Iran Chopper Crash On 19th May Predicted As Per My Article Dated 6th May 2024 Sabotage Or Natural Disaster ?

by astrodocanil

Iran Chopper Crash On 19th May Predicted As Per My Article Dated 6th May 2024 Sabotage Or Natural Disaster”

Planetary News May-July 2024 : Mars-Rahu & Jupiter-Venus Conjunction Mars-Saturn Vedha In Chakras Are Times Of Disaster – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi killed in helicopter crash


On 19 May 2024, a Bell 212 helicopter crashed near Varzaqan Iran, while en route to Tabriz from Khudafarin The helicopter was carrying  President Of Iran Ebrahim Raisi , foreign minister  Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, governor-general of East Azerbaijan Province Malek Rahmati, and Mohammad Ali Ale-Hashem, the representative of the Supreme Leader in East Azerbaijan. All nine passengers and crew were killed, according to the Iranian Red Cresent Society.

19 May 2024, ≈ 1:30 p.m. The incident took place while Raisi was traveling in Iran’s East Azerbaijan province, near the city of Jolfa, situated on the border with Azerbaijan.

Let me reproduce the important  text here for ready reference below

“Planetary News May-July 2024 : Mars-Rahu & Jupiter-Venus Conjunction Mars-Saturn Vedha  In Chakras Are Times Of Disaster”

This is with reference to my Articles below

Mars & Rahu in Pisces Parallel July 2005 When Mumbai Sank And Sensex Soared. Mars & Saturn Vedha Indicate Wars – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Jupiter moves to Taurus, the Sun is exalted for half the month, and Venus is in Taurus – all in a calm position. But we need to watch for Mars Rahu Conjunction, which can bring anger, protests, and violence.

1 May – Jupiter moves into Taurus and will be there on 14 May 2025. This moe of Jupiter takes it away from Saturn’s aspect. For the last year, Jupiter’s positive results have been blocked at times due to Saturn’s 3rd aspect from Aquarius.

Mercury is retrograde and will be Gandanta Aries going back to Pisces – remains unsettled, confused and insecure. Impacting our rational thinking.

10 May – is Akshay Tritiya, an especially auspicious day as the Sun and Moon are both exalted. It is regarded as the best day of the year. The belief is that everything done on this day is multiplied thousands of times. So, it is good to donate and do good deeds – help someone, give back to society and make the world a better place for others. People also buy gold and make investments. We should do something dharmic and positive for the world or people around us – so our good deeds are multiplied.

19 May – Venus enters Taurus and remains until 12 June. This is very positive as Venus is in dignity in its own sign. Venus in Taurus creates Malavya Mahapurusha yoga by transit for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Venus is with Jupiter – the two Gurus together can sometimes have conflicting ideas, and we may find ourselves drawn to opposing points of view. The Planetary war between Venus and Jupiter is explosive and Venus looses hence there could be Air Crashes as well.

20th MayMars Rahu Conjunction is a challenging aspect. It happens once every two years. On 20th May, it is happening at 20.00 degrees Pisces – we need to be cautious on the days leading up to the conjunction and especially on the day as it can potentially create angry, aggressive situations , in extreme cases, violence and sabotage between 18th to 20th May 2024  The days to watch are a few days before 20th May and 20th.  Since the Conjunction is taking place in a totally watery  there could be havoc from rains and Weather conditions could be worst. Rahu also creates a curtain and we cannot see the actual happenings.

 Aries and Scorpio feel this conjunction – their emotions can be heightened; they feel restless and dissatisfied. It is best not to make important decisions around this time.

23 MAY Jupiter Venus conjunction 5°11 Taurus, Krittika Nakshatra 8:24 am.Jupiter and Venus are in a planetary war (within one degree) from 22 May 8:00 am until 24 May 8:48 am.Full Moon 8°43 Scorpio, Anuradha Nakshatra, 1:53 pm, Virgo Navamsha.
28 MAY Saturn aspects Mercury 24°21 Aquarius to Aries 3:15 am.
31 MAY Mars enters Gandanta 29°12 Pisces (until 2 June 12:16 pm).Venus is within one degree of the Sun from 31 May 9:45 pm to 8 June 8:45 am.

Let me reproduce the same here for ready reference

 Month of May to Month of July 2024 are times of disaster due to the following Parameters.

