Fate of the Missing Girl As Per Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

A Girl went missing from the Eastern Direction of Delhi on a Monday around the afternoon. Here in this article I will use Mook Prashna to answer the whereabouts the missing Girl. I am not giving the Date and time for the reasons best known.

As Per Mook Prashna the Query is of a Jeeva , as per Principles of Mook Prashna  For Odd  Lagna  since the query is of a missing Person, the Navamsha has to be in the 3rd and about to change to 4th, hence the Lagna is 9.59 degrees and the navamsha rising is also of Sagitarius at the time of leaving the house. The Chart is below, I am not disclosing the time since the main Idea is Predictions and not the time .


The last contact of the Girl with her Husband was when the Navamsha of Capricorn was rising


The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon  placed in the 5th house  in the nakshatra of Vishaka the 7th and the 10th Lord , it is placed in the 3rd Yama of Leo  which is the 3rd house of the Chart and indicative of Short Travels. Leo has Jupiter Retrograde and Rahu in Forward motion  and aspected by Saturn from the 6th house  and Sun from the 9th house,  This Sun is aspected by Mars who is Conjunct with Saturn aspecting the 9th house is making the Secret of the Missing Girl clear of some Dispute and enemity what the Missing girl has.

The missing Person is seen from the Lagna, the Lagna is in the Nakshatra of Rahu who is in Adverse motion till 3rd March 2016 placed in the 3rd house with Jupiter totally afflicted aspected by Saturn and the Lagna Lord  Mercury is in the 8th house with 5th Lord Venus  aspected by 8th Lord and 9th Lord Saturn who is conjunct with 6th Lord Mars in the 6th house .

Mercury is also in the nakshatra of Mars Lagna in the Nakshatra of Rahu and moon in the 5th house of kidnapping and Rape in the nakshatra of Jupiter is showing concern for Kidnapping

3rd house short Travel and has Rahu and Jupiter afflicted badly and Rahu in adverse motion and Saturn Conjunct with 6th Lord aspects the Conjunction. Saturn is also 8th and the 9th Lord  opens the secret that the travel is connected to some dispute .

Whereabouts from the 4th house  and is not aspected by any planet. 4th Lord and Lagna Lord is Placed in the 8th house as explained above

5th house is Kidnapping and Rape, Moon is placed there in the nakshatra of Jupiter who is Placed in the 3rd house with Rahu as explained above.

6th House is illness and Litigation during journey, Mars and Saturn Placed there are indicative that there were some disputes relating to some Property since 16th July 2014.

7th house is journey and the Lord is placed in the 3rd house and went in Retrogression on the 8th Jan. 2016, hence the native has already made 2 more trips regarding the same earlier after 8th Jan. 2016. 7th house is in Bhandan yoga . From the above it is crystal clear that the missing girl is in Bhandan yoga and Kidnapped . 7th house is also difficulties in Journey

8th house  Obstacles and Death of the missing person, while on journey.

9th house is long journeys and Foreign Travel and Ketu and Sun are placed there and Sun is also the 3rd Lord and aspected by Mars  from the 6th house .

10th house is success and outcome of Journey, no planet is aspecting it and its Lord is afflicted badly and will not give any good results as per the transit Positions but Becoming Direct and Stationary on the 5th May 2016 and aspect of Retrograde Saturn Degreewise will be crucial and the Results may be known then., but Rahu in Forward motion is a big constraint for the Reality to be exposed, if the Facts are not exposed by 3rd March evening 2016 when Rahu regains its normal motion then we have to wait till 8th March 2016 and as Time passes by if we are not able to get any information about her then it would become a hard nut to Crack after 18th March 2016, although I donot rule out some information on the 5th May 2016.

11th Realisation of Dreams

12th house  Kidnapping for Ransom, Lord is Placed in the 8th house and aspected by Saturn , mars and Saturn both aspect the 12th house .

Rahu is significator of every thing connected to Foreign

Jupiter and Saturn Signify Air travel. and connected , she may also have a plan for her holidays abroad , long distance .

DBA planets are Jup-Ven-Jup is crystal clear of the happenings

Direction the Missing Girl has gone 

According to the number of hours from Sunrise  the Direction from the Yama chart is South Direction from from place of Travel., Since Mercury shifting to 9th house she will furthermove by 13 km in South Direction on the 1st March 2016 when Mercury the Lagna Lord and 4th Lord goes in 9th house

Whether The girl is Kidnapped or Gone  of her own.

