Fear Of Terrorism Looming On Amarnath Yatra As Under the Radar Of Terrorists

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Article “Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of 24th June 2017 Having 4 Planets in Ardra Nakshatra” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/06/4-planets-ardra-…17what-foretells/

The Paksha Kundali of the 24th June of 08-01 hrs. IST is an enigmatic one  due to the fact that there are 4 Planets in the Ardra Nakshatra . 

Let me Reproduce the Text

Bhivashya Phal Bhaskar  also states that when there are 4 Planets in a sign in one nakshatra , metals will become Expensive.

Kings of the Country will have fear from the People of the Country

There will be fear of Earth getting Drowned  by water or Blood . There can be destruction of Animals as well , since this a Airy sign there could be more to do with Air and Air Disasters . There could Be, Terrorist Attacks  Tsunami, Earthquakes, Fires, Explosions and Tension between the Countries . This is most Fearful classic Combination.. The Parameters acquiring a special dimension are as follows.

  1. Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars in Gemini and in Ardra Nakshatra
  2. Mercury Combusted
  3. Saturn Fallen and in watery sign is the Day Lord and most Venomous and like a snake bite
  4. Rahu the Nakshatra Lord in the Sign of Leo a Fiery sign and aspected by Saturn Retrograde and Fallen from the Watery sign .
  5. Ketu in Airy sign
  6. Rahu in the nakshatra of Ketu and Ketu in the Nakshatra of Mars
  7. Saturn is Fallen in the Watery sign Scorpioand  in the Nakshatra of Mercury and Mercury combusted 
  8. At the Time when Saturn is Fallen on the 21st June 2017 Saturn aspects the 4 Planets mentioned above in the Sign Gemini from the Fiery sign along with Jupiter in an Earthy sign. After Few Hours Saturn also aspects Moon in Taurus and Venus in Taurus on the 29th June 2017.Hence Fallen Saturn has activated 7 Planets except Venus  on the 21st June 2017. This Parameter is Explosive and Catastrophic.
  9. 29th June 2017 Venus will ingress in Taurus and will be aspected by Saturn 
  10. Saturn in the 6/8 axis with these 5 Planets and aspecting Rahu in Fiery sign 
  11. In Navamsha there are 3 Planets in Watery sign and 3 Planets in Fiery sign. Jupiter in Airy sign and Mercury in Earthy sign 
  12. In Navamsha Mars and Saturn in Watery sign Pieces and will be together till 25th June 2017 evening . After that Mars Joins Rahu in Fiery sign in the navamsha . This Parameter is Explosive 
  13. On the 29th June Venus Joins Taurus the Earthy sign 
  14. Rahu in Forward Motion from the 28th June to 1st July 2017 and then 12th July to 16th July 
  15. 5th -6th July and then 18-19th July are also explosive dates 
  16. The Karna Lord is Malefic in the Paksha Kundali and placed in the 12th house with 4 more planets 
  17. Moon will be aspected by Saturn from the 28th to 29th June 2017 . This is Most Explosive time 
  18. Hence  from 25th June Attains a Special Parameter in all respects and most Explosive and then other Dates mentioned in the Article 
  19. Mars reaching the debilitation sign on the 11th July 2017 at 15-00 hrs.  IST can be the key date for Terrorism

Hence from the above it seems that this Fortnight is an Enigmatic one for the World and As mentioned by me in by Articles on my webpage  Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanos, Tornados, Explosions, Fires, Terrorism , Political Tug of War cannot be ruled out .

What Saturn has up its sleeve is beyond any bodies imagination but Predicted by me . I have been mentioning that a Fallen Planet is most venomous and like a snake bite . Fallen Saturn and in Gandantha is like a Iron Bar heated to 900 degrees and then immediately immersed in ice or Water , Saturn shifting from Fiery sign to watery sign and the 8th house of the Natural zodiac and Venus coming in its preview on the 29-30th June 2017 could be even more explosive , since then all the 8 Planets will be influenced by Saturn and hence after 29-30th June 2017 the real color of Saturn would be visible. The Worst Parameter is the Rahu in Forward motion from the 28th June to 1st July and Fallen Saturn in Gandantha aspects Rahu and 4 Planets in the nakshatra of Rahu in the Paksha Kundali of the 24th June 2017. Read my more than dozen of Articles written on the Roman God on the link https://www.astrodocanil.com/?s=Saturn+ . As mentioned in the Point no. 19 Mars ingress in the Cancer sign will be the key date for Terrorism on the 11th July 2017 for the Amarnath Yatra and The Terrorism around the world

The North West and coastal Areas of India , specially Uttrakhand and Bombay  are Subject to Tsunamis as well. 



anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

25th  June  2017  19-15 hrs. New Delhi

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:

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