Jammu Airport Blasts J&K DGP Confirms Payload Dropped Using Drones Predictions Spot On Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

276 You Tube Video and 1613 Articles and Predictions in just 75 months from April 2015

“Potential Flashpoints Unrest In J & K Brawl With China May Be Triggered By Red Planet Mars Roman God Saturn Opposition 2nd June-20th July 2021” Dated 20-5-2021

Read My Articles below proving spot on  for the Potential Flashpoints and  Unrest in Jammu & Kashmir

ARTICLE 1 DATED 20-5-2021

Potential Flashpoints Unrest In J & K Brawl With China May Be Triggered By Red Planet Mars Roman God Saturn Opposition 2nd June-20th July 2021 – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)


Red Planet Mars May Trigger ‘Violent Unrest In Kashmir Or Militant Attack In India Being Potential Flashpoints’ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Red Planet Mars May Trigger ‘Violent Unrest In Kashmir Or Militant Attack In India Being Potential Flashpoints’ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

Let me reproduce the text OF THE ARTICLE 1  here for your ready reference 

“Potential Flashpoints Unrest In J & K Brawl With China May Be Triggered By Red Planet Mars Roman God Saturn Opposition 2nd June-20th July 2021”

Mars will ingress in the  Cancer sign of Debilitation on the 2nd June 2021 06-52 hrs  till the 20th July 2021  17-55 hrs and will be opposed by Retrograde Saturn from the sign Capricorn. Mars will be over the  the 3rd house of the India Foundation Chart of Boarders over the 5 Planets  and the 7th house over the Natal Chart of Jammu & Kashmir where Mars and Saturn are placed in the house of Wars , the 7th house of the China Foundation chart again the house wars over the natal Mars . This Transit therefore may prove detrimental for war like conditions with China, Pakistan and Violent Unrest In Kashmir or Militant attack. The planetary positions are parallel to the 20th Oct. 1962 when we had War with China but we have some grace  now since Mars and Saturn are not influenced by the nodes as at the time of the Oct 1962. Hence the situations are much better now then at the time of Oct. 1962 and there may not be a full fledged war during the opposition in the immediate future . One Parameter which was activated before the War with China in 1962 was Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra in Sept. 1962 just before the War . In the Present Circumstances we have similar Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra  taking place between the 24th April to 2nd June 2021. Hence the Brawl between India and China may definitely go for a Toss but the War like conditions may not be parallel like Oct 1962. There could be Military interventions. Mercury Fallen on the 4th June in Taurus along with Sun Mercury and Rahu could also create International Tensions till 7th July 2021 and specially after the 23rd June 2021 to 2nd July 2021 . The Eclipse on the 10th June Falls at 25.39 degrees  mrigshira  in the navamsha of Leo. The Govt. in big Democratic Countries  Britain, Malaysia, Thailand may also  be influenced .

Mars and Saturn exact opposition will take place on the1st-2nd July 2021 and in the Gemini and Sagittarius Navamsha  in unstable signs is not good . The trouble- some period is when Sun also joins Cancer Sign on the 17th July 2021 and joins Mars and Venus opposed by Retrograde Saturn. Saturn-Mars Oppositions results in Political agitations . Since Cancer is the Janam sign in the Foundation chart of India lot of Pressure on the Modi Govt. may be seen. The Time frame for the 1st July to 7th July 2021 seems to be Explosive since  this opposition of Mars and Saturn will be activated in the Foundation chart of Many Countries where Saturn or Mars are placed between 20-22 degrees and specially India and China Jammu & Kashmir and Pakistan . The Opposition of Mars and Saturn could also trigger Volcanic Eruptions, Mass Representations , Earthquakes and Influence on the Global Politics . There could be mining disasters . China , Russia May Influence the Global Politics in a big way 

Some SPECIAL PREDICTIONS as per the Transit of Mars in the 3rd house of the Lunar Year (13th April 2021-2nd April 2022

In the Pisces New Moon chart Mars is placed in the Lagna with Rahu who is in Rohini star and has the Capacity  to bring about  dangerous time frames for the  Ruling Politicians  and Leaders . The Lagna in the mundane horoscope signifies the Rulers . The 8th house shows the mis- happenings and Mars aspects the 8th house as the 12th and the 7th Lord , and 8th house is also in paap kartari yoga. After Transit of Mars in the 3rd house in debilitation it will then aspect Jupiter the 8th Lord by 8th aspect. This Transit can be explosive  for the mis happenings in the Country. This is also indicative of Major Reshuffle in the Cabinet. Negative Influence on the Ruler of the Country is also indicated . 




