ICC World Cup 2019 Final England Vs New Zealand What Star’s Foretell ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

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DBA planets in favour of Home Team along with LAGNA Lord Stronger than the 7th Lord , hence win of Home Team England

The cricketing world will have a new champion on Sunday (July 14) as England and New Zealand tussle it out in the final of the ICC World Cup 2019 at Lord’s. Both England, hosts and tournament favourites, and New Zealand had a tricky path to the finals but won when it mattered the most. Here we take a look at their head to head records, individual records and World Cup performances.

The Game will be played at Manchestar at 10-30 am and the chart is below

The Day is Sun day and the Lord is Sun who is also the Lagna Lord and placed in the 11th house with Rahu and Venus
Lagna Is Dagdha Rashi is not good for Clear Victory for England since the Lagna is represented by England being their home town
The Following Parameters acquire important dimension

Since the Game is being played in the home town for England the Lagna is represented by England and the 7th house by the opponent and New Zealand

Following Parameters acquire important dimension
1. Lagna is a Dagdha Rashi is not good and weak and will win after a close shave
2. Sun Lagna Lord is Placed in the 11th house is good but with Rahu and Venus and inimical to both. Hence the Lagna Lord though placed in the 11th house is not comfortable and lot of hardwork may be required to win the game finally
3.Lagna Lord Sun is placed in the 11th house with 10th Lord Venus is good but both inimical to each other , Hence the Win in the match will not come easily till the end.
4. 10th House from Lagna is the battle field of England and the Lord is placed in a Friendly sign in the 11th house , hence the performance of England will be good and will be the winner ultimately

5. The New Zealand is represented by the 7th house and the Sign Aquarius and the Lord although placed in the 11th from its sign is in Retrogression and with Ketu and the dispositor is weak for winning the match.
6. The 10th house from the 7th house is the battle field of the New Zealand and has Debilitated Moon and Fallen Jupiter both in the watery sign and having affliction and Lord of the 10th house Mars in the 12th house Debilitated and having Exchange with 12th Lord Moon, hence there win is not possible even if it seems they may win.

7. Between the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord Sun is stronger due to 7th Lord Saturn under affliction and Retrograde the Dispositor of Both Sun and Saturn are weak but 7th Lord Saturn is definitely weaker then Sun . Look at the shadball also Sun is stronger

8. 10th Lord from Lagna is Venus and 10th Lord from the 7th house is Mars and between the 2 Venus is Stronger hence in all possibiliites the Match will be won by England. Tuff fight in Cricket is indicated

8. The 10th house from the 7th house has watery Sign Scorpio and Lord Debilitated again in watery sign Cancer the 12th house . The House has Jupiter Fallen and Moon Debilitated and Moon having excange with Mars again placed in watery sign the Opponent will suffer due to Rainin between the Match and England may have to Struggle hard to win it so seems but it is sure that England will be the winner and Take away the World Cup it so seems
9.The DBA Planets are also Mer-Sat-Ven and all signify 2,6, 10th houses for gains in the match
Hence from the above it seems that England will Take away the Trophy with its hard work in the match today

Date 14th July 2019 12.30.00 Hrs.
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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