“Glittering Dubai: Astrological Insights on the Future of Its Real Estate Boom”

by astrodocanil

“Glittering Dubai: Astrological Insights on the Future of Its Real Estate Boom”

Dubai’s real estate market is experiencing a significant boom, with property prices approaching pre-2008 levels. Since February 2021, average property prices have surged by 75%, reaching AED 1,750 ($476.50) per square foot. This growth is driven by economic resilience, liberalized visa policies, and population growth, leading to a 50-month price rally.

The luxury property sector has seen remarkable growth, with prices increasing by 147% over the past five years. Dubai is developing ultra-luxurious neighbourhoods with bespoke mansions priced up to £100 million, located on man-made islands such as “Billionaire Island.” These high-end properties often feature private beaches, rotating parking tables, cinemas, spas, and private elevators, attracting the world’s wealthy elite.

To meet the soaring demand for upmarket properties, Dubai is constructing nearly 9,000 villas by the end of this year and plans to build an additional 19,700 in 2025. Despite these efforts, the market still faces a shortage of luxury properties, with current listings for houses priced over $10 million significantly decreasing. The emirate expects to need 37,600 to 87,700 homes by 2040 to accommodate a projected population of 5.8 million.

However, this rapid growth has led to challenges for residents. The cost of housing has surged, with rental prices rising by up to 20% in key areas, forcing some people to move further into the desert. Additionally, traffic congestion has worsened due to a significant increase in the number of registered vehicles, exacerbating daily commutes. Prominent Emiratis have begun to publicly express concerns about these issues, highlighting the need for immediate and long-term solutions.

Dubai has also become a hotspot for the wealthy, attracting more millionaires than any other location globally in 2024, with 6,700 expected to arrive. This influx has burdened the housing market, leading to substantial rent increases. Dubai now ranks as the 15th most expensive city globally, with the highest cost of living in its region. Despite this, people are drawn to its tax benefits, winter weather, and stability.

While the market is booming, concerns loom over the sustainability of such growth, given the city’s history of boom and bust cycles. Increased supply and expected competition may temper future price hikes. Enhanced mortgage regulations introduced post-2008 add some stability to the market.

Let us study last when there was Real Estate Crisis to see the Planetary positions

Dubai Real Estate Crisis in 2009

On November 25, 2009, the small city-state of Dubai shook financial markets across the world when the Dubai World holding companies announced that it would ask its creditors to standstill its debts. After three decades of phenomenal growth, something had gone off the rails with Dubai’s development model.

Let us see the chart of the 25th Nov 2009 to se the Planetary positions with respect to the foundation chart of Dubai of the 2nd Dec/ 1971 12:00 hrs

 The Chart also has Dridra Yoga and a Kemaduma yoga in the 4th house  which gets cancelled due to  a planet situated in the 11th house  and Strong Moon having aspects of Benefic cancels the adversities indicated by the 2 bad  yogas. The same result also applies to aspect on the 11th house but only a strong Moon, Mars or Saturn aspects the 11th house gives wealth.  Fortunately the Chart has a strong Moon who is exalted and forms a gajkesri yoga with Jupiter.

The Chart is very strong. Lagna Lord in the 4th house , 10th Lord in Lagna Mars. 6 planets connected to 10th house  specially Sun and Jupiter in the 10th  house and 4 planets connected to the 4th house . The constraint is Jupiter the 2nd and the 11th Lord is Combusted and Debilitated in the navamsha .

 The Navamsha is also very strong  with Sun Vargottam and 10th  house rising and Mars in own sign and Moon also Vargottam. and Exalted along with Rahu  who is a Yogi Planet .

The D4 Chart is also very strong with Aquarius Lagna with 4th Lord Venus exalted   and Sun and Jupiter in the 4th house and Mars and Saturn in  the 7th house opens the  secret of the Country one of the most beautiful Cities with most expensive cars running on the Roads. The Country has very good infrastructure. Lately lot of Expiates running towards this City and more so after the Ukraine-Russia war on the 24th Feb 2022 and the Middle -East crisis in 2024

D10 Chart is also strong  with Pisces Ascendant and Sun in the 10th house and Lagna having Exalted Venus

Let us now analyse the conditions which brought Real-Estate Crisis in Nov. 2009

Transit Chart of 25th Nov. 2009 with the same Ascendant.

The Dasha at the time of the Real Estate Crisis was Jupiter-Ketu-Jupiter from 14-10-2009 to 29-11-2009. Jupiter is2nd and 11th lord and karka  for expansion Debilitated in Navamsha and Combusted in the natal chart in the 10th house and in Transit it was in Debilitation and about to join the Lagna Aquarius. The Transit Boy Moon was over the Natal Mars Karka for Built-up properties.

As per Bhivshya Phal Bhaskar Malefics like Rahu, Mars and Saturn  in the signs of Jupiter Sagittarius and Pisces bring ‘Durbhiksha’ A recession as per the modern interpretation. See the chart above a perfect combination of Rahu in Sagittarius and also in the same Navamsha axis and Mars aspects Jupiter and both debilitated in the Rashi chart. The Solar Eclipse  is taking place in the  sign of Sagittarius on the 16th Dec. 2009 having 4 planets in Sagittarius. The Recession took place the moment Rahu entered Sagittarius  who was  with Jupiter in Capricorn forming Guru Chandal yoga of the worst king in transit.

 The Country now is under the dasha of Saturn-Venus from 17-2-2025 to 19-4-2028 The Eclipse of the 29th March 2025 is taking place over the sign of Jupiter Pisces the 2nd house of the chart is critical, there are no planets in the 2nd house is saving but as per the Jyotish Classics the Eclipse in the sign of  Jupiter brings Recession.

 Hence  1st Possibility

 29th March  to 28th May 2025 is the most prone period for the Real Estate of the Country. The Possibility is there since the 2 Dasha Lords Saturn-Venus will be in the Sign of Pisces the 2nd house of the chart.  Unfortunately   Rahu will be In Pisces till 28th May 2025 and very close to Lagna MEP

2nd Possibility

I have already mentioned in my earlier Articles that Rahu  Cycle of 18.5 years is prone to give same results what it gave earlier and here in 2009 will give similar results in 2027 when Saturn is Fallen in Pisces from the 20-10-2027 to 23-2-2028.

3rd Possibility

When Rahu and Ketu join  Sagittarius Axis on the  Solar Eclipse on the 6th July 2028. The Solar Eclipse is taking place on the 15th July 2028. It has ben observer that around the Eclipses is most prone time for the Recession if other parameters are as per this Article . Hence the importance of Malefics in the sign of Jupiter in Sagittarius and Pisces can blow off the economy and the real Estate sector specially when Malefics will be there in Sagittarius over the 4th and the 8th Lord of Dubai. which may the worst one.

Some Bleak Chance in the immediate Future but 2027-2028 most prone

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