Journey Of Roman God Saturn after 6th April 2017: Bane Or Boon

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my earlier Article “Roman God Saturn in Sagitarius : Bane or Boon ” and My Article “H1-B Visa Row In US and Planetary Positions”…netary-positions/

Let me reproduce the Text of the Articles

First “H1-B Visa Row In US and Planetary Positions”

As per the Astrological combinations at the time of the Regulation for the H1-B Visa  the following Parameters are Important and general Predictions  .

  1. Rahu in Adverse motion in the Nakshatra of Ketu, hence till Rahu in Leo till Sept. 2017 there will be issues related to H1B Visa
  2. Saturn in the 9th house of the Natural Zodiac aspecting the 3rd House  and aspecting Venus in Aquarius with Ketu by 3rd aspect .
  3. Saturn in Gandantha and in the Nakshatra of Ketu  and aspecting Rahu in the 5th house of the natural Zodiac till 26th Jan. 2017. Saturn aspects Ketu after 26th Jan. 2017
  4. There is Nakshatra Exchange between Rahu and Ketu, hence they will compliment each other and since Rahu in Adverse motion , it will be Worst till Rahu is ther ein Leo till Sept. 2017 for the Regulation.
  5. Saturn in Gandantha aspects Jupiter in the 6th house of the Naturak Zodiac who is the Lord of the 12th and the 9th House. Jupiter has exchange with Mercury the 3rd and the 6th Lord of the Natural Zodiac
  6. Jupiter in Stationary mode from 1-2 Feb. 2017 before going in Retrogression on the 6th Feb. 2017 and Mercury changing Sign to Capricorn on the 3rd Feb. 2017 .
  7. Saturn Aspects Ketu till 21st June 2017 and then as a Fallen Planet on Rahu till Sept. 2017. Saturn is the Lord of the 10th house of the Natural Zodiac and also a Bhadak as the 11th Lord , Maximum number of People will be influenced when Saturn is in the Scorpio and also Connection of Mars with Saturn from 12th April 2017 when Mars will be in Taurus and aspect Saturn by 8th aspect , then Saturn will be Retrograde from the 6th April 2017 and also influence the Previous Sign Scorpio till 26th May 2017. Mars will be in Leo from the 27th August to 13th Oct. 2017 and will aspect Saturn Fallen in the 8th house of the Natural Zodiac. These Periods will be most Crucial for the H1-B Visa
  8. The Parameters for Visa are 3rd house , 6th house, 10th house and the 11th house . In the DBA planets at the time of the Query if the Planets are related to these houses then Visa may be Granted again, but if these Parameters are weak then the Natives may not be Granted the H1-B Visa for the stay in US.
  9. The Time of the Twin Eclipses in Feb. and August 2017 will also be Crucial in this Respect .
  10. Trump is Lion as per my Earlier Article as per the Planetary positions as per his Oath Chart and since Saturn is in the 8th house and aspects Sun in 10th house , more crucial Regulations may follow from the White house after Saturn aspects Sun in Aquarius and at the time of the Eclipses specially around the 26th Feb. 2017 and the Solar Eclipse on the 21st August 2017 and all Periods when Rahu will be in Adverse motion in a Month.
  11. Since Saturn represents Masses , there will be representations against the Trump Administration for the H1-B and L1 Visas, specially when Saturn is fallen between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017
  12. The above are the General Principles and the Transit of Planets , The Predictions on the Individual Horoscopes have to be made individually looking at the Prashna Charts and the Birth Charts by Tamil Texts

Now As per the Article “Roman God Saturn in Sagitarius : Bane or Boon ” Let me reproduce some text.

Saturn, the biggest Cosmic Player moves to Sagittarius on 26th Jan 2017 at 19:31 hours till 24th Jan 2020 and finally transits to its own sign Capricorn on 25th Jan 2020

Saturn transits Vrischika to Dhanu January 26, 2017 (Thursday) at 21:34
Saturn transits Dhanu to Vrischika June 21, 2017 (Wednesday) at 01:37
Saturn transits Vrischika to Dhanu October 26, 2017 (Thursday) at 18:11

Saturn takes 29.46 years for one full round of the Zodiac, So it shows its influence for 30 Years per sign, starting from the Birth sign. This amounts to proportionately one year per degree, so an 11degree natal Saturn indicates 19 years of influence left on the natal sign  in terms of age. Accordingly the Next sign will be from 19 years to 49 years.

Saturn is retrograde during the following  dates:

From April 7th 2017 to August 5th 2017

 Saturn turns retrograde in Sagittarius on 7th April and re-enters Scorpio on 21st June 2017. From 21st June to 27th Oct. 2017 . Saturn continues its journey in Scorpio and transits to Sagittarius yet again on 27th Oct 2017.The Period of  Saturn Re-entering  in Scorpio is most Venomous since then Saturn will be a Fallen Planet. Saturn will be most malefic specially when in Ketu Nakshatra and when Fallen from Sagitarius to Scorpio. In Jyestha and Mool Nakshatra it will be in Gandantha  when about to Fall.

