Horoscopes Of Narendra Modi, Mamta Banerjee and Mayawati What They Foretell For Lok Sabha Elections 2019

by astrodocanil

760 Articles and Predictions in just 45 months from April 2015
“We are witnessing a turbulent political atmosphere which poses a threat to the democratic principles enshrined in our constitution and the secular fabric of our nation,” The Examples are before us and I need not elaborate the same. The horoscopes of Mamta Banerjee and Mayawati are not euthentic and cannot be relied upon.Not talking much on this I will try to evaluate the situations for the 2019 polls . In this Article I am going to Analyse the Horoscopes of these 3 Important Politicians on the basis of what ever is available.
Read My Articles on Narendra Modi
1.”‘Astrology Speaks Loud And Clear’ Narendra Modi The ‘Winner'” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/07/astrology-speaks…-modi-the-winner/
2.””Turbulent Atmosphere” Ahead of 2019 Polls :Stars Foretell Narendra Modi Still The Winner” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/05/turbulent-atmosp…still-the-winner/ ‎
Let me repproduce the Text from the above article for ready reference
Narinder Modi is Born on the 17th Sept. 1950 Mehsana Gujrat Time 12.00 noon

Now see the birth chart of Narendra Modi

Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari Saturn 10 year 4 months and 4 days.

There has been a controversoy among the astrologers over the Janama Lagna (birth ascendant) of Shri Narendar Modi , There are a number of Birth time in circulation. Narendara Modi was born on 17-September-1950 , in the afternoon around 12 noon at Vadnagar in Mehsana district to a family of grocers.

The 8th house of the natural Zodiac Scorpio rising at the eastern horizon at the time of Narendra Modi’s birth. Shows that the amount of hard work he will have to do throught his life to achieve his Targets, Broad shoulders is also signifying he has Scorpio Lagna .

The reasons for Scorpio Lagna rising could be due to the Following Parameters in his chart.

1. The Debilitated ninth lord Moon in the Lagna and Garbshishta connected to a malefic Saturn who is functional malefic for Scorpio Lagna and in inimical rashi , Moon a Avyogi Planet placed in the Lagna and confers Vipreet rajyoga since in Debilitation . Astrologically explains his low middle class upbringing. He used to run a tea stall with his brother in his childhood Mars Karka for coborns with Moon in Lagna and 3rd Lord Saturn in the 10th house with Venus confirms the same .

2. Mercury 8th and 11th Lord in Retrogression totally combusted and about to fall in Leo as a Fallen Planet will offer maximum struggles in his life after Saturn maha Dasha , it is also in close degrees with Ketu. Rahu-Ketu are also in Forward motion and acquire a special dimension. Mercury results will be given by sun in its dasha and strong one . how ever Dasha of mercury may not be a good one and full of struggles Hence the most struggling period in his life will be that of Mercury from January 1961 to January 1978. Mercury is also afflicted in Navamsha chart by Debilitated Mars .

3. Narendra Modi has done Post- graduation in Political Science and the combination of the Dasha Lord and Karka for Political Science is with Mercury . 10th house from Mercury is again Gemini and as per Nadi principles the Mid Cusp Lord of the 10th house from Mercury is Rahu and is placed in the 5th house whose lord is Forming a Rajyoga in the 4th house of Education , 4th from Mercury is also the house of Jupiter and aspects Venus and Saturn in the 10th house.

4. Marriage 7th lord from Moon and Lagna is Venus and in own nakshatra are combinations for remaining Bachelor. MCL of 7th house is Mars and see the degrees in Even sign is weak and Debilitated in navamsha. 7th house from Lagna and Moon are influenced by Mars and Saturn and Venus also afflicted by Saturn. Dispositor of Venus should not be in 2/12 with Venus and dipositors dispositor is also in the 2/12 position hence there will be no Benefits out of marriage for Narinder Modi. Venus in Leo sign is also not good for marriage Being a dry sign.

