In Continution To Career Analysis I am Discussing Crisis In Career Of Native Born In April 1957 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1214 Articles and Predictions in just 58 months from April 2015
Jupiter Fallen in the Natal chart is most Precarious parameter specially when Afflicted in the Transit and also activates the natal Jupiter .Venus afflicted and Native reaching the 64th Year of Age Venus reaches the Natal Position as per the Declination and in Transit also Venus in Aries as the same as the Natal chart are parameters which cannot be ignored for Career Crisis when both these planets are connected and also connected in the transit till 28th March 2020
In this Article I am going to discuss the Career Crisis of a Well Known Buisness man whoses time of Birth is not Authentic, but using the Planetary Positions at Birth I will like to make some Predictions for him in the immediate near future
The Native is about to Complete 63 years of Age , using this parameter I will use the Planets important at the time of Birth specially the slow moving Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu.
Have a Look at the chart below

I dont have the exact birth time of the native who is well known Buisnessman but other Details are available
The Following Parameters acquire an Important dimension in his Chart
1. He shall be completing 63 years of age after the April 2020 and will run in the 64th year of his age
2. The Planet most Important this year will be Venus and in the 8th Cycle of the Declination. Venus is placed in the sign Aries and is Combusted totally
3.Since completed the 63rd Year Rahu and Ketu also become Important since using a cycle of 9 years Rahu and Ketu in the 7th Cycle and Rahu and Ketu are also afflicting the Venus and Venus is also aspected by Jupiter fallen, hence Venus is afflicted badly
4. Jupiter in his chart is a Fallen Planet at 29 degrees in the sign Leo will be activated by the Transit Jupiter from the sign Sagitarius where the natal Moon is placed on the 23rd March 2020 and a Degree aspect on the Fallen Planet
5. Natal Jupiter influenced by both Mars and Saturn. In Transit Jupiter will join Saturn and Mars in the sign Capricorn on the 30th March 2020
6. Transit Mars will aspect the natal Jupiter and Natal Saturn aspects the Transit Saturn after 30th March 2020
7. After the 15th May 2020 Jupiter will go in Retrogression and fall in the sign sagitarius on the 30th June 2020 and aspect the Natal Jupiter who is in Fallen Status and most malefic degree wise This 29 Degrees in Leo will be activated 3 times in the transit as follows

1st Time on the 28th March at 29 degrees of Jupiter from Sagitarius by 9th strong aspect
2nd Time Jupiter Fallen in Sagitarius will aspecthe Natal Jupiter on the 30th June 2020
3rd Time Jupiter will actibvate the natal Jupiter degree-wise on the 18th Nov. 2020
These 3 Time frames are most venomous for the Down Fall in Status of the native as far as the Financial Status is concerned Since Jupiter is the significator of Wealth and Prosperity and also aspects the Venus in the Sign Aries and Venus acquires an Important dimension since it completes the 8th Cycle of Venus as per the declination
Venus will be in the sign Aries till 28th Marchand On the 27-th March the Transit Jupiter will activate the Venus in Transit Degree-wise at 29 degrees , this Venus is also aspected by the Natal Fallen Jupiter at 29 degrees . ThisParameter is most malefic it so seems from the Planetary positions at Birth.
The Native has moon in the sign Sagitarius where the Eclipse of the 26th dec 2019 has taken Place and the Moon is also activated by the Transit Mars after the 8th feb 2020, hence what ever may be the degrees of Moon Mars will activate the Natal Moon also which has been activated by the Saturn also till 24th jan 2020.

Saturn in Capricorn has been activated By Saturn
Jupiter activated by Transit Jupiter in Sagitarius Navamsha
Rahu-Ketu will be activated By Rahu-Ketu after 20th Sept. 2020
Sun will be activated By Sun after Sept 2020 when Sun in 8th Navamsha of Sign Libra

Hence Starting from the 19th March 2020 the Native will start to experience hurdles in the Profession relating to Jupiter Significations and need not be explained in the Present Scenario. Transactions of the Bank, Scams , Etc. Jupiter is every thing in Life and Transit of Jupiter over the natal Moon is also Rajvirodham. As per Declination of Jupiter it will be over the Transit Jupiter in Sagitarius since after June he will be running the 64th year of his life

Read My Articles Below for the Career Crisis below
1. “Falling Economy Of India What It Has Up It’s Sleeves for Top Billionaire Mukesh Ambani ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ dated 13th Oct 2019
2. “Mukesh Ambani’s RIL Loses Rs 96,000 Crore In Market-Captalisation In 4 days Mars Fallen Jupiter Play the Role As Expected Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ Dated 9th May 2019

Please read what has been Predicted for him Read the Articles carefully


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
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My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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