Significations of the Roman God Saturn

Saturn is Significator for Agriculture, Land, Real Estate, Oil, Iron Core , Underground mines, Old Natives, Common People , Masses Democracy, All forms of Democratic Institutions,  Famines, Drought,  Discontentment, Revolution, Death, Mass deaths, Natural Calamities , Earthquakes , Floods, Tsunamis, Fall in Countries Exports, Death of a Prominent Leader, National Mourning, Heavy Taxes , Rationing, Overthrow of Rulers from the Throne , Judicial system. Crude oil is signified by Saturn and the sign is Aquarius . When Saturn joins back in Sagitarius after 26th Oct. 2017 the Production of Oil may stall thereby raising the Prices of Oil. Terrorism, Kidnappings apart from other significations are on the cards specially when Saturn in Ketu nakshatra , aspect on Ketu and aspected by Mars after 11th April to 21st June  2017, The Period from 11th April to 20th April will be a period of Concern and untoward happenings could sprout with dimension .


The Present Scenerio

Saturn by Kalidas has been designated  as Dukhakarka , specially in the Present context when moving through Ketu nakshatra and aspecting Ketu in close degrees after 17th April 2017 in Retrogression. Saturn will be aspected by Mars also. The Planetary Positions between the 16th to 21st April 2017 will be most  explosive for untoward happenings as mentioned above

In these long years Saturn will be in the nakshatras ruled by Ketu, Venus and Sun. The transit over Mool Nakshatra may not be auspicious . The Transit over the Venus snd Sun Nakshatra may be less troublesome then Transit in Mool Nakshatra

Saturn Playing its game since connected to the houses of Visas , 3,6,10 and 11 in the Natural Zodiac from the 9th house aspecting the 9th and the 12th Lord Jupiter in retrogression. The Worst will be after Saturn falls back in Scorpio as a Fallen Planet from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 when lot of People may have to return back for want of Visa Extension.  Jobs may also suffer since 10th Lord will be in the 8th house as a Fallen Planet and is also Karka for Longevity of the 10th and the 11th house.

Fallen Planet

As Per Jaimini Sutra who is Retrograde ceases to be a Chara Karka hence Saturn after 6th April 2017 will not be a Karka in Jaimini Astrology and hence Rahu will be the DaraKarka . Saturn will be in Fallen State from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 . A Fallen Planet is like a car going up the hill and loses motion and falls back from the Mountain, such a Planet is most malefic and like a snake bite and most venomous. Saturn as the Karka as explained above has the capacity to ruin the things, Stall them and in the 8th house of the natural Zodiac as the 10th and the 11th Lord , as 11th Lord he is also Bhadak . It will be the worst for Aries Lagna and Aries Moon sign and those Natives who have Fallen Saturn in Scorpio or in Sagitarius. Saturn may open so many secrets and scandals in Politics during its Fallen Period influencing the masses . Weather abnormality cannot be ruled out .

Stationary points of Saturn .

Saturn becomes Stationary 4-5 days before and after going in Retrogression , hence 2nd April to 10th April and then 21st Oct to 1 Nov. 2017 will be the Critical Dates of Saturn Stationary

Saturn , Mars and Rahu Transit till Sept. 2017 Most Crucial

Saturn In Gandantha will be worst in Scorpio sign and specially in Jyestha Nakshatra Politicians suffering

Saturn In Gandanths in Sagitarius Visa Cancellation for those abroad and difficulty staying far from home towns

Saturn Karka for masses , death, destruction , Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Weather changes , Drought, Famine possible

Saturn as Karka for masses can turn the Table of the Kings and Coup . Connection of Saturn with Mars and Sun will be worst

After Mars changes sign on the 12th April 2017 to Taurus and aspect Saturn in Sagitarius till 26th May 2017

Mars will join Cancer sign on the 11th June 2017 till 27th August 2017, Hence Dispositor of Saturn from 21st June will also be Debilitated till Mars in Cancer .

Mars will join Leo on the 27th August 2017 and aspect Saturn fallen in Scorpio, at this Point Mars will be over Rahu  and Mars will reach the Eclipse point of the 21st August 2017 between the 1st Sept. to 3rd Sept. 2017 will be most crucial for the untoward happenings

Shastra says that no new venture should be undertaken when Saturn is fallen , since it is Karka for Multinational Companies.

Saturn is Kaal and Jupiter is Jeeva . The Following Planets will be in Retrogression

Venus Retrogrades on the 4th March to 15th April 2017

Mercury Retrogrades from the 9th April to 3rd May 2017

Saturn Retrogrades from the 6th April to 25th May 2017

Jupiter Retrograde from the 6th Feb. 2017 to 9th June 2017

Hence Between the 9th April to 15th April there will be 5 Planets in Retrogression

Most Volatile situations . 2 Planets will be exceptional, Venus Extended Stay in Pieces and Saturn Fallen in Scorpio both watery signs , Hence Strong Tsunamis in the Costal Areas cannot be ruled out .

The Possibilities of Strong Earthquakes of Intensity . Tsunami, Tornados and Natural Calamities are on the cards as per the dates mentioned above specially around the Solar Eclipses in August and March 2017 . 11th March 2017 , 3rd Sept. 2017 are crucial dates apart from other combinations from 9th April to 15th April 2017. The worst Period is the Saturn Fallen period and the Eclipses influenced by Fallen Saturn. Economy Burst may also be on the cards around the Solar Eclipse of 21st August 2017 and when mars Activates the Eclipse point after 1st Sept. 2017. after 12th Sept. Jupiter will also Influence the Fiery sign along with Saturn after 26th Oct. 2017, thereby stalling the Economy it so seems

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

9th March 2017  16.15 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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