Independent India Turns 70. Celebration at RedFort . What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

i day

Let us analyse Astrologically for the Safety of the Event . The Prime Minister Arrived at the Event at 07-19 hrs and Received the Guard of Honour.

Let us analyse according to this Time as per the chart below


Panchang of the Day

Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon , Placed in the Yama of Taurus and the Lord is Venus Placed in the Lagna with Rahu at close degrees and also at the MEP of Lagna

Tithi  SP-12

Nakshatra  P Shadha Nakshatra number is 21 and a Mandha Nakshatraand the Results will be fastest and South Direction will be important

Karna Balava and the Lord is Placed in the 5th House with Gulika  is Strong Negative for Karya Siddhi

Yoga  Preet

Hora   Saturn Malefic , Varesh and Horesh are Not Friends , Saturn is enemy of Day Lord Moon . Saturn is also Stationary , effects will be felt till 28th Jan 2017

Yama The Day Lord is Placed in the Yama of Taurus and the Sign is aspected by 8th Lord Jupiter by 9th aspect , hence the effect will be only 25%. This aspect is Malefic more so since Jupiter is also Gulika Lord  who is Placed in the 5th house where Moon is Posited .Mars and Saturn are also aspecting this sign and their effect will be more then the Jupiter aspect due to 7th aspect .

Lagna has Venus, Rahu and Mercury and the sign is Leo. All the 3 Planets are placed in the Nakshatra of P. Phalguni along with Lagna . Venus is also Navamsha Lord of Gulika . The 3 Parameters  Lagna of the Event Leo sign has Gulika Navamsha Lord . 2. Moon is with Gulika . 3. Navamsha Sign has Navamsha Of Gulika Venus , Moon and also influencing Sun . The Navamsha Lagna also has Rahu-Ketu in 1/7 axis  is the Most Malefic Combination for the event .

Lagna Lord Sun in the 12th house  and Mars and Saturn  in the 4th house  and Saturn aspecting the Lagna MEP , Venus and Rahu at Close degrees is the most malefic Parameter at the time of the event .


The Lagna of the Navamsha is afflicted badly as explained above . The lagna is also aspected by Gulika Lord Jupiter who is in debilitation.

The Navamsha Lord Mercury is also afflicted in the Lagna of the event chart.

As  per the Solar Ingress of Sun in Cancer sign Sun is Placed in the 12th house  is not Good and in the Paksha Kundali of the 3rd August 2016, The Luminaries are Placed in the 2nd House in the sign of Cancer and are strong , not aspected by  any Malefic , is strong Parameter for the well being of the Kings and Queens but Sun Placed in the 12th house in the Solar ingress is not good definitely . In the Paksha Kundali of the 3rd August 2016 , Mars and Saturn are placed in the 6th house and the 3/9 axis is afflicted hence there is a Possibility of Terrorism before 18th August or even after the 18th August 2016, since this Paksha Kundali of 18th August  is enigmatic.

It seems that the Year starting from 15th August 2016 is not a Healthy one and untoward happenings can take place and specially Terrorism, War like conditions can take place from 15th August 2016 . Earthquakes, natural and unnatural calamities cannot be ruled out .

Timing of Events

When Navamsha Lagna Lord is Fallen and falls back in the Lagna of the event chart on the 9th Sept. 2016 and before that when Navamsha Lord Joins the Navamsha Lagna on the 19th Aug. 2016, When Sun Ingresses in the Leo sign on the 16th Aug. 2016. When Mercury goes in the Navamsha sign of Scorpio on the 8th Nov. 2016 .When Venus changes sign to Virgo the Navamsha Rashi on the 25th Sept. 2016. Sensitive Time frame for untoward happenings

It seems that from 15th August 2016 The Terrorism will take a Greater magnitude and Pakistan may increase the Firing and infiltration at the Boarders and a Mini Kargil war may sprout soon. Pakistan may be aggresive in activities related to Terrorism

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

15th August 2016  07.30 hrs. New Delhi 



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