What Stars Foretell For Stock Markets Using Hindu Astrology ?

by astrodocanil

Stock market

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Financial Astrology is the most difficult subject in Astrology, since there are no Euthentic Classics or Books , even B V Ramsn has given some Parameters for Short Term market Trends and has mentioned that only 60-70% correct Results are obtained . There is One South Indian astrologer who has Given some Parameters which also donot seem to work . It is therefore a matter of Research to clearly pinpoint the Bullish and Bearish Trend in the Stock market.

Let me reproduce the Text written in the article “Stock Market Trends Through  Hindu Astrology” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/09/stock-market-tre…-hindu-astrology/ Dated 15th Sept. 2015

I am hereby writing the Long Term Parameters which Influence the Stock market.

1.In  Vedic Astrology Moon is the Karka for mind and Mercury  the Karka for Emotions and the nervous system of individuals , thus it is seen that the Transitting positions of these planets are of vital importance for day to day basis.

2.  Mercury Becoming Retrograde is a very important Parameter and triggers the mass physological Reactions and has a marked effect on the Physology .In the Present Scenerio Mercury is becoming Retrograde on the 28th April 2016 in the sign Aries at 29.30 degrees and in Sagitarius Navamsha and will be direct on the 22nd May 2016 at 20.16 degrees and in Libra Navamsha 

3. Similarly the Perceptable behaviour  of the masses is influenced on the lunation .On the Lunation days there is perceptable effect on the tidal patterns and wave patters in the ocean and Sea.

4. Our Human Body is having 90 % Water, if there is Perceptable effect in the tides in the Ocean and Sea, it is also bound to effect the human body and some subtle effects are likely.

5. Another Planets which acquire special dimension are Mars and Saturn, when ever they are conjunct or influence each there there is spurt of Crimes natural and unnatural disasters and hence there is Volitality in the Stock markets . In the Present Context Mars and Saturn are conjunct in Scorpio till  18th Sept. 2016, hence the Stock market is bound to be Bearish and Bullish

6. Eclipses play a major role towards the Stock market and the markets can be bearish and bullish, specially Eclipses on the Lunation days . In the Present context the Solar Eclipse of the of 9th March 2016 and 1st Sept. 2016 are also sensitive parameters  for the Stock market and Hence the trends can be  Bullish and Bearish .

7. At the time of Stock  Market hit in August 2015  Mercury ingressed in Virgo on the 23rd August 2015 when Rahu was in Forward motion and afflicted Mercury badly, hence when Even Rahu will be adverse there will be Bearish Trend and the Market will take many hits and Fall.  Mercury and Rahu were in Degree conjuction on the 9th Oct. 2015 when Rahu was also be adverse..

8. Outer planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn  also have influence on the Stock market.

9. Ashtak Varga charts , help us evaluate the bullish and bearish trends in the Stock market. For the Purpose of the Stock market , we make the Ashtak varga chart of the Stock Exchange .

10. Panchak Phenomenon as explained in my earlier Article along with Short Term Trends mentioned in my Earlier Article.

11. Generally one invests in Property, Gold or Stock market and one wants to know when to invest and when to quit the market .As compared to other investments Stock market  investments are risky. hence one has to study first if one has good combinations to make money in the stock market. Here the vedeic astrology seems to have the Answer. The 2nd house of the natal chart shows the money and wealth attained by the natives own efforts. The trinal houses 5th and 9th show money made in speculative deals . 11th house tells us the gains to be likely made . To attain success in Stock market deals the above houses and lords should be well placed . The best placement is the 5th and the 9th Lord placed intheir respective houses . The other good Position of Moon and jupiter is also very important and should be placed in Trines . Hence Moon, Jupiter Lord of 2,4,9 and 11 should be well placed in a nut shell.

12. Classification of the Bullish and Bearish signs , When ever Benefics and Malefics ingress in these signs the Market is Bearish and Bullish respectively.

13. Planetary Cycles and Paraya have an impact on the Stock market Trends , like Jupiter will be with Rahu in Jan 2016 like in and 1980 and so on. The Great Varahamihra has enunciated in his treatise “Brihat Samita”The Price Fluctuations are the result of the movement of the Planets in the Zodiac..