Since the Lagna is in Rahu nakshatra and Lagnesh Mercury placed in the 8th house aspected by Saturn the 8th Lord is aspecting from the 6th house and also conjunct with 6th Lord , it is a forced disappearance , but since Venus is also with the Lagnesh the Voluntary disappearance cannot be ruled out.The chances of Kidnapping are more than the Voluntary disappearance ., but some angle could also be there in it , since Lagna Lord , 5th lord , 12th Lord Venus  in the 8th house aspected by 8th Lord is showing some hidden things sprouting after Mercury goes in 9th house after 1st March 2016  and around the Eclipse time 9th March 2016 .

No Journey or No return

Since Lagna and Moon are tilting towards the Fixed signs, hence no return

7th house is hemmed by equal number of planets , hence bhandan yoga

Lagnesh, Mercury, 3rd Lord Sun and 9th Lord Saturn do not have relation with each other

Jupiter in Fixed sign and Retrograde

Native will not Travel in desired direction since Moon is Posited in the 5th house and 9th from Sun

Safe Return of the Missing Girl only till 9th March 2016 and taking a Positive Perspective till 5th May 2016, thereafter ?

Moon sign and Navamsha signs are Movable almost

.Jupiter Retrograde in the 3rd house as 7th lord , the native can retrun when the 7th Lord becomes direct on the 5th May to 8th May 2016

7th Lord is also in the 2nd Hora of the sign, hence the Missing Girl could arive soon.

Jupiter in the 3rd house is strong Parameter for the missing Person to arrive soon., Now Degrees required By Jupiter to reach the 4th house is 5 hence in 5 days the Missing Girl  could be traced on the 4th March 2016. 

When Moon Transits the 7th or the 8th house on the 3rd March to 8th March 2016

Adding Tithi is 21  Day is Monday 2  Nakshatra is Vishaka 16 yoga 13 and  Lagna 3=  55 and now multiplying by 3=165 and adding 6 a consatnt= 171, now dividing by 9 the remainder is 0 hence 9 , therefore the missing girl will return soon. Taking a Positive Perspective of the Return soon , although there are weak combinations of Return but cannot ruled out as far as the predictive part is concerned .

7th house is Bhandan yoga is bad for return.

The native is also ill 4th lord in the 8th house aspected by Saturn

The worst Combination  are Rahu-Ketu in  the 3rd and 9th houses and aspected by 8th lord and 6th lord and shows difficulties for Return 


Saturn is Karka for captivity placed in the 6th house aspecting Lagnesh in the 8th house and 7th house in Bhandan yoga is Captivity .

Location of the Missing Girl 

Since Lagnesh Mercury, Moon or 7th Lord are no Posited in the Kandras the Missing Girl is out of the city , Since Lagnesh is in 8th house movable sign, Moon in 5th house in movable sign, the missing Girl is near the City , the Direction is already mentioned above .

Place of the Missing Girl 

Habitats of the sign  where the strongest planet is Posited  denote the place where the missing Girl is kept in Captivation.

Lagna, Arudha Lagna Leo and moon sign who so ever is the strongest , helps in locating the Missing person

UL has bhav bala of 450, AL hads bhav bala of 537 and Moon sign has 446 , hence the Girl is kept in Captivation as per the significations of the Leo sign signifyings near Mountains,Caves, Difficult living places, uninhibitated Areas, Gymnasium Near Forests

Who is the Kidnapper or Culprit 

As Per Classical texts importance is given to the 7th Lord  or the Strongest planet placed in the Kendras or the 11th house, since there are no planets in the Kendra and the 11th house, the Culprit is the 7th Lord , since Jupiter is placed in the Sign Leo one person is responsible for the kidnapping of the Girl.

Moon has Poorna ithasla with Mercury a Benefic hence the suspected Person is not the Culprit since both are at 4/10 axis and same degrees of 27.40 , hence any suspicion on any other person may not be true and he may be innocent.

Saturn the 8th lord has Poorna ithasal with Venus in the 8th house is surely not good, Venus Placed in the 8th house and degree aspect of 8th Lord  Significations of Venus will suffer.

For Dual Lagnas the Planet Debilitates in the 10th house and significations are of the Mercury , which as per Tamil Classics  is A relative or a Friend , now to ascertain this  we have to find the Punya Saham = Moon-Sun+Asd= 10s 21.56 degrees , now this sign Aquarius is afflicted By Ketu  and having Sun and aspect of Mars . Now 7th house, 7th Lord both from Punya Saham is afflicted badly. 7th Lord from Aquarius is Sun and 7th house from Aquarius is also afflicted by Rahu and Saturn,hence clear case of involvement of a Realtive or a Friend. The worst parameter is the Eclipse on the 9th March 2016 in this house , hence if the missing Girl could be  Traced before this date and after nthis date it may be almost very poor parameters for Fructification

Jupiter is placed in the 3rd house afflicted with adverse the Involvement of  near realtion or the Brother cannot be ruled out , since the 3rd lord Sun is also in Rahu-Ketu axis and the Karka for coborns also aspects Sun

Mode of Kidnapping .  Since the 7th Lord is Jupiter the Girl was Kidnapped in Public.

