Fate Of Chandrayaan 2 What Star’s Foretell As Per Time 01.53 Hrs. On 7th Sept. 2019 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1040 Articles and Predictions in just 54 months from April 2015

Planetary Positionsnot Conducive. After 4 days or 4 weeks some whwereabouts of Chandrayaan 2

Read My Article on the Chandrayaan 2 for on dot Predictions as the Day 22nd July the Day of Launch and the Day of Landing on the 7th Sept. 2019 early Morning . I had mentioned that on the Day of Landing the time most malefic for good Landing does not exist till 0-15 hrs and latter found that the contact was lost at 01-53 hrs

Now Let us analyse what will happen noe as per the time given
See the Chart below of the 7th Sept. 2019 at 01-53 hrs

What ever is the Theory , it wont be a Total Success strictly as per Astrology Principles as per the Time of Launch and the Time of Landing even at 01-53hrs . on the 7th Sept. 2019 Read My Article “Astrology Speaks Again ! Predictions on Chandrayaan 2 Prove On Dot Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/09/astrology-speaks…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
The Navamsha is of Taurus at 01-53 hrs and the Lord is Venus and a planet about to enter the 4th house shows the results in as many days as the Degrees to reach the house and is 26 hence if at all the whereabout may be known will be after 4 days or 4 weeks , but then Venus will be in Debilitation in the 4th house and the condition is obvious. Adding 4 in 7th Sept.2019 = 11th Sept. 2019 hence after the 10th Sept.2019 possible whereabouts can be known of the Chandrayaan 2 or after 30 days and hence 7th Oct. 2019. The Planetary positions are not conducive to give healthy results as per the time of Launch and the Landing. The Prishtodayo sign rising in navamsha at night time will give fast results. The Navamsha Lord Venus is in the Navamsha of Mars who is Combusted in the Rashi Chart . At the time of Landing the Essential parameters for good Fructifications are the Lagna Lord, Sun, Moon and Arudha Lagna Lord and none of them is placed well in the navamsha chart. Debilitated Planet Jupiter aspects the Navamsha Lagna the Lord of the 8th and the 11th Lord

Date 10th Sept. 2019 5.30.00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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