This is with Reference to my article https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/10/red-planet-mars-activating-eclipse-points-in-nov-dec-2016-ammunition-dump/ dated 2nd Oct. 2016
Read My Article Dated 2nd Oct. 2016 regarding the Parameters for War considering the Past events when there was War with Pakistan and China. I have also Used the Following Parameters in evaluating the Same
1. The Foundation chart of India and the Dasha of Moon-Mars -Ketu
2. Hindu New Moon Pieces Chart of 2016 for India.
3. The Varshphala Chart India
4. Vedic Progression chart by Manu Smirit for India. This chart by Tamil Techniques is a unique Method and this chart with… Cancer Lagna and Dasha Lords Moon-Mars having Affliction and connected to the Lagna and Luminaries afflicted badly pinpoint crystal Clear the War like situations between India and Pakistan. China at Jump is another Possibility but after 1st Nov. to 12th Dec. 2016 .China is running the Dasha of Saturn -Rahu till 13-3-2017 and China Dasha of Saturn-Rahu-Mars from 11th Jan. 2016 will be Explosive .Transit Mars has already activated the Natal Rahu. Mars Transit will activate the natal Mars debilitated and the 7th Lord Moon after 1st Nov. 2016. The Double Transit has also Been activated by Both Jupiter and Saturn on the 7th Lord Moon. Hence the Present Scenerio and the Planetary positions as mentioned by me in my articles are condusive to give War like situations between India and Pakistan in which China may may jump in apart from China Taking aggressive Measure with the Rest of the world and specially with US as well . I have been Mentioning the above in my Articles below the War, Involvement of China , Recession in the Globe and war like situations between India and Pakistan in which China could Jump in .My First Article on the the 26th August 2016 https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/08/eclipses-in-sept-2016-signature-alarm-bells-for-war-with-pak/
then Dated 19th Sept. 2016 https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/09/alarm-bells-ringing-for-war-between-india-and-pakistan-in-the-present-scenerio/
https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/planetary-positions-between-…/ dated 25th Sept.2016 .
https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/mars-and-saturn-exchange-aft…/ dated 30th Sept. 2016
https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/red-planet-mars-activating-e…/ dated 2nd Oct. 2016
https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/stars-foretell-red-planet-ma…/ dated 4th Oct. 2016
https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/what-stars-foretell-for-the-…/ dated 6th Oct. 2016
My Predictions are Loud and Clear and Writing since the Articles on the Solar Eclipse of March and Sept. 2016 were to take Place and much and in 2015 and Early 2016 . My Predictions are the First to Predict the War and Dozen of Articles written much before the Start of the Aggressive actions by Pakistan . Read then all webpage www.astrodocanil.com and No Postmortum in any of My Articles .In this article I will discuss the Possibilities of China getting Involved in War like situation after 11th Jan 2017 but Aggressive actions after 1st Nov. 2016Foundation chart of China 1st Oct. 1949 15.15hrs Peking BelowChina is Running the Dasha of Saturn -Rahu till 13-3-2017 could be an aggressive action from China .1. As Per K N Rao in the Book Nehru Dynasty the Chapter on Astrological Inevitability when Eclipse Fall in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna /Lagna Lord , Moon or Sun a and Anter dasha of a Malefic Planet which has the Potentiality to Kill, then What Can Happen is——The Country or the native may have a fall from Power . If the Anter dasha is of Rahu or Ketu , perhaps such a fall becomes unavoidable. Of all the Great Predictions by Dr. BV Raman in the Book Dr. Raman Man and Mission the Parameters which are important are India Alloted Capricorn sign extending to Mordern West Asia, Hence Capricorn Sign becomes very important in the Present context of the Tensions between India and Pakistan. China has been allotted Cancer and Capricorn. Hence the involvement of China in the war like situations cannot be ruled out .The following Parameters are activated as below1. Solar Eclipses of 9th March and 1st Sept. 2016 taking Place in the 2/8 axis of the Foundation chart over the Natal Lagna Lord Saturn in the 8th house at very Close degrees . The Eclipse point is 15.15 of the 1st Sept. 2016 and Saturn the Lagna Lord is 19.59 degrees and Rahu is over the Lagna Lord Saturn at almost same Degrees today on the 7th Oct. 2016 at 18.07 degrees and also in the same Navamsha.2. Dasha of Saturn-Rahu till 13-3-20173. Mars Transit in the sign of Sagitarius and activating the Dasha Lord Rahu in the natal chart on the 23rd Oct. 2016. Mars in Sagitarius will be over the natal Jupiter the 12th and the 3rd Lord and activate this Point on the 31st Oct. 2016 at exact degrees of Jupiter4. Mars ingress in Capricorn on the 1st Nov. 2016 to 13th Dec. 2016 will be most Explosive , Since then it will be over the Natal Moon in the Lagna who is the 7th Lord and will also activated the Natal Mars in the 7th House debilitated . Mars will also aspect the Eclipse point in the 8th house from here along with the Lagna Lord Saturn in the 8th house .5.Mars will reach the MEP of the Lagna and Moon Natal Degrees on the 15th Nov. 2016 and aspect the Natal Mars in the 7th house alonfg with Lagna Lord in the 7th house simultaneously at exact degrees on the 28th Nov. to 1st Dec. 20166. 21st Nov. Mars will activate the eclipse point and then again the Dates 12th Dec, 25th Dec and 31st Dec. 2016-1st Jan 2017 could be explosive for china to enter in war like situations . I have already mentioned in my articles earlier about the involvement of China in the Indo-Pak Conflict and China getting involved with other Countries of the world .Needless to mention the name of the countries , All issues of the China-Japan, China-Us may take a Greater magnitude .7.Transit Saturn also activating the Natal Saturn on the 29-30th Nov. 20168. Dual Transit of Jupiter and Saturn on the 7th Lord Moon of Wars also activated on the 1st Nov. 2016Hence the ingress of Mars in Capricorn and Aquarius till 20th Jan 2017 could Prove Explosive for the Indo-Pak War and also for the Rest Part of the worldThis would influence the Stock markets and the Global Economy adversely , Specially , US, Europe, India from the 7th Oct. 2016 onwards
anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch. Jyotish Acharaya , Research BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
7th Oct. 2016 08-00 hrs New Delhi
Website :www.astrodocanil.com
Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com
Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q
Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US
Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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Ingress Of Red Planet Mars in Capricorn Ban or Boon For China , Indo-Pak War