Driving Wheel Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/03/coronavirus-plan…r-anil-aggarwala/
Hence from the above the Most Precarious time wll be when Jupiter is fallen from the 30th June to 20th Sept 2020 when Jupiter fallen will be in the sign Sagitarius in most afflicted condition with Ketu the disease Karka . Jupiter will leave this sign on the 20th Nov. 2020 Hence till this time frma emost enigmatic Period for Jupiter to give any Blessings to the world and relief from the Virus
From 22nd March to 23rd April 2020 Most Explosive for the Coronavirus and specially for 105 days till 7th July 2020 as per the Prashna article and till 2nd August 2020 when Mercury is out of the Grip of the nodes and then Finally when Ketu Leaves the sign Sagitarius but Jupiter will remain ther in fallen condition till 20th Nov. 2020

After Planetary war between Jupiter and Mars is over amd Mars ingresses in Capricorn some positive may be seen and Mars since controls the Immune system and in the 10th house of the Natural zodiac may attribute some positives for removing the woes of Coronavirus taking a positive stance


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
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