  1.  Mars Rahu Conjunction at 20 degrees in Pisces totally watery sign in Revati star on the 20th May 2024. Most prone for Wars Sabotage, Brawl between Countries going for a Toss specially in the Middle East. It could be with Iran-Israel. On the 19th May 2024 Moon will be with Ketu and Mars will be with Rahu degree-wise at 20.24 degrees and Rahu will also be in Forward motion. Please add what I have written above for 20th May 2024
  2. Venus and Jupiter Conjunction.23rd May 2024 Jupiter Venus conjunction 5°11 Taurus, Krittika Nakshatra 8:24 am. Jupiter and Venus are in a planetary war (within one degree) from 22 May 8:00 am until 24 May 8:48 am. As Per Mundane Classic Myur Chitram it is considered Blood Shed. Air Accidents are not ruled out specially when Rahu is in direct motion from the 16th  May to 22nd May 2024. The Date 19th May seems to be most catastrophic looking at the planetary positions. Late Hardeo Sharma Trivedi the Great Stalwart Astrologer made use of this parameter to Predict 1971 Nov. Mukti Vahini of East Pakistan and Blood Shed. 19th July 1988  Tehran-30000 Executed. 
  3. Mars Activates the Solar Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 8th April 2024 at 25 degrees in Pisces on the 26th May 2024. Most Explosive day for Wars to take ugly shape specially in the middle east.
  4. 31st May 2024  Mars enters Gandanta 29°12 Pisces (until 2 June 12:16 pm).Venus is within one degree of the Sun from 31 May 9:45 pm to 8 June 8:45 am.
  5. Hence in the immediate future the time frame most prone is from the 20th May to 1st June 2024 for Wars to escalate.
  6. Mars Rahu Vedha in Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra from 1st June to 19th June 2024 Explosive.
  7. 7th July to 26th July Vedha in the nakshatra Sanghatta chakra explosive for Wars and Blood Shed.
  8. 12th July to 25th August 2024  Vedha Between Maqrs and Saturn in the Rashi Sanghatta chakra explosive.
  9. Rahu In Afflicted Condition and in forward motion from 16th to 23rd May 2024 and then 12th to 14th July 2024 and the 26th July to 29th July 2024.
  10. Saturn aspect on Mars at 24 degrees in Aries time of Assassinations and Untoward happenings on the 6th to 8th July 2024 most prone date parallel 31st Oct 1984 when Indira Gandhi was assassinated.

My Predictions are on spot even the date for the Air Crash.

Now Let us see as per the event happening what the Planets have to say . Is it a sabotage or a Rumour ?

The Chart is below

For Travel Fixed Lagna is not good, here the Lagna is Fixed and also  Lagnesh Sun in a fixed sign not good for Travel. Hence the suspicion is correct that the case is of Sabotage.

3 Benefics in the Kendra the suspicion and the Rumour is correct.

3rd house and the Lord signifies  Rumours and Jupiter is Karka for  Right News and with 3rd Lord  Venus in the Kendra with Jupiter Hence the Rumour is correct.

Moon is Under aspect and Conjunction with Malefics. Lagna in the star of Ketu  Sun Lagnesh with 8th Lord . Since the 3 parameters are in affliction the unfavourable Rumour is Correct.

Mars and Rahu in the totally watery sign in degree conjunction also with Moon with Ketu, also shows trouble from Rains fogs and since in the 8th house  is extremely bad for the People travelling in the Chopper.

Travelling on Sunday towards the East is not good.

12th House shows travel and connection of 4th and 12th Lord with Benfics indicates success in Travel where as  as in this case in Rahu-Ketu axis and Rahu and Ketu both are in forward motion like a snake bite.

12th Sign of the natural Zodiac should be  connected , here Pisces is in the 8th house and Has Angarak Yoga of Mars and Rahu degree conjunct at 20 degrees.. Both the 12th Lord and the 4th Lord is eclipsed by the nodes.

Lagna in a fixed sign and benefics also in fixed sign is not good for Travel, they should be in movable signs. Hence the Travel shows Troubles in the Travel specially when the 7th house also has malefic Saturn.

Affliction to 8th house and Lagna Lord with 8th Lord who is also combusted  is very bad for the travel .

 Since Rahu is in Adverse motion at the time of Travel the real reason also may not be analysed since connected to the 12th and the 4th Lord Moon and Mars Respectively. It will remain a hanging Fire and benefit of doubt will  go to Iran. Iran can take it as a Sabotage also since Rahu and Mars in the 8th house is explosive as per this chart. With in 12 days we may get the effect of the same in terms of Brawl Between Israel and Iran Going for a Toss.

Acharaya Anil Aggarwala BSc . Engg.P.E.C Ch. Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi

Date 20th May 2024 s

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