Fate Of Maharashtra Assembly Elections BJP Alliance Shiv Sena The Winner Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1094 Articles and Predictionas made in just 55 months from April 2015
Jupiter Ingress in Sagitarius the 3rd house of coalition partners at the time of Elections on 21st Oct. 2019 Key planet to solve the Maharashtra Asembly Election crisis, since the 3rd House represent the Shivsena at the time of Elections on the 21st Oct. 2019 at 08-00 am

The Elections in Maharashtra took place on the 21st Oct. 2019 at 08-00 am as per link 2019 Maharashtra Legislative Assembly election https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Maharashtra_Legislative_Assembly_election
Let us have a Look at the Chart of the Time of Start of the Elections on the 21st Oct. 2019 at 08-00 am

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon placed in the 9th house with Rahu who is in adverse motion. Moon is also placed in the sign of Taurus as per the yama chart and the 8th hpouse of the Muhurat Chart. The Yama Moon and the Muhurta Moon are in 2/12 position clearly shows that inspite of the Lagna Lord Strong in the Lagna there will be obstacles and hurdles due to the following reasons
1. Day Lord Moon afflicted with Rahu in adverse motion
2. Yama Moon and Muhurat Moon are in 2/12 position
3. Lagna Lord is Strong in the Lagna and specifies the Ruling Party in Maharashtra but with Debilitated Sun who is also influencing the Lagna Lord Venus in the navamsha
4. Lagna Lord Venus is placed in the yama of Aquarius and the Yama Lord is placed in the 3rd house of the Coalition and apects the sign Aquarius hence the Ruling Govt. will come in power with Coalition only . Since Saturn is with Ketu there is confusion which may be sorted out after Jupiter Joins the 3rd House on the 5th Nov. 2019
5. Saturn is also aspected by Mars till the 10th Nov. 2019 hence the confusions may be sorted out after 5th and the 10th Nov. 2019 for the Party coming in power
6. The Ruling Govt. is signified by the Lagna and the 7th house by the oppositions . Lagna Lord is Stronger than the 7th Lord Mars who is in the yama of Virgo and the Yama Lord has become retrograde and will fall in the Lagna on the 7th Nov. 2019. This Parameter is not good till 5th Dec. 2019 till Mercury Goes in the sign Scorpio. Till Mercury is fallen in Libra may also pose issues .
7. Venus the Lagna Lord will enter the sign Scorpio on the 28th Oct. and Mars will join the Lagna on the 10th Nov. 2019 At this point there will be exchange between the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord and a compromise may be reached
8. Since Mercury is fallen there may be Twists and Twirls in the Maharashtra Politics till 5th Dec. 2019

8. Day Lord Moon is placed in the yama of Taurus the 8th house of the Chart and the yama Lord Venus is placed in the Lagna with Debilitated Sun leading to obstacles and Hurdles in the formation of the Maharashtra Govt.
The Fact Remains that Venus the Rulling Party is stronger than the 7th Lord Mars , but Placement of Mars in the sign Libra till 25th Dec. 2019 is a malefic one

It seems there will be some solution after 5th- 10th Dec. 2019

Birth chart of 22 July 1970 06-00 hrs Nagpur of Devendra Fadnavis
The Chart is of Cancer Lagna and has 2 Planets debilitated in the Chart Mars in the Lagna and Saturn in the 10th house and both aspect the 7th house the 10th from the 10th house , both are well Placed in the dashamsha specially the Saturn anter Dasha who is placed in own house

The Vedic Progression chart by Manu Smriti is below

The Combinations clearly show success but with some constraints since the Nakshatra lord of Moon is Mercury though placed well from Moon and Lagna and also forming a Budhaditya yoga is also fallen , he has to be care full since as per the Progression chart the powers of the Minister are curtailed. The Dasha in operation in the Natal chart is of Mercury-Saturnand both placed well in the chart and Saturn in own house in the Dashamsha and the 11th house.
The Chief Minister also has to be careful for taking decisions since the Dasha Lord is fallen in the Progression chart and also Fallen in Transit till 5th Dec. 2019. These Combinations are are most venomous for the Party coming in power. The tenure is also influenced adversely.

The Planetary positions are most venomous at the time of the Elections start on the 21st Oct. 2019. The Yama Lord Venus with Debilitated Planet Sun is also cancellation of the event . Taking a positive stance I have predicted that the Rulling Govt. will come in power since the Lagna Lord is stronger than the 7th Lord .

Date 3rd Nov. 2019 07-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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