Since Mars and Saturn are placed in the 7th house of the  Kashmir Accession chart in the house of Wars, this opposition may influence the Kashmir in a big way 

Red Planet Mars May Trigger ‘Violent Unrest In Kashmir Or Militant Attack In India Being Potential Flashpoints’ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com) 

Let me reproduce the text here for ready reference 

I have been writing on the Mars Transit from the sign Taurus to Leo will be most enigmatic and specially  from Gemini to Leo from the 14th April to 20th July 2021 .The Reasons are crystal clear . Mars is ammunition dump and triggers  the events. Let me Tabulate the Parameters acquiring important dimension  for Violent Unrest  In Kashmir Or a Militant Attack in India.

First Have a Look at the Chart of Kashmir Accession discussed a number of times in my Articles  of the 27th Oct. 1947 13-27 hrs Srinagar

The Placement of The Mars and Saturn in the 7th house of Wars indicates crystal clear of the War Prone and Torn State. Unfortunately the State is also running the Dasha of   Mars -Saturn till the 19th Dec. 2021

As per Transit and Bhav Siddhi Kaal  Sun, Venus and Mercury will be activated  after the 16th April 2021 when Mercury will also join Sun and Venus in the sign Aries . There will also be Parivartana between Mercury and Mars between the 4th house and the 6th house . Mars in Transit will aspect the Lagna where the Transit Lagna Lord and the 2nd Lord Saturn will be placed in Transit . The Crucial Transit of Mars starts from the 14th April 2021 when Mars joins the 6th house of the Foundation chart and its journey to Cancer where the Natal Mars is posited with Saturn till the 20th July 2021.

The Time frame from the 16th April to 1st May2021  specially when Mars and Saturn will give vedha to each other in the Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra from the 24th April to 16th May 2021  and then  when Mars activates the sensitive Arc of the Sign Capricorn 6.20, 18.40, 19 degrees of Stationary Saturn in the Lagna and then 20-22 degrees of Cancer  sign can prove to be explosive for the State for Violent Unrest in the State or  Militant Attack on India after the 23rd June and  between the 1st July to 7th July 2021——— Note these Predictions

Have a Look at the Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra discussed in all my Articles


Have a Look at the Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra which open the secret of the Mars and Saturn Vedha till the 2nd June 2021


Vedha between Mars and Saturn till the 16th May 2021 in the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra below 



Natal Saturn at 20.20 degrees and the Transit Mars will be over it on the 2nd July 2021 can prove to be explosive for the Country 

The Country is under the influence of the Venus-Saturn Dasha and  both are connected to the 7th house of Wars and look at the degrees of these Planets Venus 21 and Saturn 20 degrees and Venus loses in Planetary war and these Planets will be activated  by Mars from the Cancer sign between the 4th to 7th July 2021. Pakistan is bent upon creating Terrorism in India . No wonder during the Time frames mentioned in this Article there may be Violent Unrest in Kashmir or Militant Attack in India as per the Chart of Pakistan

The Mars placement in the 3rd house of neighbours and the Transit Mars activating the same after the 14th April 2021 is of Concern.  Mars at 6.47 degrees and Moon at 18.59 degrees is Sensitive arc in the sign Gemini for Pakistan  and this will be activated on the 25th April and 15th May 2021 in the immediate  Future  and during this time frame there will be Vedha between Mars and Saturn also  in the chakras as explained above 

The  Pisces New Moon Chart of the 12th April2021 of Pakistan is of Aries Lagna  and the King and Minister of the year is MARS  and forming an angarak yoga in the 2nd house  is obvious of the Financial condition of the Country in the year 2021 -2021. 2nd house is also Marak sthan and Exchange of the Lagna Lord and the 2nd Lord is also taking place. Venus is also the 7th Lord . The Transt of Mars and Saturn in the 4/10 axis of the Foundation chart after the 2nd June to 20th July 2021 will be most enigmatic for Pakistan and also for the Head of the Country 

Needless to Talk about India Foundation chart since the same has been discussed a number of Times and the Pisces New Moon Chart of the Year 2021-2022 is most enigmatic as already discussed  on my webpage and the link will be given in this Article 


