Jallianwala Bagh Massacre: Recalling The Fateful Day102 Years Back Ketu In Rohini & Now Rahu In Rohini Till 20th Sept. 2021 Enigmatic Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

239 You Tube Videos 1563 articles and Predictions in just 72 months from April 2015

“Jallianwala Bagh Massacre: Recalling The Fateful Day102 Years Back Ketu In Rohini & Now Rahu In Rohini Till 20th Sept. 2021 Enigmatic Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

My Predictions till the writing of this Article have been spot on  take up any event in the globe as per the Predictions made as per the Angarak yoga . After the 14th April 2021 there will definitely be some relief coming but till Ketu in Jyestha star may not give full relief  till the 10th May 2021 and till Rahu in Rohini till the 20th Sept. 2021 as already pointed  out in all my Articles . The Transit of Mars in Gemini and Cancer will also prove enigmatic since there will be vedha between Mars and Saturn and crucial time frame from the 24th April to 18th May 2021 and then when Mars activates the Sensitive Arc in Capricorn 6.20, 18.40, 19.00 degrees and then 20-22 degrees in Cancer —— Note these Predictions 

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre: Recalling the horrors of the fateful day after 102 years

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre: Recalling the horrors of the fateful day after 102 years (msn.com)

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre is one of the most heart-wrenching historic events for India, in which British officers opened fire on thousands of people who had gathered to celebrate the occasion of Baisakhi.

The incident has been given a very prominent position in the history of India, it is seen to be the major turning point in the national freedom movement of India. On April 13, 1919 the people had gathered in Jallianwala Bagh on the occasion of Baisakhi, when as a part of British Raj that banned gatherings of large groups, Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer ordered his officers to open fire at the unarmed Indian citizens in which over 350 lost their lives and thousands were left injured, as per official records.

 Let us have a Look at the chart of the 13th April 1919 and compare it with the Present Planetary positions in Transit today the 13th April 2021

The Following Parameters acquire an important dimension.

  1. Today and at the time of the massacre Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis of the India Foundation chart over the Natal Rahu and Ketu
  2. Ketu in Rohini  in 1919 and Now Rahu in Rohini star considered most enigmatic parameter as can be seen from the past events
  3. Mars  influencing Rahu in Scorpio by 8th aspect , Now Mars forming an Angarak yoga in Taurus and aspecting Ketu by 7th aspect
  4. Sun and Mercury in Pisces in 1919 and now also Sun and Mercury in Pisces and also have aspects  by Saturn
  5.  Mars in Venus in own sign Aries and Taurus and Now Mars in Taurus and Venus in Aries and a Parivartana Yoga
  6.  The 1919 even happened near Poornima, Now the Pisces New Moon Chart is of the 12th April 2021
  7. Saturn in Cancer in 1919 and Now Saturn in Capricorn in 1/7 axis . Saturn was also Fallen
  8. Mars and Saturn were in Square aspect in 1919 . In the immediate future when Rahu will be in Rohini Mars and Saturn will aspect each other from the 2nd June to 20th July 2021
  9. Jupiter in Gemini in 1919 and now Jupiter in Aquarius and aspects  each other now  like the Saturn at the time of 1919 and now aspect each other
  10. There is one parameter which is good  is That Mars and Saturn are not in square position  like the 1919 and Mars will leave the sign Taurus on the 14th April 2021 01.14 hrs . It seems the peak of the situations as per the Angarak yoga till this time frame .
  11. The Rahu in Rohini star will  definitely pose hinderances  and brutal events and  as can be seen from the past  till 20th Sept. 2021 . Ketu till in Jyestha star till the 10th May 2021 as already pointed out by me in all my Articles specially for the Coronavirus spread 
  12. In April 1919 General  Dyer   On Pedestal and In 2021 General Corona Till 20th Sept. 2021 Takes the Pedestal specially till 14th April, 10th May, 20th Sept. 2021 , 17th April 2022
  13. Pisces New Moon chart having angarak yoga as per the 11-th-12th April 2021  will also influence the year 2021-2022 definitely since the Planet for cure will be afflicted and Rahu is oil and Mars energy and waste of the energy 
  14. Aspect of Jupiter from the sign Aquarius  on the Mars  in Gemini may  also mitigate the negatives  to some extent 

