Fate of EU after Referendum Poll Of Italy

by astrodocanil

 Fate of EU after Referendum Poll Of Italy

This is with Reference to the Media News Item http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/739686/Italy-referendum-2016-polls-news-update-EU-Italians-vote

In this article I am using the Foundation chart of European Union Chart of 25th March 1957 18-30 hrs Rome .

Let us first see the chart of the Treaty of Rome which was signed on the 25th March 1957 at 18.30 hrs Rome , since the Book of World Horoscopes by Nichols Campign suggests to see this chart for the Crisis if any for the European Union.. The chart is below


The chart is of Virgo Lagna the 6th house of the natural Zodiac and hence prone to 6th house activities , Unfortunately the chart is also of Dual Lagna and suffers Kendra adhipati dosh due to the fact that the Lagna Lord is Debilitated and placed in the 7th house close to Sun and also Combusted . The 7th and the 10th Lord is placed in Virgo the Bhadaksthan for Jupiter

The Parameter acquiring a special dimension in the present context  according to my Research.

1. Rahu acquiring a status of 1st grade malefic or most venomous like a snakebite in Leo since Dispositor of Rahu , Sun in Bhandan Yoga  and also the Navamsha Lord of Rahu.Rahu will therefore influence the Kingly Persons and the Kingly Countries according to My Research.

2. The effects will be manifold who for those who have afflicted Rahu and the Dispositor of Rahu in affliction in the Rashi and Navamsha  in the Foundation chart

In the chart of the EU above the dispositor of Rahu Venus is Combusted and with Sun and in 6/8 axis . In the navamsha Rahu is again in the 6/8 axis with its dispositor Mercury who is also debilitated in the Foundation chart and in a Bhadak house. Mercury is also in the 8th house of Navamsha and aspected by 8th Lord Mars from Lagna . The Navamsha is also of the 8th house rising and the 8th Lord placed in it .

Now the Paksha Kundali of the 29th Nov. 2016 13.18 hrs


The day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars  Exhalted and Placed in the 12th house having Exchange with Saturn Placed in the 10th house with Sun and Debilitated Moon. Saturn is in Bhandhan Yoga in the 10th house of the Head of the Country . The Day Lord is also in the yama of Leo the 7th House of the Oppositions where Rahu is Placed and acquires a special dimension. Rahu here is 1st Rate Malefic and the Disposiotr is also under affliction. Rahu is also under affliction from Mars and Saturn

Yama is also in Sandhi and Bhandan Yoga is occurring in the 10th house is a strong negative for the EU and its functioning . 2nd House Lord is in the 8th house a Bhadak sthan

The Avyogi Ketu in the Lagna , Naga Karna are negatives for the Fortnight , more so the the Transit Saturn over the Natal Saturnas below

Natal Saturn 21.02 in Scorpio and Transit Saturn at 23.28 degrees in Scorpio. The Transit Saturn has activated the Natal Saturn .

Mars and Saturn in Opposition in 1/7 axis  and Transit Mars over Natal Moon and also aspecting the 8th house os the Foundation chart which is also the Navamsha Sign of the EU chart. In this Paksha Kundali Mars aspects the Natal Ketu in Aries at 27.34 and Mars will aspect Degree wise on the 8th Dec. 2016

On the 11th Dec. 2016 Mars will ingress in Aquarius in Transit and will be degree conjunct with Ketu and Neptune in Aquarius on the 25-26th Dec. 2016. Could Prove Explosive for the EU , more so when Mars activates the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees in Leo and Rahu on the 1st Jan. 2017 . Rahu will be in adverse motion from the 3rd to 5th Jan 2017 could prove like a Snake bite for EU and the whole Europe this what can be seen from the Transit

Fall in Stock Market in Europe it so seems . readers are advised not to invest according to my Predictions sine Rahu is also smoke and can lead us in wrong direction. Any investor doing so will be doing so at his own risk.

Untoward happenings for the Kings and the Kingly Countries cannot be ruled out .

Hence the Fate of EU is Ugly and Bleak definitely till 12th Sept. 2017.

Saturn Transit in Sagitarius on the 26th Jan.2017 aspecting the Natal and the Transit Jupiter in the Lagna will further escalate the issues more so when Saturn is fallen between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2o17 in the Sign Scorpio.

Foundation chart of Italy  of 10th June 1946 18.10 hrs Rome


The chart is self addressing since Rahu and Sun in the 8th house and dispositor of Rahu in Paap Kartari yoga and in Navamsha Rahu aspected by Saturn and the Dispositor in the 8th house . Dasha Chidra running and Future Dasha of Venus the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord and since Rahu and Sun in the 8th house will give ugly results till 12th Sept. 2017 for the Kings of the Country, till a person with Strong Rahu becomes the King of the Country to bring a total change

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

Date 5th Dec. 2016 10.00 hrs. Singapore

Mobile Singapore From 4th Dec. 2016 till 1st Jan. 2017 +6582078002

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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