14.In the Present Scenerio Jupiter transit in Leo gives Bullish Trend to the Stock market when in direct motion and Bearish in Retrogression. In the present Scenerio jupiter went in Retrogression on the 8th Jan. 2016 and Rahu ingressed over it on the 9th Jan. 2016 when Jupiter was in Stationary mode and the Market and the Market got a strong bearish hit, and after that the Navamsha navamsha changes the Market beacme bullish, now when both Join the same navamsha there will be reversal in the market, before that Jupiter will be stationary between 5th to 11th May 2016 and will be aspected by Retrograde Saturn degreewise there could again be reversal and a strong hit in the Market  

15. Saturn in Scorpio in direct Motion gives Bullish trends in Direct motion and Bearish when in Retrogression presently Retrograde till August 13th  2016.

16. Rahu Causes Bullish Trends in Virgo and Leo, but is capable to turn the table when it is in adverse motion, Mercury joined Rahu on the 23rd August 2015 when Rahu was in Forward motion , hitting the Stock market to be bearish when Rahu is Adverse again and again.

17. Hindu New Moon Pieces Chart for the year with Paksha Kundalis give valuable information regarding the Stock Market Trends. The Charts of BSE and Nifty should also be seen with reference to the Transit Planets

18. As per Astrological classics the Year 2015 is Manmatha. This year will be both good and bad things coming up . Till the Hindu New Moon Pieces Year of 2016  there will be uncertainities in every thing  which will prevail and the general condition will not be good.

Planetary Positions are Explosive for a Global wreck .The Countries Prone are —California, Hawaii, Japan, Mexico, New York City, Russia,Japan,China, Indonesia for Earthquakes , Fire, Untoward happenings, man Made or Natural both , Economy Stagnation is on the brink and soon the world will be in Grip of Economic Recession . The bubble burst will take place 2 times , One on the Cards after 17th April, more so in the first week of May 2016 and then when the Planetary cycles complete in the 1st week of Oct. 2016

  19.  The Year 2016 is Durmukhi. The Countries and the People in general will be prone to calamities and Hardships. nothiong will come easily. There are 5 bad years in a row. I have already written and Article “Will The Solar Eclipse of March 2016 Bring Decline in the US and the Global  Economy” Dated 24th May 2015  link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/05/will-the-solar-eclipse-of-march-2016-bring-decline-in-the-us-economy/

Let me now take up the charts of the Days when there were extreme conditions in the Stock market before giving the Final Trends From 17th April 2016 Onwards

The Following dates are when the Stock market was hit badly.

28th Oct. 1929, 19th Oct. 1987, 6th Oct 2008 

Let us see what is the comparasion with the above dates for the Rise or Fall in the Market in the Paksha Kundali nof the 22nd April 2015  at 10.54 hrs

Paksha Kundali 22-4-2016

As per the Paksha Kundali there is One Strong Yoga  and that is Budh aditya Yoga in the 11th house , Mercury and Sun Exhalted in the 11th house being formed by the Lagna Lord and the 3rd Lord  for this reason the Market is going up and will go till 28th April 2016 as mentioned by me that the D1 is applicable for 7 days , but his Yoga is cancelled in the Navamsha , since they are in Rahu-Ketu axis and Mercury and Rahu in the 8th house along with Moon , hence when Moon goes in this Sign in Transit it may give the results and More so when Moon goes in Pieces. 

Mars is aspecting the 12th house and Lagna in D1 and also in D9 there could be espoinage by Terrorists, Natural and Unnatural disasters  in the next week and market could fall drastically . Lets see on the 28th and 29th April 2016 
Next week is definitely Explosive  Saturn aspects Jupiter degreewise whan Jupiter is Stationary between the 5th and the 11th May 2016

Applying the Parameters in the rashi and Navamsha and the results as Below


Now Read this —-http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-15/u-s-futures-are-little-changed-as-s-p-500-heads-for-weekly-gain

Period from 21st April 2016 will be an Explosive one till 1st week of  May 2016. The periods from 6th June to 20th June 2016 could also be explosive.  Planetary cycles completing their Cycles 1st Week of Oct. 2016 could also be explosive for the Global Economy. The Countries responsible could be Europe , US, China India and Pakistan who will be influenced Most .

This Article also as reference to my first Article on the Global Economy Dated 24th May 2015 “Will The Solar Eclipse of March 2016 Bring Decline in the Global  Economy” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/05/will-the-solar-e…n-the-us-economy/

And another One Global Economy On the Brink Of  Meltdown Inevitable link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/03/global-economy-o…tdown-inevitable/

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 16th April 2016 09-00 hrs  

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

Read My True Predictions —https://www.astrodocanil.com/my-true-predictions/

Viewer Comments on Predictions —https://www.astrodocanil.com/viewer-comments-predictions/

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

In Singapore from 22nd April to 18th May 2016 ph. +6591484182

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted . My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed 




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