Jupiter in the making of an Astrologer

by astrodocanil

Jupiter in the Making of an Astrologer

In Astrology as per Tamil Shastra if Jupiter and Mercury are in Kendra from the Garbshishta it is considered most Pious , More so if Venus is also in Kendra from the Garbshista, it is inferred that such a Person will  rise to the Occasion in these Dashas and will be Born in a very Progressive Family. We also Know that in Calculation of the Bhava Bala in Jaimini Astrology Any Bhava which is Influenced by Jupiter and Mercury gets 60 Points each . The Importance of Jupiter and Mercury in Astrology is immense , for this Reason they are Karka for Astrology.

As Per Astrology Jupiter is 100% Benefic Planet and Called Guru. Asper Vedic Numerology the the 2 Akshara  one Male and one Female are combined to interpret any word . All Vovels are Male and other Female. In the Word GURU Gu is Comprising of Vovel and another Akshara and hence we can interpret Guru from GU and G =3  and U=2 hence the Guru=32  Now Taking out 12 from this number we get 20 and 2 Capricorns , Using the Katapayadhi Method reversing the Number 32 to 23 and substracting 12 we get again 11 Aquarius Sign , Both the signs Ruled By Saturn , the 10th and the 11th house of the natural Zodiac. For this Reason Jupiter Debilitates in Capricorn Sign. As Per our Maharishis and the Divine seers the The World came into Existence when The Sun, Moon and Jupiter were in Pushya Nakshatra  and for this Reason Pushya Nakshatra is Termed as the Maha Nakshatra , we all Know the Swamber of Rama and Sita took Place in the Nakshatra of Pushya, Amazingly in the Year 1983 I left My Parents house in the Nakshatra of Pushya and Balance of Dasha was 15 years , 4 months and 21 days  and I exactly returned back after this Period after Saturn made me work like made to achieve my goals successfully , Hence Cancer the 4th house of the Natural Zodiac is Light House and 180 Degrees from the Sign Cancer is Darkness and the Sign Capricorn where Jupiter Debilitates. For this Reason Jupiter and Moon in Kendra and in Shukla Paksha Make the highest Gajkesri Yoga  and Jupiter and Sun Conjunction Makes the highest Sanrakshan Yoga. This Conjunction and a Person with these Yogas is a King . Aquarius sign is the 11th house of the natural Zodiac and the House is Bhadak for the Natural Zodiac of the Aries Movable sign. Rahu is the Significator for our Desires and hence Controls this House Rahu Rules the Satbisha Nakshatra in Aquarius . Rahu, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn control our desires , Hence A divine astrologer takes Birth and learns when Saturn first Travels from the Mool Trikona Sign of Jupiter Sagitarius the 9th house of the natural Zodiac   and when Jupiter also passes through these signs Capricorn and Aquarius the 10th and the 11th house of the Natural Zodiac. Rahu is Shishya of Venus  and controls our desires , Hence when Saturn and Jupiter Passes from these signs a Divine Astrologer is Produced , Since the Astrologer Moves from the Darkness to the Light House of Cancer together with Sun and Moon , We all Know the Importance of Sun Ingress from Capricorn to Cancer. Uttrayanan to Dakshiyanan and is Considered most Pious for any work to be started . The Renunciation Takes Place when Saturn and Jupiter start from these signs Sagitarius to Capricorn and Aquarius. We all Know Jupiter and Mercury are Significators for Astrology the Divine Science

Since the Ingress of Saturn in Sagitarius on the 26th Jan. 2017  I have come across the Most amazing Texts and Literature in Astrology ,which I was Looking for so many years , Note the strongest 10th aspect of Saturn from the 9th House of the Natural Zodiac on Jupiter Placed in the House of Mercury and Mercury also with Saturn in the Sign Sagitarius till 3rd Feb. 2017 and then In the Sign Capricorn. I have been able to Collect the Most Valuable Texts Pertaining to Astrology . Very shortly I will be organizing a Seminar  for the Astrology Lovers and the Students of Astrology to Share some most Valuable Parameters while Analysing a Horoscope. The Garbshishta, Panchang , Dasha Samaya, Nimmitta, The Touch and so many Parameters . Jupiter and Saturn will be in the Sign Capricorn after 20th Jan 2020 and hence the Divine Astrologers will be Produced after this Period .

  1. anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
  2. 18th Feb. 2017 6-15 hrs. New Delhi  
  3. Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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