Analysing the Navamsha Chart

There are lot many Horoscope in circulation for Narinder Modi ,Different astrologers have taken different Navamsha for Narendra Modi’s chart. My associate was advised by a very senior astrologer to work on “Scorpio” Navamsha only. Hence I am taking the Scorpio Vargottam Navamsha only .As it explains well the Placement of planets for his becoming the Prime minister . Jupiter the 2nd and 5th lord in Lagna . Lagna Lord placed in the 9th house aspected by Jupiter by 9th strong aspect.. Jupiter controlling the Trinal houses has a major role. Vargottam Lagna matches his qualities of hard work and Patience .

His success and fame as the Chief Minister is well explained by his dasha Period of Sun from January 2005 to January 2011.Sun is also DK

Moon Mahadasha in Vimshottari started from 31-12-2010 and will continue till 30-12-2020. . He became the Prime Minister in the Dasha of Moon-Rahu and is well explained for the reasons. Moon gives Virpeet rajyogas, Rahu is Yoga Karka and also Stationary in his chart hence will give very Strong Results. More over Narinder Modi has 9th lord and Lagna Lord together in Lagna is a strong Combination ot the Trinal lords

Mid Cusp lord of the 10th house is Sun and Sun is the Lord of the 10th house and placed in the 11th house with 11th lord whose results will also be given by Sun since Sun is combusting Mercury and Rahu-Ketu are Stationary and in Yogas.

Dasmarudh is Libra and the Lord is Venus in the 10th house with Karka for Profession Saturn , but Saturn and Sun are in very close degrees is good.

What stars foretell for Modi in months to come ? Let us see the Vedic Progression chart as per Manu Smriti explained well on my webpage in the Article”Birth Chart of Narinder Modi and Vedic Progression Chart for 2015-2016″ link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/08/birth-chart-of-n…rt-for-2015-2016/ dated 31st August 2015 .
Let us have a look at the Progression chart of Narendra Modi for the Year 2018 to Sept. 2019

The analysis as per the above chart as per Tamil Texts and not Parsshar

1. Lagna is in Mrityu Bhag and Moon though Exalted is in Vish Ghati , hence physical harm possible but since Moon is Exhalted and Lagna Lord Saturn in Amrit Bhag may save him . He has to be careful for himself against any untoward happening in the year starting from Sept. 2018 to Sept. 2019.

2. The Dasha in operation will be Moon-Venus from the 26th Oct. 2018 to 26th June 2020. This Dasha is Rajyoga giving Dasha. , due to the following reasons .

Since the Dasha is related to Sun and Moon.

Venus and Moon the dasha Lords in Rajyoga specially Venus being the Yoga Karka for Capricorn Lagna and 10th Lord with 9th Lord Mercury and with Sun in the 11th house.

10th Lord Venus in Amrit Bhag

Saturn the Lagna Lord in the 9th house and also in Amrit Bhag. ,

10th Lord from the Moon and the 10th Lord of the Natal chart both are placed well from each other .

Dasha Lords Connected to the 11th house. From the above it is crystal clear that the Vedic Progression chart of the year Sept 2018to Sept. 2019 will be a good one and Rajyoga giving year to a Position and the coming year Sept 2019 to Sept. 2020 will also be Rewarding it so seems .

Also Read My Article “A Bird Eye-View Of The Planetary Positions Of The Leaders Of The Country and Transit What They Foretell ? Research Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/01/a-bird-eye-view-…r-anil-aggarwala/

Horoscopes of Both Mamta Banerjee and Mayawati are not euthentic and cannot be relied upon but what ever is avaialble and in Circulation on the basis of that The Following are the Predictions ‎

Horoscope as per Shrivish Vijay Panchang
MAMTA BANERJEE Born on the 5th Jan 1955 As per link https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mamata_Banerjee
I just got a News from the media “Mamata 5 years younger than her official age”

Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is younger than her official age. How! The devil lay in a fake certificate, procured by her father, which put five more years to her age to help her appear in the school leaving examination.
In her recently published memoirs ‘My Unforgettable Memories’, the politician revealed the truth about her age, which was so far believed to be 57.
“I was not even 15 when I wrote my school final examination and would have been disqualified for being underage. So, my father gave a fictitious age and birthday to get around the problem. The result: a new birthday and five years added to my real age,” writes Banerjee.
Hence the below PREDICTIONS MAY PROVE WRONG in the absence of the correct horoscope. this may please be noted

