Jupiter Saturn Conjunction In Capricorn : Effect As Per Nadi Shastra In Individual Charts Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1447 Articles and Predictions in just 67 Months from April 2015

This is with Reference to My Articles on the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn as Per Nadi Shastra. In my earlier Article I had discussed the effect of Jupiter  transit  as per the 5 Parameters  as per Parashar System. Now for the Benefit of the natives I am discussing  the Transit as per Nadi Granthas

Please read my Article “127 Days Starting 20th Nov. 2020-5th April 2021 Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction: Extreme Cold Weather Tornados Rains Pollution Virus Political Trauma Wars Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” for Results for individuals  as per Parashar

Jupiter is the 9th Lord of the Natural Zodiac and Saturn the 10th and the 11th Lord of the Natural Zodiac. The Combination and Conjunction will  bring a massive change and transformation in the life of the natives who have  Planets in the 6 signs of the Zodiac namely Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Leo and Virgo. The Reason is simple . Saturn from the sign Capricorn will aspect the Sign Pisces by third aspect  and Saturn is with Jupiter hence when Saturn goes in the sign Pisces will give the positive results of the Jupiter and when Jupiter goes in the sign Aquarius the 11th house of the Natural will give the Results of the 11th house of Saturn and Jupiter it self.

Hence the Signs where Planets are posited in the sign Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Leo  and Virgo will be influenced the Most since Saturn and Jupiter together influence the above signs  for the coming 5 Years and the influence will be seen for the coming 10-20 years  since Saturn and Jupiter after conjunction influence each other by opposition after 10 years and again meet in Virgo after 20 years

Why these 6 signs is needless to mention Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, Saturn and Jupiter signs  and 7th aspect is the strongest  hence the 7th sign from them cancer, Leo and Virgo will have  aspects by Jupiter in the coming years

The Effects will be as follows

The above signs natives will be benefitted  in terms of Growth and Prosperity in the coming 10-20 years  provided there are combination of Planets as below 

Malefic Results

Mars, Saturn, Ketu Moon  should not be alone or in Conjunction in the above 6 Signs

Jupiter -Venus or Venus -Mercury   Conjunction in these signs may not bring good results loss of Job hurdles from the Govt. etc

Sun Mars and Ketu in the above signs will not Produce good results

Benefic Results 

Mercury, Jupiter, Venus the benefic Planets in these 6 Rashis alone  will be very good and will be  benefitted  for the coming 10-20 years as explained above  since Jupiter will be aspect these signs in the coming 3 years after activating the Planets degree-wise in these signs  by 7th aspect

Those natives who have conjunct Mercury -Rahu, Jupiter -Rahu, Venus Rahu will also be Benefitted from this Conjunction in the above 6 signs  . Venus-Rahu will Give apaar sampati

Those who have Sun and Mars conjunction in the above 6 signs will get Promotion in Service

Those who have Mars -Venus conjunction will be benefitted from a Beautiful house, Vehicle and Good Income

Those who have SaturnKetu conjunction or Sun Ketu Conjunction will bring progress spiritually

Those who have Mars-Saturn-Ketu in the above signs then Mahan  Atma Sanyas


Those who have 5th and the 9th house empty and age bracket is less than35-36 years of age will not be benefitted from this Yoga, but those whose age Bracket is above 36 years  will be benefitted from this yoga irrespective of  Houses 5th and 9th are empty


Example 1.   Native Born with Following Chart

Over the Natal Moon not very good When Jupiter will be 8 degrees before the 5th Jan 2021 Since the Transit of Jupiter and Saturn in the Sign Capricorn in the 7th house

Jupiter will activate the Natal Venus at 25 degrees  in Cancer on the 15th March 2021 will be excellent  For Progress and Prosperity. Venus is also the 4th and the 11th Lord will be benefitted  with a Vehicle, Residence change  Prosperity for the Coming 10-20 years

Additional Parameters for Beneficence

1.MCL of the 10th House will be activated

2. Vivasahaya Saham will be activated by both Jupiter and Saturn

Hence extremely benefic Period for this Native 

Jupiter will activate the Natal Jupiter at 27 Degrees on the 11th April 2023 . Jupiter is the 6th and the 9th Lord will attribute Name Fame  Prosperity  and all debits if any will be paid off and a disease free life

Example 2.

The Natives Venus will be activated  who is the Yoga Karka in the chart the 4th and the 9th Lord Placed in the 10th from the 9th house  will be benefitted by change in the residence  Long Travel  towards the west  Since Rahu is in the gemini sign and Dasha of Rahu is in operation . Mostly towards Canada after the Jupiter activates the Venus at 25 degrees  on the 15th March 2021 at 25 degrees

Jupiter will activate the 7th Lord  Sun at 12 degrees on the 17th April 2021 . 7th house is house of Residence abroad

Hence it seems from the above the Native will change the Country and may also get a Job abroad

The Transit of Jupiter in the sign Pisces will activate the Mercury first will be good after the 17th April 2021  but not the Saturn  after  Jupiter activates the 12th Lord and the Lagna Lord when it reaches the 25 degrees in Pisces

Example 3 

Saturn Jupiter and Rahu have already activated the Venus in the Lagna   from the sign Sagittarius 5th and the 12th Lord , hence change in the country of Stay

Now Saturn and Jupiter will activate the Mercury and Rahu in the sign Cancer  between the 10th March to 17th March 2021  this will prove to be most beneficial for the native for the coming 10-20 years . Mercury is the Lagna Lord and the 4th Lord with Rahu in the 11th house from the 4th house , But over the natal Ketu not very good , Hence Mixed results and a change and a shift of the Country of Stay  12th Lord in Gemini sign hence may shift towards the west and Possible Country may be Canada

In addition to the above there are following Parameters which will attribute most benefic Results as per the following parameters 

1, MCL of the 10th House is Mercury will be activated for good career opportunities

2.  Jupiter will activate the Yogi Planet Rahu in Cancer

Hence extremely benefic Period for the Native for this chart

After the Jupiter goes in Aquarius it will aspect the Rajyoga Planets Jupiter and Sun first on the 7th April 2021 Sun at 2 Degree will be activated and then  Jupiter at 21 degrees on the 8th March 2022 and will give excellent results  related to the Job Career and Settlement in Foreign Country

The Transit of Jupiter in Pisces  after the 17th April 2022 aspects Saturn and Mars may bring Spiritual Inclinations when the Planets are activated degree-wise

Example 4 

Arnab Goswami  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnab_GoswamiSaturn-Jupiter His dob 7th March 1973 Conjunction over his natal Jupiter at 9 degrees will give relief after 1st Week of Jan 2021 — Note these Prediction as per Nadi Shastra



First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
28th Nov. .  2020 14.00 hrs  NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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