Appearance of the Culprit

Since the 2nd Dreshkanne of Gemini is rising in the Lagna the Culprit Details could be as follows

  1. Male
  2.  Fond of Ornaments and Wealth
  3.  Carrying Arms and Ammunation, Educated and Knowledgeable
  4. Face of an Eagle, short hair, Gentle looking.
  5. Valiant warrior, Fond of Sports and Children.
  6. Famous
  7. Wearing an armour, carrying a bow and arrow, standing

As per Navamsha Lord is Saturn Appearance of the Thief  or the Navamsha Lord Jupiter the Culprit could be as follows  since Navamsha changing at the time

Jupiter—– Friend, Elder brother, strange Pecular Place, Mansions. Huge Body with big eyes, high Position

Saturn—– Dirty Place where labor class lives, Garbage Delapidated Structure place, Person with deformed limbs

Since the 7th Lord is Placed in the 3rd house , the possibility of the involvement of the Servant cannot be ruled out in the Kidnapping

Caste of the Culprit  Shudra

Since Jupiter is aspected by Saturn , the Culprit is a Professional Kidnapper and Culprit and Notorious one and has a Criminal history.

Age of the Culprit Middle aged. 7th Lord in the 3rd house the place is Left the city.

Cloths worn by the culprit

Yellow, neither old nor new

Age of the Kidnapped Girl by placement of Sun  24 +3  =27 years and about 3 months  hence 27.25 years  to 30 years , as one house =6 years 

Place of Captivation  

Since the Lagna is Dual and toward a Fixed Lagna the Missing Girl has not Moved far away and near vicinity with in 13 KM. due to the Navamsha of the Lagna.The direction I have already mentioned above is South Direction from the Place she started and hence New Delhi with in 13 Km. , She could be in the vicinity of that Place , but lagna Lord Moving to Aquarius on the 1st March 2016 towards the North Direction. Isolated  places  near a Village type of Dirty place Near Cooking Place or Furnace

Nut Shell, there seems to Be a Property dispute and the chances of the Girl being Traced are weak, Due to the fact that Rahu is in adverse motion. If the girl is not traced by 8th May 2016 then the Possibility may be ruled out till Rahu in this Leo sign.Also an Eclipse taking place in the sign of Aquarius on the 9th March 2016 the Punya Saham affliction  is a strong Negative Parameter for the missing Girl.

Uday Lagna aspected by Mars , Arudha Lagna Leo having Rahu in Direct motion  and  Chaitra Rashi  Leo having Rahu, Bondage, fear from Thieves, Criminals, poisoning and even Death

Lord of the Ascendant is Exhalted in navamsha, Lord of Arudha Lagna is Vargottam, and Moon in Friendly sign but will Ketu, shows mixed Results the Missing girl is suffering. The Lord of the 8th house Saturn is strong , hence she will experience difficulties. 2 Parameters are  Strong negative the Rahu Adverse in Arudha Lagna and Saturn strong in Navamsha. Leo Arudha Lagna , Sufferings from Heat, Fire 

Taking a Positive Perspective  the Girl may be traced soon by  4th March-5th March 2016. 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala date 2nd March 2016 22.30 hrs 

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com 

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer : This is Total Astrological Prediction and the Writer is no way connected to the above episode in any respect . I have also not mentioned any details  of the Girl  or the Date of the happenings  and Details are taken from the media and the News channels. As per my earlier Predictions for such happenings I have found excellent results specially for the Child Kidnapped from India Gate  and many more such events , meaning Predictions coming True, This article may therefore be taken for Researches of Astrology and no way any connection with the happenings. The above predictions should be used as a Text only and no other way. Reference is given from Prashna Marg a Classical text for Astrology  used to predict the above. The Predictions may prove to be totally wrong , Please keep this in mind, since no astrologer can be Brahama

Predictions Becoming 100% True  as Per News on the AajTak News Morning at 11.30 Am  Posted this Link on 4th March 2016 at 11.52 Hrs 

Noida fashion designer Shipra Malik staged her own kidnapping Link http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/missing-noida-fashion-designer-shipra-malik-found-in-gurgaon/1/611727.html


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