Please read my Article

Red Planet Mars Ingress Taurus Joining North Node Rahu 22nd Feb. 2021-14th April 2021 Angarak Yoga Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

Let me reproduce the text here for ready reference 

Red Planet Mars will be joining North Node Rahu  in Taurus on the 22nd Feb 2021 at 04-36 hrs IST and will be in this sign till the 14th April 2021  01-36 hrs IST. The Conjunction of Rahu and Mars is the most explosive combination and termed as ANGARAK YOGA  in the Vedic Astrology . Mars is fire and Rahu is oil. Mars give aggression and Rahu makes a person violent by amplifying the qualities of Mars and if the tremendous energy generated by this combination is not channelized properly. Mars and Rahu both are malefic planets, therefore both of them meeting is itself a big dosha. In “angarak dosha”, angarak denotes fire which is the nature of Mars.

Transit Mars will be in the Stars of Krittika, Rohini and Mrigshira and  their placement in the transit will also matter where the Lords of the Stars are placed when Mars will be in these stars . From the Past Experiences  it has been observed that this Conjunction of Mars and Rahu has been explosive . Mars may Prove Brutal specially till 14th April 2021 comparing the events in the past. Rohini Nakshatra Affliction have been really Most Venomous. It has been observed in the past that when ever Malefic planets  Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or Mars Transits over the sign Taurus and specially in the Nakshatra of Rohini its time for Disaster.

At the time of the Ingress of Mars in the  sign Taurus it will be  in the Ascendant of the India Foundation chart It will be over the Natal Rahu and also the Transit Rahu and will have the aspect of the 8th and the 11th Lord Jupiter in Transit who will be in debilitation in the 9th house and the 7th house from the natal Moon

The Following Parameters will be of Concern

  1. Taurus-Scorpio axis afflicted
  2. Cancer Capricorn axis afflicted
  3. Venus The Lagna Lord and 6th Lord  Of the Foundation chart  with Sun Combusted and In the Square Position from Mars
  4. Rahu and Mars in Rohini, Saturn in Shravana Star
  5. The above combinations are most explosive as seen from the past may be it is War, Natural and Unnatural calamities. Political Tug of War, Religious Fundamentalism, Terrorism, Earthquakes of Intensity , Riots and Massacre

Have a Look at the Charts Below when Mars  IS AT 19 DEGREES IN Taurus sign on the 27th March 2021  IN MOST AFFLICTED CONDITION

The Following  parameters of Concern

  1.  Rahu and Mars Degree conjunct  at 19 degrees and the Ascendant is also 19 degrees in Rohini star and all the 3 are in Vish Ghati from the 18. 53 degrees to 19.46 degrees
  2. Moon in Leo at 20 degrees having almost degree aspect by Mars 4th aspect . Moon in Poorva Phalguni will be in Vish ghati from the 17.46-1840 degrees
  3. Ketu in Jyestha star in Scorpio in Vish ghati from the 19.46-20.40 degrees
  4. Sun and Venus at 12 degrees in U  Bhadrapad  . Venus totally combusted in Pisces having aspect of Saturn at 16 degrees
  5. There will be exact degree aspect of Saturn on Sun on the 31st March 2021


  1. War with Pakistan when Rahu was in Taurus  and Mars aspects on Rahu by 8th aspect  in Sept. 1965
  2. Indo-Pak war  over Bangladesh in Dec. 1971.  Saturn and Moon In Taurus and Mars  4th aspect  on it  from Aquarius
  3. 13th April 1919 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre when Ketu was in Rohini star Mars in Aries and Saturn in Cancer .  All the 5 Parameters  mentioned above in this article were activated
  4. Attack On Pearl Harbor when Saturn and Jupiter were in the sign Taurus and both Retrograde
  5. Operation Blue Star on the 5th June 1984 when Rahu In Taurus with Venus and Sun and having aspect of Mars from Libra strong 8th aspect
  6. 11th Sept. 2001 9/11 when Terrorist Attack took place on America-World Trade Centre when Rahu, Jupiter Moon were in Gemini and Mars, Ketu in Sagittarius. Saturn was in Rohini Nakshatra at 20.52 Degrees.
  7. HIROSHIMA NAGASAKI BOMBING 6th August 1945 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki Jump to search

Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Part of the Pacific War of World War II
During the final stage of World War II, the United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively. The United States dropped the bombs after obtaining the consent of the United Kingdom, as required by the Quebec Agreement. The two bombings killed 129,000–226,000 people, most of whom were civilians. They remain the only use of nuclear weapons in the history of armed conflict.

See the chart Below

Mars at 16.22 degrees in Rohini nakshatra and aspects Ketu at 15.48 degrees in Fiery sign Sagittarius in Poorva Shadha Nakshatra by strong 8th aspect. Gemini has Venus, Rahu, Saturn and Moon and these Planets are in Paap Kartari yoga.

8. On the 25h August 1990 an overnight attack, Iraq Captures Kuwait. Mars in Taurus and aspects Saturn fallen in Sagittarius at 25.55 degrees with Moon by 8th aspect
9. Gulf War On the 21st Jan. 1991 Mars in the Sign Taurus and Saturn, Sun, Venus, Rahu in Capricorn.
10. Coup In Bangladesh on the 15th August 1975 Mars Conjunct Ketu in sign Taurus.
11. 1st Feb. 1991 Earthquake of North Pakistan and Afghanistan Mars in the sign Taurus Saturn in the trine sign from it and afflicted . 1200 people were killed along with several injured
12. Oath Chart of Lal Bahadur Shastri 9th June 1964 The Longevity was only one year . Mars in Taurus sign
13. Oath Chart of Chandrashekhar 10th Nov. 1990 Saturn in Sagittarius and Mars Retrograde in Taurus Mars 17.52 degrees in Rohini nakshatra and Saturn 26 degrees in Sagittarius receiving the 8th aspect of Mars.
14. Earthquake in Central Italy on the 31st Oct 2002 Rahu in Taurus.

15. Earthquake in Mexico on the 21st Jan 2003 Rahu and Saturn in Taurus . Rahu was in Rohini and Saturn was fallen in Taurus.

The Countries Prone to this Transit will be US, India, Pakistan, Japan, China, Dubai, Indonesia, Iraq, Paris, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, North Korea. War mongering Countries  like  Israel, Syria, Iran, and other  Gulf  Countries may be influenced  by this transit. The Solar Eclipse of the 10th June 2021 is taking place  and sub Dasha of a Planet Like Rahu who has the capacity to bring a Down fall for the Country. US is Most Prone to this Combination. For India the Mars in the 3rd house Debilitated  and the Saturn at 19 degrees in Capricorn in 1/7 axis of Mars  Ketu in the 7th house  seems to be most Venomous for the Country, since the Dasha of Moon-Saturn till the Mid July also most prone as mentioned by me in all the Articles . The Chart of the Kashmir Accession of the 27th Oct 1947 13.21 Hrs.  is Prone to Terrorism specially when the Dasha of Mars-Saturn is in operation till the 19-12-2021. Till July 2021 most Prone 

Have a Look at the chart of the same below Of Jammu & Kashmir

The Transit of the Nodes over the natal Nodes, Saturn activating the Saturn in the 7th house and when Mars activates the 7th house of war and Terrorism the State is Prone to Terrorism specially after  Mars ingresses in Gemini and Cancer . I will write more details in a separate Article for Terrorism in the War Prone state of J & K——– Note these Predictions

The Charts of Dubai, Sri-Lanka, Indonesia are Most Prone to untoward happenings, Natural and Unnatural calamities , Earthquakes , Car Accidents  on the Highways in the immediate future as can be seen from the Planetary Positions—– Note these Predictions made after having a look on the foundation charts 

Now see the chart of US foundation chart of 4th July 1776 10-20-30 hrs.