The Time frames most important in the immediate future are as follows  for Natural and Unnatural Calamities, Brawl between nations, Virus Surge, Earthquakes , Political Turmoil’s,  Explosions, Fire, Massive disasters, Terrorism. This can happen specially as regards to  this Article and also for the Global events discussed on my webpage

  1. Mars activation of the 6.20 degrees in Capricorn on the from the 25th April 2021(The Arc of Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn on the 21st Dec. 2020)
  2. Mars Entering in Ardra star on the 24th April 2021 to 16th May 2021 
  3. Mars giving Vedha to Saturn from the 25th April to 16th May 2021 in the Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra
  4. Mars activation of the 18.40 degrees on the 16th May 2021( Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus at these degrees on 12th Feb 2021 )
  5. Mars aspect on Stationary Saturn on the 18th May 2021 


  1. Mars activation of the 20-22 degrees arc in Cancer between the 1st to 7th July 2021 
  2.  Mars  activation of 6.20 degrees again in Capricorn from Cancer on the 12th June 2021 
  3. Mars activation of 18.40 degrees again from Cancer on the 1st July 2021 —– Most sensitive time frame  for Blood Shed 


Red Planet Mars Transit 20-22 Degree Arc In Cancer 2nd -7th July 2021 May Activate Sensitive Zodiac Arc For India China Jammu & Kashmir Pakistan Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)



This is with Reference to my Articles on the transit of the Red Planet Mars in the Sign Gemini and Cancer  which may prove enigmatic for the World specially activating the sensitive arc in the Sign Capricorn of 6.2 degrees and 18.40 degrees in the sign Capricorn. My Observation that Mars Transit in the sign Cancer between the 20-22 Degrees Arc may also be a Sensitive parameter  for the  Countries mentioned in this Article . The Mars and Saturn in the 6/8 axis and opposition is seldom good and  brings upheavals in the globe as can be seen from the past . The Transit of Mars for India over the natal Mars after the 14th April 2021 is also not good as already predicted  since Mars is also at the MEP of the Lagna and Mars reaching the Natal Degrees on the 25-26th April 2021 can be most enigmatic for the significations of Mars .

Mars activating the Capricorn arc 6.20 degrees and 18.40 degrees and Cancer 20-21 degrees could be most Venomous for the Countries discussed in this Article between the 24th -26th April to 16th May 2021 and then 1st-2nd -7th July 2021  as can be seen from the Planetary positions . The Effect could not only be  for Brawl between the Countries, it could be fight with Coronavirus also, Natural, Unnatural Calamities, Earthquakes, Explosions, Disasters 

As per the past  the Conjunction or Opposition of Mars and Saturn has always brought anguish and pain for the World and specially for India . The Conjunction is more Venomous then the opposition and hence Mars and Saturn opposition may not be as deadly as the conjunction. The China War  1962 took place when there was opposition of Mars and Saturn but they were in Rahu-Ketu axis also degree-wise also, The Grace now is the Rahu -Ketu are not conjunct with Mars and Saturn but if we take the aspect of Rahu on Saturn and aspect of Ketu on Mars then not good  , Since Mars and Ketu will be in watery sign there could be issues in the South China Sea also  . The Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra also indicate Vedha between Mars and Saturn between the 24th-25th April to 16th May 2021 and Mars the King and the Minister of the year for India in the Pisces New Moon chart  with Taurus Ascendant and Angarak yoga in the Ascendant is another parameter which cannot be ignored  . The Planetary Positions seems to take India for a rough patch specially till the Dasha of Moon-Saturn till the 10th July 2021  and more to till the 20th July 2021 till Mars in the Sign Cancer the 3rd house of Boarders. The 8th aspect of Mars on the Saturn after the 14th April 2021 till 2nd June 2021 and Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Chakras , Affliction to Taurus-Scorpio axis, Affliction to Cancer-Capricorn axis, Rahu in Rohini, Saturn In Shravana Star and Retrograde and affliction to Venus are parameters which cannot be ignored and some kind of rough patch for the Country and Brawl with the Neighbours cannot be ruled out along with Espionage and Terrorism in the Country specially in Jammu & Kashmir. China and Pakistan both will be in aggressive stance since the Natal Mars  will be activated . China and Taiwan Relations can also go for a Toss . It is not only Brawl between Nations it could also be fight with Coronavirus 

  1. India  Mars Transit in the Arc 20-21 degrees will be over the Natal 3rd house of Boarders of the India Foundation chart and will be over the natal Venus and Saturn almost degree-wise