I dont have the exact Birth details but the Horoscope in circulation is of Capricorn Lagna and the Dasha operating is of Exhalted Saturn Lagna Lord placed in the 10th house at 25 degrees. Note this Parameter. This Saturn in Libra will aspect the Transot Saturn at 25 degree by 3rd eye of Lord Shiva around the Election time for her to gain . She has the Moon in the Sign Taurus Exhalted and Current Dasha of Saturn-Sun. It was the dasha of Saturn who placed her as the Chief Minister of West Bengal and carries massive strength in her state.Saturn 24-26 degrees will also be instrumental for her to place her in a higher pedestal in the General Lok Sabha Elections of 2019, although she will continue to Rule her State but will have a strong hold in the Centre as well it so seems from her Chart. Hence achievement near the dates 21st Jan., 10th March. 30th April, 17th June 2019 .. I have not seen the Planetary positions after June 2019 and will write another Article using the Eclipses of 2019

From Dec. 2018 to Dec. 2019 she will be running the Dasha of Saturn-Sun which may not grant a big victory but she may get some higher pedestal in the Politics of the Country and may be instrumental in the win of Narendra Modi it so seems Hence her Gathbhandan would be strong it so seems in her case .

MAYAWATI For Her also The Horoscope in Circulation are of Cancer Lagna hence the BELOW PREDICTIONS MAY PROVE WRONG
She is born on the 15th Jan 1956 08-50 hrs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayawati. This Horoscope also is also not euthentic

Let us see her Chart since there are no euthentic Horoscopes available Let us ee the Planetary positions at birth and in Transit today and near the Elections

The Strong Yoga of Saturn, Mars and Rahu in Scorpio shows her crystal clear, but unfortunately the Present Transit on the 20-21st Jan. 2019 is not good and an Eclipse over the Luminaries , also the Inauspicious Yogas of Mars and Saturn together with Rahu and Ketu after 25th March 2019 may not attribute good luck to her for the General Lok Sabha Elections2019 it so seems. Due to following Reasons
1. Eclipses over the Natal Sun and Moon on the 21st Jan. 2019
2. She has Mars, Saturn and Rahu in Scorpio and Saturn ad Rahu will be in 6/8 axis after 23rd March 2019 and after 22nd March Mars and Saturn will also be in 6/8 axis . The Transit Saturn will also be in the 2/12 axis of the Natal Saturn but will influence it by retrograde aspect and Rahu is 23 degrees, this may give her some gain it so seems but not substantial it so seems
The Sagitarius Eclipse may prove Venomous for the Following who have the Sun or Moon in Sagitarius or Gemini
Rahul Gandhi 19th June 1970 14-28 hrs. New Delhi Eclipses over Moon in Sagitarius and in the 7th from Sun most Critical for him
Akhilesh Yadav 1st July 1973 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akhilesh_Yadav
Mamta Banerjee 1st Jan. 1955 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mamata_Banerjee she has Rahu and Sun in Sagitarius Malefic Results
Saturn in Libra at 25 degrees Positive results . Hence Mixed Results
Narendra Modi 17th Sept. 1950 12-05 VadhNagar Gijrat No Planet in the Axis of the Eclipse
Mayawati 15th Jan. 1956 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayawati No Planet in the sign Gemini and Sagitarius , hence some gains , since Saturn aspects the Rahu in Scorpio at 23-24 degrees by Retrograde aspect
This also indicates that the Horoscopes of Politicians and Celebrities may not be Authentic. The Oath charts and Prashna Charts therefore are more authentic since we know the exact time . PLEASE NOTE THIS PARAMETER AND IDF pREDICTIONS GO WRONG IT IS MAINLY DUE TO INCORRECT BIRTH TIME FOR THE BIRTH CHARTS. THIS IS A BIG LIMITATION FOR WRITING ARTICLES FOR CELEBRITIES AND POLITICIANS

Written on 28th Jan. 2019 18-30 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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Link EXPRESS STAR TELLER https://www.starteller.com/article7.html
My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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