Iraq Wrecks Under Slain of ISIS

by astrodocanil

Iraq Wrecks under slain of ISIS as per the News item of Zeenews  Link Almost 25000 people fled from Islam state Attack on Ramadi in Iraq as per news item

In my articles on this website I have already mentioned the celestial Drama which will be created my Planet Mars from 3rd May 2015 to 30th July 2015. On the 15th May 2015 it was in exact opposition with Saturn retrograde  and then Getting Combusted  and entering Rohini nakshatra on the 17th May 2015 to 6th June 2015. We all know Moon had 27 wives and Rohini being the Most beautiful and Moon getting in Rohini nakshatra is supposed to be most pious and getting afflicted by Mars, Saturn and Mercury and then Mercury getting into retrogression on the 19th May 2015 in the nakshatra of  Rohini  is a Crucial combination. We also know the relations of Moon and Mercury. it has been observed that Moon represents the condition of the Masses and since Rohini is afflicted  and in the past history , we have seen war like situations when Ever Rohini nakshatra is transited by malefics .

Let us see the Foundation chart of Iraq of 28th June 2014 10.26 hrs Bagdad


”The  Execution of Saddam Hussein marks a turning point in the history of Iraq,  yet it is unlikely to change the downward spiral of sectarian violence and civil war in the foreseeable future.  The old and the  new horoscope of Iraq (June 28 2004 10.26 am) are a nightmare of affliction. There’s no way any sane astrologer had a hand in picking the time for the signing on the new or old  constitution. So that pretty much limits the improvements one can expect in this war-ravaged country.” Both the Old and New Horoscopes have Mars in the 12th house , making the country war mongering and getting involved in war like activities by foreign plots permanently . Indicating  trouble from neighbours, particularly from the insurgents of Syria,the strong holds of ISIS. Then if Iran is helping Shias then there are  Sunni countries as well.

There is no respite in the Chart of Iraq with Leo  Lagna and Libra Navamsha and the Dasha of Jupiter  5th and the 8th Lord and Anter Dasha of Saturn the 6th and 7th Lord  , which started from 9th May 2014 and will end on the  20 th Nov. 2015.Placement of Mars Deblitated in the 12th house as lord of 9th and 4th (12th house Terrorist Camps )  and as mentioned Mars Placement in the 12th house aspecting the 3rd,, 6th and 7th Makes the Country prone to war like situations as mentioned by me as per the paper produced By Mr. K. N Rao . 12th lord Moon placed in the 3rd house in Rahu-Ketu axis  and aspected by Deblitated Mars is making absolutely clear what is happening in the country . Terrorist plots by foreign elements .  In Transit Saturn and Mars  aspecting the Lagna  and 8th lord Jupiter  placed over natal  Mars is  a crucial factor .   On the 19th June 2015 the Dasha Lords will be influencing the Lagna Leo in the chart and Transit both, this will be the most critical time for Iraq .

It is a matter of  chance that 8th Lord in the Old and New Chart of Iraq is Jupiter and in both cases the Navamsha sign is Virgo. .

  Transit charts of the 25th May 2015 seems to be crucial for Iraq. See the chart below.

Transit 25th May 2015

As per my Reasearch  of 8th house/Lord/Navamsha sign/9th Lord of the Navamsha and 8th house of Navamsha when ever afflicted there will be untoward happening in the country. The Quantam of the untoward happenings will depend upon the affliction on these parameters , if all are afflicted then it will be like death like condition for the country and the quantam will depend upon the number of Parameters afflicted .

Now in Transit  malefics placed in the 8th house  Pieces sign is Ketu, , 8th Lord is Transitting over Mars deblitated, , Navamsha sign of the 8th lord is Virgo as mentioned above and a Malefic Saturn is transitting in Transit navamasha  over Jupiter and Mars and the 8th House of Navamsha sign is Taurus is also afflicted by  Rahu Navamsha  and on the 25th May 2015  see the Navamsha of the Transit and all will be clear. The 8th house Parameters are afflicted badly. After  30th  May 2015, as mentioned by me the conjuction of Venus and Jupiter will take place over the Deblitated Mars in the 12th house  and as already mentioned it is a combination of Blood shed on earth as per classics of Mundane Astrology given in Myur chitram. Mars in Transit will Ingress in Gemini  on the 15th June 2015 and activate the eclipse point of Eclipses of the April 2015 at 15.53 degrrees on the 1st July to 10th July when it will cross the Eclipse degrees and Leave the aspect on Haste Naqkshatra on the 22nd June 2015, could be most Crucial. There are bound to be untoward happening sin the country Natural and unnatural, A strong Earthquake also cannot be ruled out specially on the 25th May 2015 or around this time.

US as mentioned by me in my other Articles is also running the Dasha connected to the 7th house of War like Iraq and is a strong War mongering country , hence  Obama may not be able to resist jumping in the masacare and attacking the hideouts of the Militants of ISIS and hence the combination of Venus and Jupiter may flare out in a big disaster for both the Countries  . This is what can be foreseen through The Planetary positions, Since USA also has Leo  and running the Dasha of Mars -Mercury. . Mars is Placed in the 11th house and Mercury in the 12th house in Rahu-Ketu axis .Now read this “Barack Obama Set to Speed Up Arms Shipments, Training for Iraq Tribes After Ramadi Rout” News by NDTV link

Hence all other Islamic States will also get into this massacare  I need not mention the name of the other Countries  as it goes with out saying. Syria, Libya, Israel, etc.Those countries having Virgo lagna with haste nakshatra or a Planet Placed in the Virgo Lagan in Haste Nakshatra  is lable to  be connected to the massacre between 1st July to 22nd July and more so till 10th July 2015. Read my Earlier Article also link

There is bound to be therefore hike in the Crude oil prices , since Jupiter aspect on the Saturn the Karka for Crude oil will be not thereafter 19th June 2015  The arab nations may be compelled to escalate the Prices .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 20th May 2015  11.30 hrs

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