The Affliction in the 4/10 axis is not good for the Country  in General and specially when the 10th June Solar eclipse is also taking place  in the 4/10 axis . As explained above the Untoward happenings can take place parallel to the past happenings

Now Read My Article written on the 13th April 2019

Red Planet Mars In Rohini Nakshatra When 100 Years Back Ketu Was In Same Nakshatra Massacre Jallianwala Bagh Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Red Planet Mars In Rohini Nakshatra When 100 Years Back Ketu Was In Same Nakshatra Massacre Jallianwala Bagh Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

My 2 Articles have been Published in the ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER ‘ In the April 2019 Edition Mars In Taurus in Rohini on the page 21

Another Article On the Page 21 ‘Red Planet Mars in Taurus ”

Also Read My Article written on the 20th April 2019  which Proved spot on “Predictions For Mars In Rohini Nakshatra Prove On Dot As Serial Blasts In Sri Lanka Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

Predictions For Mars In Rohini Nakshatra Prove On Dot As Serial Blasts In Sri Lanka Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

Mars the Planet of Brutality Proves Most Malefic In Rohini Nakshatra like the Other Malefics Rahu, Ketu and Saturn As predicted.

Terrorism also included Sri Lanka in my Predictions. Till 27th April 2019 Most Venomous
“In photos: Sri Lanka serial blasts ” https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/photos/in-photos-sri-lanka-serial-blasts/ss-BBW8UIj?ocid=spartanntp
15 hours ago
Sri Lankan police on Sunday reported there had been a seventh explosion, the fourth at a hotel, following six reported at hotels and churches earlier in the day that killed nearly 140 people.
The latest explosion to be reported was at a hotel near the national zoo, which is in an area near the capital Colombo.
“There was an explosion in a hotel in Dehiwela near the zoo,” a police official told Reuters adding that there were no further details available.
An eyewitness on local TV said he saw some body parts including a severed head lying on the ground near the hotel. Zoo officials declared the zoo closed after the blast.
(Reporting by Shihar Aneez and Ranga Sirilal Editing by Martin Howell)
COLOMBO, April 21 (Reuters) – Easter Day bomb blasts at three Sri Lankan churches and three luxury hotels killed 138 people and wounded more than 400, hospital and police officials said, following a lull in major attacks since the end of the civil war 10 years ago.
More than 50 people were killed in St. Sebastian’s gothic-style Catholic church in Katuwapitiya, north of Colombo, a police official told Reuters, with pictures showing bodies on the ground, blood on the pews and a destroyed roof

Hence I fear this Transit . See the Chart of the 21st April 2019 where there were serial of Blasts which took place when Mars was at 19 degrees alone in Rohini star in Taurus , Now the Angarak Yoga is still worst  and the happenings could be of greater dimension as on the 27th March 2021 and other Sensitive arcs which will be activated By Mars when it goes in Gemini and Cancer sign apart from the Sign Taurus

Mars and Saturn in 6/8 axis

Mars and Rahu in 2/12 axis

Mars in Paap Kartarti yoga

Mars and Ketu in 6/8 axis

Mars and Sun in 2/12 axis

Now the Transit is worst then the above , Both the life giving Sources Sun and Moon will also be afflicted in Transit along with Venus is most Enigmatic Transit .  My Predictions  for Mars in Rohini Proved spot on for the serial Blasts , I fear now also they can Prove  Spot on.


Mercury becoming direct  on the 21st Feb.  and ingress in Aquarius on the 11th March 2021

Mars joining Taurus  Sign with Rahu. Volatility in the Stock and the Financial Markets. There may be fear that the stock Markets  could have some correction. There could be surge in the Virus cases in the Maharashtra as per the Koorma chakra and there could also be Lockdowns enforced specially till the Mars in the Sign Taurus till the 14th April 2021

Have a Look at the Koorma chakras discussed in all my Articles for the direction

Ketu  Disease Karka in the West, Mars and Rahu in the  Central Region of India  hence  Most Prone Regions for Lock down and Surge in the Virus  till Mars in Taurus with Rahu forming Angarak yoga


