Fear of Earthquake,Terrorism, Looming Over the Globe in Sept.and Dec. 2016

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my earlier Article “Study of 2016 Eclipses for Earthquakes, Terrorism, Political Turmoils and World Economy” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/03/earthquakes/ dated 25th March 2016

The Planetary Positions in the month of Sept. 2016 and Dec. 2016 are explosive for Terrorism, Earthquakes with a stronger intensity . As Far as the Earthquakes are concerned The Sept. 2016 is most prone till 29th Sept. 2016  specially from  the 13th to 19th Sept. and then from 23rd to 29th Sept 2016 . I have already mentioned the Countries Prone  and a Strong Earthquake In India Cannot be ruled out with an intensity of more than 7.00

In this article I am going to Discuss the Terrorism looming over the world due to the Terrorist Groups and specially the ISIS

There are 2 strong Terrorist activities which took place in the Globe as we all know of the 9/11  in the year 2001 in New York and the Massacare which took Place on the 26th Nov. 2008 in Bombay

I am extremely sorry to discuss the Negative Planetary Positions due to the Conjunction of the Dreaded Planets Mars and Saturn squaring the Nodes. The Negative energies are stronger than the Positive Energies.

NewYork. Sunday the 11th Sept. 2016 marks the 15th anniversary of  9/11, 102 Minutes That Changed America link http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/on-9-11-102-minutes-that-changed-america-1457181?pfrom=home-lateststories


9/11 attacks on the United States that left nearly 3,000 people dead.

The Al-Qaeda plane hijackings of September 11, 2001 — the first foreign attack on the US mainland in nearly two centuries — ruptured a sense of safety and plunged the West into wars still being fought today.

Two planes smashed into New York’s World Trade Center, leaving 2,753 dead. A third hit the Pentagon in Washington, killing 184, and 40 more died after a fourth plane headed for Washington crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania after a passenger revolt.

 Here is the timeline of the events that fateful morning, which reshaped the course of US history:

8:46 am – The first strike

An American Airlines Boeing 767 making a Boston-Los Angeles connection with 92 people on board — including five hijackers — smashes into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, leaving a giant hole in the building’s facade. Thick smoke trails into the sky from the tower’s upper floors.

As Far as the 26th Nov. 2008 09-40 hrs  Massacare is concerned ” 

Mumbai Massacre” link http://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/mumbai-massacre-background-information/502/ The first attack Started at 09-40 hrs on the 26th Nov. 2008



Facts about the November 2008 Mumbai Terrorist Attacks


The attacks began around 9:40 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26, 2008.
The last of the attacks was declared at an end on the following Saturday morning, November 29.

The Targets

There were multiple, coordinated attacks on targets across Mumbai, India’s largest city, financial capital, and home to the Bollywood film industry.

The most notable targets were:
1. Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus – formerly known as Victoria Station
2. The Taj Mahal Palace and Tower Hotel
3. Leopold Café
4. The Trident-Oberoi Hotel
5. Nariman House, a Jewish community center
6. Cama Hospital
There were also shootings in the streets and strikes on many other locations.

The Gunmen

Just 10 gunmen, Indian authorities say, were responsible for the attacks. Many people dispute this figure, arguing that help from others must have been necessary to gain access and carry out the attacks.

They came by boat from Pakistan and on landing in Mumbai Harbour, split up into pairs and spread out across the city.

They were from Jihadist group Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of the Pure). Despite their proclaimed Islamist agenda, there were scores of Muslims amongst their victims. The bodies of the nine gunmen who were killed remain unclaimed, in Mumbai’s morgue: the Indian Islamic Council has declined to give them an Islamic burial.

The lone surviving gunman, 21-year old, Azam Amir Kasab is currently on trial in India, on a host of charges ranging from making war on India to fare evasion at Victoria Station.

Let us discuss the Chart of the 2 Events  to evaluate the Situations in Sept. and Dec. 2016 for the Terrorism and untoward happenings 

The First attack took place at 08-46 hrs on the 11th Sept. 2001 in New York as per the chart below 


The Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars Placed in the first Yama of Taurus which is the 9th house of the event chart having the 5th and the 6th Lord Saturn and the Lord Venus  of the First Yama Karka for Aircrafts is aspected by 8th Lord Mars by 8th strong Aspect along with Saturn by 3rd Aspect , Showing the event Crystal clear

The Main Parameters at the time of Terrorism

  1. Day Lord Mars placed in the yama of Venus and aspecting Venus by 8th aspect . Mars is 8th Lord
  2. Mars is afflicted badly since with Ketu in close degrees . In Navamsha also Mars with Ketu and Mars becomes Exhalted
  3. Rahu-Ketu in Forward Motion and Most Malefic
  4. Mars 8th Lord connected to Rahu-Ketu, 7th Lord Jupiter , Moon  and Venus
  5. Tithi Navmi Rikta Tithi
  6. Karna Taitila Lord is Mercury Exhalted and Placed in the Lagna and Lagna Represents the Terrorist Group
  7. Moon Eclipsed by Rahu
  8. Mars is also Gulika Lord in the event chart and the Navamsha Lord of Gulika is Pieces and Lord is Jupiter
  9. In the Navamsha the Luminaries are in the sign of Scorpio where Gulika is Placed
  10. Uday Lagna, Arudha Lagna are Virgo and Chaitra Rashi is Aries and the 8th House of the Chart shows the event Crystal Clear.
  11. Gulika  is Placed in the 3rdhouse of Neighbors and the Lord is Mars placed in the 4th house and aspects Venus the Karka for Aircraft by 8th strong aspect . The Navamsha Lordof Gulika is Jupiter and aspects the navamsha Lagna