Have a Look at the chart of the India Foundation chart of the 15th August 1947 00-00-01 hrs

Note the degrees of Venus 22.33 and Degrees of Saturn 20-28 degrees in Cancer . Mars will Transit over these 2 Planets and the Transit Saturn will also be opposing  the above from Capricorn and in close degrees of the Natal Degrees 

It has been observed as per the Past that the following Parameters are most Venomous for India 

  1. Taurus-Scorpio axis afflicted  by Nodes specially the Nodes over the natal nodes 
  2. Cancer-Capricorn axis afflicted  by malefic Mars and Saturn from 2nd June to 20th July 2021
  3. Affliction to the Lagna Lord of the India Foundation chart Venus
  4. North Node Rahu In Rohini Star till the 20th Sept. 2021



 Have a Look at the chart of the 7th July 2021 Transit of Mars in Cancer sign and activating the 20-22 degree arc in Cancer most explosive

Mars at 21 Degrees  Venus at 17.33 degrees reaching close to the natal Degrees and Saturn from Capricorn already activated  the Natal Saturn in Stationary position between the 19th May to 27th May 2021 5 days before and 5 days after becoming Retrograde Saturn is Stationary  in very close degrees . Saturn Stationary 19.22 degrees and Natal Saturn 20.28 degrees . Activation of the Cancer-Capricorn Axis and specially the 3rd house of Boarders 

The Same would happen in the 4th house of Pakistan


Chart of Pakistan has been discussed above in previous Article


Have a Look at the foundation chart of China of the 1st Oct. 1949 15-15 hrs Peking

Mars from the Sign Taurus has activated the Saturn the Lagna Lord in the Sign  Leo on the 28th March 2021

Transit Mars will be over the Natal Mars degree-wise on the 7th July 2021 in the 7th house of  Wars and Saturn will be over the Natal Moon. Natal Mars aspects the Venus in the 10th House and Transit Venus will also be in the 7th house of Wars  and opposed by Saturn the Lagna Lord from the Lagna. This indicates that the Country may be in aggressive stance and war mood  as per the Planetary positions 


Kashmir Accession 27th Oct. 1947 13-21 hrs  Srinagar. Most Important in the immediate Future for Mars and Saturn Transit in the 1/7 axis 

 The Mars and Saturn Conjunction in the 7th house of Wars makes the State most war prone and activation of the Mars 21 degrees can be detrimental for Terrorism in the State . See the Degrees of Mars, Venus  and Saturn and the Transit Mars , Saturn and the Venus will be activated . The State is also running the Dasha of Mars-Saturn till the Dec 2021 . Hence Most Prone State for Terrorism, Earthquake, Explosions, Natural and Unnatural calamities and war like situations. J & K will be Prone to Militant Attack it so seems from the Planetary positions of Violent Unrest as mentioned in this Article

Hence from the above it is crystal clear of Unrest and Violent conditions in Jammu & Kashmir as predicted well in advance  and relations with China and Pakistan may go for a Toss. My Predictions made well in advance seems to be coming True even as per the date  that things may take ugly turn after the 23rd June to 7th July 2021 . It may not be a full fledged war  but Terrorism and Military intervention  is not ruled out and relation between the Countries may go for a toss . PREDICTIONS SEEM TO BE PROVING SPOT ON FOR THE DATE AFTER THE 23RD JUNE AND BEFORE THE 7TH  JULY 2021 FOR UNREST IN JAMMU & KASHMIR

First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer. .All My Predictions on the Virus Spread and ease have proved 100 % correct even the dates 

Anil Aggarwala” 

Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)


BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala BVB New Delhi

Several Award Winner In Astrology 
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
26th June   2021 12.45 hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
New Webpage http://www.astrodocanil.in/

Mobile +919810038903  +918527884764

Disclaimer Clause applicable. 

The Writer of the Article is not responsible for any person investing on the basis of the above Predictions and any loses made by any Individual, Company , Corporate shall be  doing on their own risk and Fancies . Please note this . This is an Astrological Predictions on the basis of the Book of Mundane Astrology  Guide Mr K N Rao  and Not My Own Parameters  Reference  Page 73 of the Book. This Article is Astrological analysis only and  my Predictions can be wrong also . Please note this. I am making these predictions on the basis of the Earlier happenings in BJP Party and the Dasha in Operation. 










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