Grenfell Tower Fire: Massive Blaze Engulfs 27-Storey: Saturn Unfolds His Sleeves

by astrodocanil

Reference to the media Report

As per the Reports below

Let us see what the planetary Positions have to say on this accord . Since the Event is related to Life of People it is a Jeeva Query and the Odd Lagna  and 3, 6 or 9th Navamsha should be rising

I have corrected the time and taken

The Day is Tuesday and the lord is mars a Fiery planet and Placed in the yama of Pieces and the Lord is Jupiter Placed in Stationary position and in the 8th house . Jupiter is a Jeeva Planet and indicated loss of Lives of Living Beings

The Lagna is Aquarius a Malefic sign and owned By Saurn in Gandantha in the 11th Hose aspected By Day Lord Mars a fiery planet

The Karna Lord is Lord is also Mars Placed in the 5th house

8th Lord Mercury is also Placed in the 4th house with Fiery Planet Sun in a fixed sign  and aspected By Jupiter from the 8th house who is badly afflicted By both Mars and Saturn

The Planetary combinations are extremely malefic for the Lives to be saved and there could be loss of lives of  many.

The Navamsha Rising is also Malefic and has Saturn Debilitated with Ketu  aspected by exhalted Mars and Saturn aspects Mars

The Most malefic combination the Lagna Lord Saturn in the Nakshatra of Ketu aspected by Mars and also risies in the Navamsha as a Debilitated Planet with Ketu killing several people

Read my Articles on Saturn

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 14th June  2017  Time 11-10 hrs. New Delhi
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