Chart of the 26th Nov. 2008 09-40 hrs Mumbai


Speecial Parameters at the time of the happening

1.The Day was Wednesday  and the Day Lord Mercury  totally combusted in the 12th house with 12th Lord Mars , who is also combusted .

2. Tithi is KP-14 and all the Kendras are Dagdha Rashi, As per Tamil Text the Important of Dagdha Rashi is most important when it Falls in the Lagna of the event.

3.Nakshatra is Vishaka and the Lord is Placed in the Lagna which is a Dagdha Rashi is the Most Malefic Component of the event.

4.Yoga  Shobana and the Lord is Sun and a Malefic Yoga

5. Karna is Shukani and a Malefic Karna and theb Lagna Lord of the Event Chart is the Lord of the Shakuni, Hence Jupiter is most malefic at the time of the event.

6. Gulika is Placed in the 3rd house of Neighbors and the Lord is Placed in the 9th house aspecting Moon and the 8th Lord of the event chart. The Gulika Lord is also aspected by Shakuni Lord Jupiter and is most malefic combination

7. Navamsha Lord of Gulika is Venus who is Placed in the Lagna of the event

8. The Navamsha is showing the event Crystal clear since all the Planets are influenced by Venus and Saturn , both Being the Navamsha Lord of Gulika and Gulika Lord

9 The Day lord Mercury is Placed in the 1st Yama of Taurus  whose Lord is Venus  who is Gulika Navamsha Lord  and the sign Taurus is aspected by Gulika Lord Saturn . The Sign Lord Venus is placed in Dagdha Rashi in Lagna and also in Mrityu bhag as per the Tamil Text of the Planets

10 Dagdha sign is rising in Navamsha who Lord is totally combusted , also the Lagna Lord Jupiter is also in Rahu-Ketu axis

11.The Uday Lagna is Dagdha, The Arudha Lagna ia also same and Dagdha and the Chaitra rashi is Gemini the 7th house , whose Lord is Placed in the 12th house and totally combusted and with 12th Lord Mars who is also combusted

There are Similair Combinations for Terrorism Explosions  in Sept. 2016  from 13th Sept. 2016 to 19th Sept and then from 23rd to 29th Sept. 2016.and then in Oct. 2016.  I will discuss the Chart of 27th Dec. 2016 which seems to be more prone to Terrorism then in Sept. 2016. A period from 26th Dec 2016 to 1st Jan 2017 is a most prone Period for the Globe . The Countries Prone are already mentioned by me in my Earlier Articles . We know US, Europe, India and Middle Eastern Countries are most Prone .


The special Parameters in the above chart are as follows 

1.Mars totally Eclipsed in Rahu-Ketu axis

2. Mars will reach the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees on the 31st Dec-1st Jan 2017 and activate the degrees of the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016

3. Day Lord is Mars and Placed in the 3rd Yama of Leo which is the 4th house of the Event chart and the Yama Lord is Placed in the 8th house badly afflicted . The Day Lord Mars is also aspecting the 8th Lord Jupiter by 8th aspect.

4, Moon Debilitated and around the 31st Dec. 2016 will join Ketu and Mars  will be explosive since then Rahu-Ketu will be in forward motion

5. As per Declination method since 15 years have passed from the 9/11 2001 episode , Saturn will be in Scorpio , since on the 9/11/2001 it was in Taurus

Mars will be in Gemini as per Declination method and Both Mars and Saturn will activate each other

6, At the time of 9/11 2001 event mars was in close degrees with Ketu. on the 27th to 1st Jan 2017 Mars will be very close to Ketu and when Reaches the 15.15 degrees it will activate the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016

7. Mars changing on the 18th Sept. 2016 at 07-45 hrs and Full Moon is there on the 17th Sept. 2016 at 00.35 hrs . It is said that when  planet changes sign it is most Prone to give the Results of the sign where it has Transitted for more than 6 months and specially Mars hnece a strong Earthquake around the 13th to 19th cannot be ruled out in the globe .

8. Apart from Earthquakes Natural Disasters , Tsunamis, Tornado, Huricanes cannot be ruled out . Nations in angry Moods can confront each other and a Mini Kargil war in India is also not ruled out

At the time of writing the Article I can Predict  a Bad Day for the Stock Market since the First day of The Stock market after Mercury Fallen on the 9th Sept. 2016 18-00 hrs  

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala Date 12th Sept.2016  09-50 AM New Delhi 

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

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