Foundation Chart of US: What It Foretells In the Present Brawl Between Trump and Kim

by astrodocanil

The above is the Foundation chart of US 4th July 1776 10-20-30 hrs as Taken By K N Rao

The Dasha running is Mars -Venus both Placed in the 11th house making Combinations for War mongering activities

Let us see the Transit Chart on the 4th May 2017 since Rahu the North Node is adverse in forward motion till 6th May 2017 and aspected by Mars and Ketu By Saturn who is in Ketu nakshatra and Ketu in Mars Nakshatra  

The Transit Rahu and Ketu are close to the Natal Moon who is at 2.19 degrees and Rahu and Ketu at 6.24 degrees . On the 5th June 2017 Rahu and Ketu will be over the Natal Moon very close and Ketu over the Natal moon in the same navamsha

Transit Chart of the 4th May 2017 is below

North node Rahu  and South Node Ketu in the 1/7 axis of the Foundation chat of US where the Twin Eclipses have taken place in Feb. 2017

The Nodes are over the Natal Moon in Close degrees and the Transit Moon will also aspect the Natal Moon and will also be with Rahu who is in foreward motion from the 3rd to 6th May 2017 is crucial for the US taking any Action against Kim

The Planetary Positions are more Explosive after 5th June 2017 when the Rahu and Ketu change navamsha  and come in Fiery signs in meaning Bound for Explosions more than the Previous Planetary combinations

Let us see the Planetary positions on the 15th June 2017 below

Both Dates 4th May and 15th June 2017 Rahu is adverse and can be like a snake bite

Degree aspect of Planets in the Transit and also influencing the natal Moon of US  is Most explosive Parameter together with Rahu Adverse motion and in Aries Navamsha  and aspect of Mars in Navamsha

Saturn Transit aspects the Natal Mars at same degrees of the Foundation chart . The Return aspect of Mars and Saturn in the natal chart is also activated by means of Mars and Saturn aspecting each other degree wise

10th Lord of the Natal chart in Transit  in the 8th house till 31st may and then ingressing in a Fiery sign

Rahu will be in Forward motion from the 14th June to the 18th June and after 5th June Rahu joins the Fiery Navamsha  with Saturn  and Sun Debilitated Joins Ketu in Libra

Navamsha . These Planetary combinations are explosive most after 5th June and after 13th June till 18th June for Seeding and Escalation of the Brawl of Trump and Kim and any other country as well meaning Russia or China

Nut Shell

From the above it is crystal clear that 4thMay to 5th May 2017 and then after 5th June and specially after 10th June and 15th June 2017 the Brawl between Trump and Kim will take a ugly shape in the form of Aggression and untoward happenings and may be a Military attempt to keep Kim off the Nuke Developments.

What more is left. North Node in Forward motion today and showing us behind the curtain what the Giants are capable of on  the News Channels, but hold your breath after 5th June when Rahu Joins the Aries Navamsha  and Rahu is in Forward motion between the 14th to 18th June 2017 could Prove Explosive for the seed of the War Escalations. My Research and observations that till Rahu and Mars conjunct in Leo on the 27th August  and till they are Degree conjunct on the 28th to 31st August 2017 and Mars activates the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 22nd August 2017, nothing big can happen . Documentary Films in the shape of News of Terror for War reaching the boiling point again and again. Read My Articles on the link , ,

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • 3rdMay 2017 08-30 hrs. Singapore   
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