I have observed from the Planetary positions that when Rahu -Ketu are afflicted by Mars then the situations are explosive  specially when Mars and Saturn are also in square positions. Fortunately this will not happen simultaneously this year . Mars affliction to Rahu and Ketu ends on the 14th April 2021  is a big grace . The Mars and Saturn first in 6/8 axis and then in oppositions are also not good as explained in all my Articles  and may not be that explosive as at the time of the 13th April 1919, although there may be natural, unnatural calamities , earthquakes, explosions, fire , terrorism, and brawl between the countries may go for a Toss. One Parameter which cannot be ignored is the Angarak yoga which is formed and the presence of the same in the Pisces New Moon chart of all the Countries of the World and the world may go for a rough patch specially between the 12th April to 20th July 2021 and then after the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 in a Nut shell. The Mars activation of the sensitive arc in Capricorn 6.20, 18.40. 19.00 degrees and 20-22 degrees in Cancer can be explosive definitely  as per the time frames mentioned by me in all my Articles and specially the vedha between Mars and Saturn between the 24th to 18th May 2021 can also prove to be most enigmatic and brawl between the nations can go for a toss 


US, China Deploy Aircraft Carriers in South China Sea as Tensions Simmer

a close up of a flag: US, China Deploy Aircraft Carriers in South China Sea as Tensions Simmer



US, China Deploy Aircraft Carriers in South China Sea as Tensions Simmer (msn.com)

I have already :Predicted that China and US are war mongering Countries in my Article


Why Iran-Israel tensions on the rise again?

Why Iran-Israel tensions on the rise again? (msn.com)

After the 14th April the Transit Mars will be in the 12th house of the Foundation chart of Iran and the natal mars at 2 .00 degrees will activate it . Mars connection to the 3rd house, 7th house and the 12th house is prone to War with Neighbours .
In the Case of Israel The Transit of Mars over the Natal Saturn can be explosive as per the time frames mentioned by me of Activation of the 20-22 degrees arc in Cancer around the 7th July 2021. Hence Iran may take a revenge immediately after the 14th April 2021 and Pounce upon Israel wait and see
Also Read the Article
Let me reproduce the text here for Ready reference  this article was written on the 15th Dec. 2020 note the date 

Red Planet Mars Roman God Saturn  Demon Rahu What they Have Up Their Sleeve’s Till July 2021 ?  Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

In this Article I am going to discuss the Planetary  positions in the year till  July 2021 specifically till Mars goes in the sign Leo the 4th house of the Foundation chart of India. I have been mentioning in all my Articles that the Affliction to the Taurus-Scorpio axis and Affliction to the Cancer-Capricorn axis is prone to untoward happenings in the Country specially when Venus the Lagna Lord is also under affliction . At the Moment Mars is in Pisces and will ingress in Aries sign  on the 24th Dec. 2020 and there will be aspect of Mars 4th aspect on the sign Cancer and Saturn 7th aspect on the Cancer sign the 3rd house of India Boarders and  there  will be  afflicting the Cancer Capricorn axis . The Jupiter and Saturn dual aspect on the sign Cancer activates the house of Boarders and there is every possibility of the Pakistan and China afflicting War on India,  more so the Dasha of Moon -Saturn till the middle of July 2021. During this time frame North Node Rahu will be in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio over the Natal Rahu and Ketu and Rahu Journey will Start towards the Star Rohini which is also the most enigmatic for India specially. This Time frame will be most Venomous  not only for   India,  but for other Countries as well may be for the Armenia Crisis, Iran,  Israel and India  in a Nut shell.  The Affliction to the Jupiter after the 21st Dec. 2020 indicates that since the Lord of the 8th and the 11th house The Govt. will have to implement some constitutional changes for the benefit of the Farmers

Have a Look at the chart of the India Foundation chart of the 15th August 1947 00-00-01 hrs . below

From the Chart above it is obvious of the Happenings from the 24th Dec. 2020 when after the dual Transit of Saturn and Jupiter on the 3rd house where 5 Planets are placed both Saturn and Mars will aspect this sign and create tensions at the Boarder.

While I was studying the Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan  in the year 2010 K N Rao  prepared a paper  ‘GLIMMER  OF HOPE IN A STRIFE TORN WORLD’ an astrological view of Shri K N Rao Presented  on the Divine occasion of Sri Satguru Sivananda Murtyji turing 82 in 2010 Warangal  A. P between the 1st Oct to 4th Oct. 2010

As per him no Nation is safe. India, USA, Pakistan, England, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Afghanistan, Israel are  some of the well known targets of the Terrorists. We have softest Targets like India and Hardest Targets like the USA and the disaster took place on the 11th Sept. 2001 when Rahu and Ketu were in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis parallel to the 26th Dec. 2019 Solar Eclipse

He has mentioned the Following Parameters to be tested  which acquire an important dimension  in the immediate  Present and Future

  1. Star Rohini or the Sign Taurus affliction by Malefics .   In the Present Taurus is Transited by Rahu and  Rahu will enter Rohini Star on the 13th Feb 2021 just after the Lunation and New Moon chart of the 12th Feb 2021 when the Sign Capricorn will have 6 Planets. Rahu will be in Taurus from the 19th Sept. 2020 to 17th March 2022 and Rahu will be in Rohini as mentioned from the 13th Feb to 19th Sept. 2021. Mars will join Taurus on the 21st Feb 2021 to 14th April 2021 ,This Time Frame  will be most enigmatic and Venomous for  Terrorism and War like situation  with the Neighbours Pakistan and China. Hence Starting from the 24th Dec. 2020 to 19th Sept. 2021 Most Prone Period for War or War like situations . The Dasha in Operation for India is Moon -Saturn till the middle of July 2021. Needless to mention here that all untoward happenings took place in India when Rahu was in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio and this noddle return may not be auspicious one for India till the 17th March 2022.  Blue Star Operation took place on the 5th June 1984 when these combinations existed  . Indira Gandhi assassination took place on the 31st Oct 1984 with these combinations . War with Pakistan on the 1st Sept. 1965. Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy on the 13th April 1919. 6th Dec. 1992 Babri Masjid  Episode when Ketu in Taurus and Rahu in Scorpio,. Hence these Parameters as laid down By Shri Rao prove spot on and most venomous in the immediate future  prone to all above happenings 
  2. From the Time of Varahamihra India has been allotted Capricorn Sign and It has been found that the Transit of Saturn in the sign Capricorn has always been  a period of great but painful change in Indian History. Wars have Taken Place when Saturn in the sign Capricorn . I recall Saturn in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer  when War took place with China on the 20th Oct. 1962. We will have parallel positions On the 1st July Mars will be in Cancer and Saturn in Capricorn Retrograde and degree-wise mutual  aspect at 18 degrees . Needless to mention here Babri masjid episode took place when Saturn in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer retrograde . At the time of the Jallianwala bagh Saturn was in Cancer and Mars in Aries  both having  aspect on each other  Saturn was also Fallen then. Hence the Present Transit of Saturn is not conducive to give good Results and parallel  positions  as per the previous times 
  3. Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus are times of Disaster . Late Hardeo Sharma Trivedi made brilliant use of  this time tested principle. (1971 Nov. Mukti Vahini of East Pakistan  and Blood shed  19th July 1988 Teheran– 30000 executed )  In the immediate Future we have the Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the Lunation chart of 12th Feb . 2021 in the sign of Capricorn and Venus will also be in Planetary war . As per Myur Chitram the Mundane classic it is also Blood shed . Hence the Lunation chart of the 12th Feb. 2021 will be most enigmatic one not only for India but the complete world   for Blood shed 
  4.  We have to watch the role of Malefics  Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mars  individually and collectively when in Conjunction and when in mutual aspect  . In the immediate future we have the conjunction of Mars and Rahu in Taurus after the 21st Feb 2021 to 15th April 2021. Hence this time frame is most enigmatic one .
  5.  The Eclipse add Fuel to the fire.   Specially the Eclipses  of the 14th Dec. 2020 and the 10th June 2021 
    From 13:42 Till 18:41 Partially in the Northern parts of North America, Europe and Asia and complete Total Solar Eclipse in North Canada, Greenland and Russia


6.  Examine the Effects of the Jupiter- Saturn Conjunction or Opposition which mitigates and even saves the situation In the Present Context we have the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the sign Capricorn in Capricorn till 5th April 2021 and again from the 15th Sept. to 21st Nov. 2021 

7.Then we have to use the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra to see the affliction as has been done by me in all my Articles 

In the immediate Present heave the Vedha by Mars on the 5 Planets in the sign Scorpio


8. We have to use the Panchang Properly to see the 5 limbs of the day in the Lunation charts and the Solar ingress of  Sun 

To all the above  is added 3 Parameters 

  1. Placement of Mars in the foundation chart of the nation
  2. Role of the 7th Lord . It’s Maha Dasha or Anter dasha  and their conjunction or aspect on other planets
  3. The 3rd Principle is that for the World Catastrophe the Transit of Saturn between Pisces and Cancer particularly from the star of Saturn to Star of Saturn has a major role  in world Catastrophes


  1. Placement of Mars in the 3,6,7, 12th house  shows troubling neighbours , getting involved in Boarder clashes , or getting involved in war  or suffering on account of  foreign plots
  2. This can happen also if Mars aspects these houses or conjoined with these lords

The Countries who are War mongering are as follows who can be involved in Terrorism, War like situations  in the immediate and Future as per the Transit of Nodes, Mars and Saturn

  1. Russia  Mars in the 7th house in Pisces
  2. China has Mars Debilitated in the 7th house in the sign Cancer . Most Prone in the Immediate Present and immediate Future . The Time frame most Venomous is from the 11th Jan 2021 to 15th April 2021 when the Nodes grip all the planets . To be specific the Lunation chart of the 12th Feb. 2021 is Prone to  War like situation due the Planetary war between Jupiter and Venus which as per the Mundane Classic is Bloodshed. This Time frame is applicable to the entire globe for war like situations 
  3. US has Mars in the sign Gemini and connected to the relevant Lords. Most Prone  since the Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 has taken place in the 6th from Gemini sign allocated to Us By Varahamihra
  4. Iran  Has Mars in the 9th house in Pisces and connected to the relevant Lords. Most Prone since Cancer Ascendant 
  5. Pakistan Has Mars in the sign Gemini in the 3rd house. Most Prone in the Present and the Immediate Future 
  6. Afghanistan has Mars  in the 9th house in Aquarius house of Religion. Prone to Untoward happenings  since Gemini Ascendant 
  7. Syria is also Prone to war like situations and needless to mention that Israel could pounce upon it
  8. Israel Has Mars in the 12th house Sun in Taurus  and Rahu over it , hence this Country is also prone to all the above happenings 
  9. Jammu & Kashmir Has Mars in the 7th house with Saturn in Cancer sign. Most Prone in the Present and Future 
  10. The Time frame most Venomous is from the 11th Jan 2021 to 15th April 2021 when the Nodes grip all the planets . To be specific the Lunation chart of the 12th Feb. 2021 is Prone to  War like situation due the Planetary war between Jupiter and Venus which as per the Mundane Classic is Bloodshed. This Time frame is applicable to the entire globe for war like situations . 
  11. The Solar Ingress in Capricorn from the 14th Jan 2021 may add fuel to the fire when planets cluster in the sign Capricorn and there are minimum 5 planets in this sign as per the Lunation chart of the 14th Jan 2021 most prone time for Brawl between the nations taking an ugly shape

Those Countries  who can be involved in war or War like situations could be is crystal clear from the above  and those countries are  India, Pakistan ,Iran China and also Could be USA

From the  Planetary positions and specially Mars Transit From the sign Aries to Cancer is Most prone to Terrorism and War like conditions from the 24th Dec. 2020 to 21st July 2021 not only for India but for the complete World . Mars joining North node Rahu after the 22nd Feb to 14th April 2021 will be the Key Period  for the Countries showing up their War Mongering tendencies . Talking about US may take aggressive stance after the 22nd Feb. 2021 it so seems from the Planetary positions





First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
13th April 2021 11.30  hrs  NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
New Webpage http://www.astrodocanil.in/

Mobile +919810038903  +918527884764

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